Noises from the Basement

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It was just an average day at Ganxer's house. 

Jinx was screaming. 

Puri was sleeping. 

Narrator was on her phone not giving a fuck. 

Shifter was yeeting everything in sight. 

Dixen was in the air due to being yeeted. 

Inkwell was trying to make Curly eat his canned fruit. 

Felicity was trying to soundproof her bunker under the couch. 

Benefit was taking to find the most bestest way to talk to Alex. 

Alex was just waiting for Benefit to say something cuz he had been standing there like he had crashed just like a Windows 11. 

Ganxer was... well... being Ganxer and experimenting in a secret room. 

Ikuzu was trying to decide whether or not to where a cute girly outfit, or her casual teddy bear overalls. 

Zecora was slapping Xphese across the face

Xphese was sad cuz he just got slapped for making Zecora's favorite kind of cookie.

Anthony was hanging by the chandelier in the unused dining area (everyone ate wherever they pleased, but they for some reason never ate there....)

Sketch was fighting with their two separate personalities.

Diago was handing out a petition to change his name back to Fetch.

There were strange growling noises coming from the basement.

Wait... growling noises coming from the basement? That wasn't normal.....

Chiniue: :<

Rahva: Isn't that our room? 

Ganxer: Did you get memory loss before? You only stayed down their for one night.. 

Rahva: Oh yeah.... Wait- Where did you come from?!

Ganxer: I can right out of the walls.

Rahva:........ you are scary........

Ganxer; That is not nice..... 

Chiniue was tugging on Rahva's leg, they didnt like being near the basement.

Rahva: Hm? What is it buddy?

Ganxer: uh..... what is that noise.....

Rahva: I thought you would know.....

Ganxer: No... it is very strange...... Stay here.. I will check it out....

Rahva: Are you sure? I know you are afraid of the dark..... 

Ganxer: Bitch, who the hell are you telling me my fears.... So? I have a flashlight....

Rahva: So you're telling me you would rather use a flashlight than your night vision eyes? You're a freaking dragon!

Ganxer: Oh yeah.......... Okay.. I go down there now.

Ganxer headed downstairs.. knowing well she couldn't use her barrier magic in this body. she swayed her tail to feel her surroundings. Then she hear it.  A very loud, growl. The a very close bark. She blinked and noticed that she could hear squeaky wheels somewhere. Linxer's ears were really helpful, as well as her eyes. She so far could not see the source of the noise til a very tall figure started to approach her. She thought the person had to be at least 7'3 Then when they were right in front of her, she noticed a familiar face.

Ganxer: AC?!

Animal Control: What...

Ganxer: I thought you were back at the SET-

Animal Control: No... 

Ganxer: Oh.. okay... is that Dog I am hearing then? 

Animal Control: Mhm....

Ganxer: Wait- How long have you been here?

Animal Control: As long as you have been here... I have been the one cleaning this dump....

Ganxer: Oh.. that would explain why this place isn't covered in garbage...

Animal Control: Mhm....

Ganxer: So you have been here this whole time?

Animal Control: Yes...... It is just me and Dog down here....

Ganxer; Oh.. Okay- You want to go up with the others?

Animal Control: No.....

Ganxer: Okay.. try to keep Dog's growling down tho....

Animal Control: Okay.....

They stood there in silence for a second.

Animal Control: Do you want a picture....?

Ganxer: What?

Animal Control: You keep staring at me...

Ganxer: Oh sorry- I must have spaced out.

Animal Control: Okay.... 

Ganxer: ....

Animal Control: Are you going to leave soon?

Ganxer: Oh! Yeah, sorry. Do you mind if I check the perimeter first?

Animal Control: Okay... 

Ganxer was checking the area. She was still surprised ac was here. She could've sworn she left him at the SET...

When she finished checking she said bye to AC

Ganxer: Okay.. Bye AC..

Animal Control: Bye.....

Ganxer left the basement.

Ganxer: (Was he always that dull...? Whatever.. I will worry about him later... he is just another person I will have to swerve my plan around....)

Rahva: Is everything alright down there?

Ganxer: oh.. yeah! It is just some giant rats.... I won't recommend going down there... they don't exactly seem very friendly...

Rahva: Okay... She did not believe her

Ganxer: Anyways, I have things to do, places to be. Bye!

Rahva: Bye..?

. . .

Anthony: Not funny! Someone please let me down! 

No one helps him.

Anthony: And this is why I have trust issues.....

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