Shiny Hunting

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Ganxer entered a tall thing of grass.

Ganxer: C'mon.... Please be shiny.... please please....

She walks up to a Magikarp. It isn't shiny.

Ganxer: Dang it! Okay... c'mon Taddy... let's try somewhere else...

She put her Inteleon Taddy in his pokeball, before walking to a different lake.

Ganxer: Okay, Patamon! Out you go!

She threw another pokeball into the air and out came a shiny Yamper.

Ganxer: C'mon Patamon! Let's go find a shiny Magikarp! 

Patamon: Woof! 

Ganxer got on her bike and picked up Patamon. She rode onto the water and waited for some kind of movement in the water. The water splashed. 

Ganxer: There! 

She rode her back to that spot just as a Magikarp jumped out. 

Ganxer: Damn.. not shiny again..... Okay.. One second Patamon, Imma go grab a snack. 

(Back in the real world) 

Ganxer set down her switch, and headed to the kitchen. Leaving her switch unaccounted for.

. . .

Lucia and Tyche poked their heads in the room Ganxer's switch was in.

Lucia: oooOOOOooo, What do we have here?

Tyche: It looks like Ganxer left her Switch alone.. 

Puri was there, who had taken someone radnom as a host at the moment. 

Puri: What are you guys doing...?

Lucia: Planning to do something to Ganxer' switch. 

Puri: Do you even know who to work those things?

Tyche: We are almost as old as time and you think we know who to work a Nintendo Switch?! 

Tyche/Lucia: Fuhahahahahahahahahah!

Puri: Okay... Is that a yes or a no...?

Lucia: It is a no.....

Puri: Alright, I guess I will help cuz I am bored..

Tyche: K, so... what do you do in this game?

Puri: Catch these animals called pokemon  in these small balls.

Lucia: Oh okay!

(Pokemon world)

Puri controlled Ganxers character and accidentally ran into a magikarp.

The magikarp was shiny.

Patamon: Excited Yamper noises.

Puri: Uh... I don't know how to fight these things so imma just escape...

Puri hit the run button, and he successfully escaped 

Patamon: ?

Taddy came out of his pokeball by himself.

He shook Ganxer's character yelling at her in Inteleon. 

Puri: Uh..... hi?

Taddy: RAAAA

Tyche: Oh! Try cooking something. I've seen Gan do it before!

Puri opened the options and clicked camp. 

They had set up a camp and Ganxer's pokemon team could be seen.

Her team: 

Taddy (Inteleon)

Patamon (Yamper)


Lolli (Grimmsnarl) (I am replacing this pokemon soon for a Magearna)

Flareworks (Blacephalon)

Prinly (Lilligant)

Ganxer's team were either walking around, complaining, or chatting amongst eachother.

Puri touched an option that said cooking. He was brought to a screen that let him choose a main ingredeant. 

Puri: Oooo! A Pre-Cooked burger, let's do that!

Puri then was brought to a screen with many berries.

Puri just clicked a Sitres berry, and used all 10.

Puri then tried to start the fire, but he thankfully ended up with the perfect amount of fire.  When he was stirring however, he spilt a lot of the dish. He only put a little bit of love into it.

When they ate it, it tasted fine. Most of the pokemon ate it, but they didn't really enjoy it. It was ranked a Milcery Class dish.

Puri: Uh... is that a good rank?

Taddy: *he shook his head.*

Puri: Oh.... Okay. What else can you do in this game?

Tyche: I don't know... It seems pretty boring.... I don't know why Ganxer is so addicted to it......

(Back in the real world)

Ganxer walked in holding a whole can of Pringles.

Ganxer: What are you doing. Pure anger could be heard in her voice.

Puri: Um.. Um... Lucia and Tyche made me do it! Puri skittered away.

Tyche: Uh...

Ganxer: Lucia............ Tyche..................... She pulled out a knife.  R U N . . .

Lucia and Tyche ran as fast as they could.

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