The Pet

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Dixen was wandering the woods. She never knew these trees were here, so, being herself, she decided to explore.

She heard cries of an animal in the distance. She loves animals so she jumped from tree to tree to see what was going on.

There were a bunch of hawks attacking something hidden in a log.

Dixen jumped to the recuse.

Dixen: I shall save you creature!

Dixen swatted away the halks, like bugs.

When they were gone a litte corgi peeped it's head out.

Dixen's face brightened, and she picked up the small dog.

Dixen: Aweeeee, well arent you just the cutest thing, yes you are!!

The corgi licked her face.

Dixen: Hahaha, your welcome, your welcome!

???: Yip!

Dixen: Aaaaanddd, you are coming home with me! But what to na,e you....... I know!

She snapped her fingers...... hooves?

Dixen: You will now be known as... SEÑOR SQUISHY FACE THE THIRD!

Señor Squishy Face III: Urwo?

Señor Squishy Face III tilted his head.

Dixen put Señor Squishy Face III on her head and started to tree hop home.


Dixen walked in the house.

Dixen: I found a pet, peeps! His name is Señor Squishy Face III!

Zecora: Awe how cute.

Zecora pet Señor Squishy Face III, only for her finger to get bit.

Zecora: Aa- He bit me!

Dixen: Hm?

Dixen looked at Zecora (She was looking the other way.)

Dixen: Zecora, dknt be silly, Señor Squishy Face III would never do such a thing, he told me. It probably was a piece of broken glass from your viles.

Zecora: But-

Dixen: Ok, me and Señor Squishy Face III have some catching up to do!  Goodbye!

Duxen walked away but as she did, Señor Squishy Face III looks at Zecora and grrred. It didn't seem like Dixen noticed though.

Zecora: That is not good......

Ragdoll walked in.

Ragdoll: I smeel blood on you.... is it yours or someone else's?

Zecora: Mine?


Zecora: ?

Ragdoll: Who do I need to kill?

Zecora: WHA-

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