Save Me! I was TAGGED!

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Hi! Sorry, this isn't an update. I was tagged, if you didn't get that from the title. Curse you, @mythicbookgirl ! I'm still kinda new to this so...

13 Facts about me:

1) I am an artist

2) I have relatives from all over the world. I'm white, but legally African American because I can trace my family back to when my father (and grandfather... And great grandfather) was born outside of Nairobi, Kenya.

3) I love to read and write

4) Fandoms have hijacked my life

5) I am sarcastic and an all-around smarta**. 

6) I am a total tomboy and hate it when people overuse that word. A good rule of thumb: if a girl is wearing leggings or boots, she's probably not a tomboy. Unless they are wearing work or combat boots, or leggings are practical in the situation.

7) I am a proud pyromaniac. That means I really like fire. That's one reason I'd be a child of Hephaestus.

8) I have two brothers and a sister. From youngest to oldest, it goes me, Alex (6 years older than me), Nate (8 years older than me), and Merry (9 years older than me). 

9) I am a whiz at geography. I could tell you where any country in the world is.

10) I am single as a Pringle. You know, I never understood that saying. You never find just one Pringle, they come in big packs... Sorry, just overanalyzing stuff again. Back to the fact, if I was in the PJO world,  I would be an Amazon. Not a Huntress, because I have brothers and guy friends I'm not gonna abandon, but an Amazon. Well, not really, because they thought they were better than men, but you get the idea. Equality people, not whatever-the-fancy-word-is.

11) I have the opposite of a green thumb. I could not grow anything if Demeter herself was helping.

12) I will eat literally anything edible. I am a living garbage disposal.

13) I am one of the best sharpshooters in my family. But that twelve gauge shotgun gave me bruises!

And the questions were:

• Fantasy or Reality?

Is that even a question? Fantasy, duh!

• Marvel or DC? 

Don't really care.

• Indoors or Outdoors?

Outdoors, if it isn't pouring buckets like it usually is when your whole city is two feet below sea level. Seriously, once there was a storm out over the ocean, and people were kayaking through the downtown area. I was swimming in the three feet of water in my street. And it wasn't even a hurricane! It was a tropical depression. That means it barely qualified as a major storm.

• Optimist or Pessimist?

Neither. I tell it like it is.

• Hot or Cold?

Cold. You can put on more layers than you can take off.

• Desired job?

Surgeon. Don't look at me like that!

• Favorite Animal?

YOU EXPECT ME TO CHOOSE? Fine. A cassowary cuz no one knows what the heck that is. Its an Australian bird that's about 6 feet tall with a royal blue head and neck. They are dangerous. And cool.

• What are your fandoms?

Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments (still on City of Fallen Angels so no spoilers), Warriors, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Mysterious Benedict Society, Cry of the Icemark, Lunar Chronicles(still on Cress), Safe-Keeper series, The Fault in our Stars(I will not write fanfics for this because I cannot further this perfection). I have now become a phan.

• Are you a Whovian? If so, who's your favorite Doctor?

A little, I know some stuff. Eleven is my favorite.

• Introvert or Extrovert?

Probably Introvert.

• Do you like art?

Well duh! Who doesn't? You know what, don't answer that, cuz I don't want to know.

• Favorite Mythical Animal? 

Dragons are not mythical, so a phoenix.

• Have you been tagged before?


Now for my questions:

• Other than reading and Wattpad, what do you do for fun?

• What is the funniest thing you've ever heard?

• Would you rather go to school for a month during the summer, or be stuck in  a room with nothing but a piano for two days?

• Meat or veggies?

• Do you like to paint?

• Do you still live within 100 miles of your hometown?

• Favorite color?

• Jokes or riddles?

• Favorite school subject?

• Most annoying thing on the planet?

• Longest you've ever stayed awake?

• OTP? Only one from each fandom.

• Favorite book of all time? 

Okay... So I tag...





I pity you four.

Also, I have major writer block and need suggestions. Review and I will do the story, just as long as it's appropriate.

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