Let's Get Ready To Ramble!!!

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Yeah sorry, I've finally gotten so much on my chest and mind that I'm gonna ramble and it's gonna be categorized and yeah, that's how much I got.

You may skip this, or you can read it I don't really care, you do you my lovely space nerd

Honestly if you're gonna get offended, you can skip this

Also you have to remember that this is all my own opinion and I'm not going to hate you if you disagree, if anything I wanna listen to your own reasoning so maybe I can better understand, ya feel me?

Anywhore, let's get to it, shall we?

Actual Rants

• Motherfuckers who goddamn get upset over comments. Yes, I understand that you want recognition, and the drop in comments is startling. Just, I'm lucky enough to get one comment, and I rarely ever complain about it, I'm just happy to be here and even be considered for the views that I get. I honestly don't give a shit. Now, before you get upset, I wanna explain a few things. I only get annoyed by it, when it's chapter after chapter of begging for comments. I won't say who, but I read an art book where there was at least five chapters in a row of them throwing a fit over not getting as many comments as they wanted. I personally find it immature and childish by going on and on about. I don't mind one chapter talking about it, it's not that bad, I understand the frustration, and one chapter is fine. I myself have done that, but it was for the reason that I wasn't getting questions for my Q'n'A, which is reasonable. Anywhore, that's all I have to say about that.

• ^^^ Same goes for votes ^^^

• When artists leave abruptly??? For example, they just write I chapter only consisting of the words 'I'm done' and 'bye' and that's it. No explanation, nothing. I understand that something may have happened where you don't want to upload art anymore, but Jesus Christ it's absurd to fucking post a chapter like that and leave your readers hanging like that. It's immature and downright a dick move. Don't be a fucking dick

• When people constantly say they suck. I understand it's a joke, but it stops being funny after five times in a row. I'm honestly concerned??? Because I love you and support you??? Don't be mean to yourself I love you you don't suck??? Don't dick yourself over???

• If you're feeling like shit, please take a break from Wattpad. Seriously, please don't make yourself feel worse by staying on to appease your readers (psst guess what your readers what you to feel better too please take a break)

Personal Rants

• My parents don't understand how OCD works??? I have a thing where the trash needs to be taken out on Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. They think that I can stop it??? But I can't??? I know that it's ridiculous but they're being assholes about it???

• I am so stressed because of EOCs and State Testing- I'm breaking out like crazy and everything is miserable tbh



• I officially have a girlfriend!!! I'm so happy!!!

• I have testing on Wednesday and I'm stuck with the teacher I hate the most for an hour and half

• My spring break doesn't start until the 17th and I think it's homophobic because I'm gay and it's inconveniencing me

• Over spring break I'm gonna try and get my driver's license woop

Art Updates

• [Technically Not Art Shhh] I'm working on the oneshots whenever I can! I'm kinda hitting a rough patch but I plan on uploading them all once they're done, which will hopefully be soon!

• I'm still working on my OC Heathers AU- I'm hoping to have Beautiful done by the end of May, because testing is kicking my ass and I'm stressed and I want to sleep

And that's about it, I'm glad to get that out and to those who read, thank you for getting through my bullshit my Lovely Space Nerd!

As a reward here take my art~

Shearaphine and Missy cuddling a heartbroken Space Slug

What Missy frikkin knew, you tell me

Also I love this more than I should, it's a small doodle the size of my thumb but I love it

I drew on my hand today how lovely

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