really grisk?

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Random scenario again in my mind and and there also PTA Undertale in it.
I give a big thank to my wattpad sibling's dat_derpy_potat,Hyksos2001,FjcCunanan and more!.

Today the team genocide mansion is to quiet for frisk and switch taste . They feel someone in team genocide must be plan something. They know that Ever and Over cross out the list because they more off peace lover and will hide somewhere just to be safe. While natural maybe will be in their list because she love to tease cause a fight break up so they cross that out list too.

Switch don't normally care what happen but this time really tick her up and she was so " called " demon child from underswap . While her counterpart just worried about everyone and she really need to know what happen.

" frisk... Should we really enter this gate of suffering ?" Swicth said with a unsure tone.

" we should and I determined to know what happen here! " frisk answer with a smile and she determined to enter the gate of suffering.

" if anything happen I blame you and I will eat all your butterscotch pie you idiot "switch glare to frisk as they enter the mansion together while holding their hand.

What they don't know a certain admin did plan did to happens and she still mad for papers work they give her. She just hope soulless give some mercy to her knowing she also will drag to whatever the plans is.


" finally done!  I finally can go collect information about that multiverse that soulless always talk about! "

" hey, grisk.... Should you start write the  report about this already or record of you experiment already?  "

" I will do it later and now we only need to wait for  my lady . She will be gleeful that we finally to able get there with her and she will not worried about us anymore than she need "


Frisk and their whole family is watching a show while chara and flowey arguing and fight to have remote control.  Only one monster not here and not one notice because that says monster slip away after they  don't  notice him. The says monster  silently walk to lab to continue his project.

" hey, dad what up? " sans said with a smirk.

Gaster only sigh and glare to his son
" only you notice that I'm gone and now you must want to know what im planing are you sans? "

" yes, actually I'm and what machine is that dadster? " sans said and point to machine that gaster work on.

" well,i though we should Crete a machine To Help us travel other aus easily and we don't need to use the science sans tools To Help us travel "
Gaster explain while check his machine so it won't cause harm to someone.

" wow, dad that really sweet of you and so that mean you must need my help to with the codes right? " sans look  take look to mess and papers on table.

" something like that I hope you don't mind son "

" nah, it will be FINtastic to help you up DOCter "

" you really love give me new nickname name son "

" what I can says my pun is FRISKY good and you need to admit it to the BONE dadster! "

"whatever you says son now come and help me "


Frisk and switch sneeze as they walk in the mansion.

" why I feel that a bad thing's will happen to us soon " Switch mutter and look around paranoid.

" you just paranoid switch and oh watch out there a knife will stab you if you not careful " frisk said and point to hide trap that seat up by a overprotective quiet woman.

" that trap made by dustly and slaughter "  switch said and look at perfect hide trap and she know only slaughter, dustly and insanity come to knife expert trap.

" yeah, look like everyone must be busy and I think slaughter says grisk and her not busy today and will be stay in lab 1 " frisk told switch remember what the older woman text her about her day off.

They walk to their destination holding  hands and hump a song.

A certain admin giggle and clap her hands that her plan will work.

" hey, grisk do you feel like someone... Just plan something on us " slaughter said after she feel a shiver on her spine. She feel really paranoid now and usually she don't really care but this time something will happen on her that for sure.

" agree, I been feeling that someone had been watch us from this morning. I though that just my illusion look like it not -"

" grisk is that machine should do that!? "  slaughter said  point to says machine .

" it not "


" finally found you two! "frisk said cheerfully.

" frisk! You so loud! "  switch said glare to frisk who give a cheeky grin as reply to her.

" we dead are we?  " slaughter look to frisk and switch back to grisk.

" yeah, that for sure "  grisk said with grim expression.

The machine suddenly shine bright and suck them with force.

" ahhhhhhh!!!! "

" I KNEW IT! "

" SH*T!!!"


The light disappear and the four girl gone without trace. Papers fly around and there a note written by certain admin with cat emoji .

A woman appear and had been here before the rest gone.

" least it not me this time. That admin must be really angry if she drag frisk and switch in her mad plan " the woman mutter after read the note and disappear.

[ to be continue............]

" heheheheh don't mind me just continue your story in next part! "

I hope you guy's like this one short and it part on. I still try to write more for part 2!.

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