Pt. 21

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Nathan, Verika and Marco were having a disagreement about which adult figure is better: either Napoleon, Veruka or Matthew. This, however, caused the three kids to get into a fight with each other, causing the three adult figures to notice and breaks the fight apart. The kids kept arguing, so the adult figures have no choice but to keep then away from each for at least one whole day, so Napoleon will have to stay with Nathan, Veruka has to stay with Verika, and Matthew has to stay with Marco. Nathan and Napoleon forgave each other after what happened with Cotton from that Feraligator problem, but they're having a hard time to progress with one another. Verika and Veruka would mostly argue with each other more than with Verika arguing with Nathan and Marco. Marco has no problem hanging out with Matthew the whole day.

(So this is how it will work. You play the adult figures: Napoleon, Veruka and Matthew, and I'll play the kid figures: Nathan, Verika and Marco)

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