Art Trades Are Finished!

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I buckled down and finished them all!

Alright you guys probs want your end of the deal so here we go!

Yolandi, for MinDoyo
(A shy bab, he cute)

Mac and Cheese, aka MacCready from Fallout 4, for catsarecool007
(I love Lil' King Trash Mouth)

Assistant from Gloomverse for PixelCreates (I'm pretty sure this is the right character because a bunch of things showed up when I looked it up and this character was the one that showed up the most so I hope it's right, if it's not I can do it again)

Quintin for ScribbleKnight
(I really like her tattoos)

Izumi Sena from Love Stage for shinyumbreongirl
(He's really cute omg)

And finally, a little space alien for sean_beacon
(Ft. Space Slug! I honestly might draw more of this alien they're really cute)

And that's all the trades!

Hope you all enjoyed them!

Okay I need to go to bed because sadly I have school tomorrow, so toodles for now my Lovely Space Nerds!

I can't tell who I am, please tell me it pains me not knowing

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