Lab Rats

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Make sure to look at the comments, I have left little comments I would think you might be confused on.


Okay! I think I might just do it this time! I might just be able to create my own type of species! You ready Angel? Let's give this guy some emotion.

Angel: I am already on it! 

He fired a few arrows at a kind of substance, being held in a square state in the air. The substance turned a kind of purple color. 

ooOOOoo, pretty! K, what should we do next? 

Angel: Uh... I have no clue...... Maybe you should get back to this later. Go watch some Youtube or something. I have to go and do my job anyways. I am sure Devin already has the head start on me. 

Haha! Okay, have fun!

Ganxer waved goodbye, and focused back on the experiment.

Springy came in later to help her out. Everyone had been excited on this little project of hers.

Later that day.

Oh! I know! What if she was a witch! Or erm... I dont know.... any ideas?

Angel shrugged and shook his head. Devin did the same. Tabitha, politely raised her hand.

Yes, Tabitha?

Tabitha: Is there a certain reason you want this character to be a witch?

Uh.. I guess..... but it is fine.

Ganxer held her notepad, ready to draw her OC, that would represent her for the time being. She had heard of artists having a sona, and as a just starting out artist, she of course wanted one.

Inkwell: Any ideas on if you want specific details?

Well.. I want her to hold a mirror... I dont know why, but I like the idea!

Inkwell: Hold a mirror all the time?

Um... I dont know...

Inkwell: Okay.... Have you decided on what it will be?

No.... :(

Inkwell: Well, here is an idea, how about you make her your favorite animal. If she representing you, then she should have something that really.... reflects you.

Springy and Ganxer giggled.

Very funny, and I like that idea!! Let's do it!

Ganxer started to doodle, and everyone left her there in peace.

She sooner or later fell asleep. The character almost fully drawn.

A few months later

Ganxer was crying and everyone was conforting her, along with her new OC. Linxer (who in currenttimes is known as Zecora). She was sad she had to move again in less than a year. Everytime she had to move uhuses, it was always stressful for her.

I guess I should start packing....... Ganxer picked up an old TV. Anyone want to help me box things up?

Linxer/Inkwell/Springy/Tabitha: Sure! They grabbed a few boxes and helped Gan out.

She was currently putting her boxes in her closet so it was out of the way.

Angel: Wait! That is ours!

Angel and Devin were rushing in, and up to Ganxer. Before Ganxer had time to act, Devin tried to take the TV out of Ganxer's arms, but she dropped it, causing some sort of shock to go through the room. It mainly effected Ganxer, but Devin and Alex were effected too.

Alex and Devin were knocked back, and Ganxer was knocked into the closet, along with another static creature, but it just seemed to be a figment of everyones imagination..... or did she get knocked into the wall.... or the bedside..... It looked like she went every which way.

Ganxer, was laying near the bedside, and seemed more..... odd. She had weird white floating ears, and some sort of tail of an unknown animal. She just laid there, still, and cold.

Ow..... what happened?

Everyone looked at the wall, there was a kind of shadow on the wall, that looked like the Ganxer on the floor.

Springy: Uh.....

What is going on....?

Tabitha: Are we going to question the talking shadow on the wall?

What? It is me.. Ganxer..

Linxer: I am so confused.....

Present day

Zecora: She was mixing a potion, and noticed Ganxer passing by in Linxer's body. She frowned, but made sure Ganxer didnt see. She just kept mixing though.

Ragdoll: What was that about?

Zecora wanted to tell them everything, but she has kept quiet for this long, and Ganxer hasnt noticed. She would rather know the truth than get fizzled. Sure, she was sad her name was taken away and given to someone else. Sure, she was sad she had been in the closet before.... She was lucky enough that Ganxer didnt fizzle her then, so if she kept her fake act up, she was guaranteed survival. After all..... She never would betray the rules of the closet.

Zecora: It is nothing! Go fetch me a dead-man finger and a bat wing. She said, gaining back her childish tone.

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