Voice Recorded Messages

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Ganxer was sitting by a tape recorder in a dark room. She stared intensely at it, hoping that she would magically wake up, and be back at the S.E.T........ But she didn't

She laid back in her seat as she waited for an arrival.

A few minutes pass.

Clanking noises can be heard in the empty halls.

Ganxer's ears perk up.

Ganxer: Finally! 

A small ferret waddled into the room, holding a knife.

Ganxer: Awee..... There is my baby..

Cocoa: Squii :3 

Cocoa dropped the knife. 

Ganxer: What were you up to today, my little bundle of chaos?

Cocoa: Squeak! 

Ganxer giggled a little.

Ganxer: That sounds like fun!

The ferret looked up at her.

Ganxer: I was just about to say that!! You read my mind! 

The ferret looked down then back up.

Ganxer: Yes I found a Lost Soul.... Why would I call for you if I didn't?

The ferret just looked at her.

Ganxer: Fair enough..... Anyways... I locked them in this heat proof cage, just in case you were worried.

The ferret looked at the cage.

Ganxer: Oh please.... I am sure she doesn't even remember her.. It has been a while, besides, she is a Lost Soul, why would she remember her if she was the one who forgot??

The ferret blinked then looked at Ganxer.

Ganxer: I-...... You're right...... 

The ferret climbed up a little ramp to a comfy small little chair.

Ganxer: I guess... The Soul should still be out for a bit. Listening to a few of those tapes would not hurt. I would certainly get my closer to making that when I get the wood I need.

The ferret looked at her.

Ganxer: Alright... Um.... Here is the first tape.

Tape Player: Hey, you,.... You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the boarder, right? You walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

Ganxer stopped the tape and pulled it out.

Ganxer: Yeah... That doesn't sound right..... Next tape

She put another tape in.

Tape Player: Log [GLITCHED NUMBER]: I have begun work on the Mirror Project.

Ganxer: Ah here we go! 

The ferret looked at Ganxer before looking at the Tape Recorder, Ganxer shut up.

Tape Recorder: I have taken my clone and infected it with the same infection that is affecting Caretaker, which I have dubbed Virus 35-A. My hope is to create a new strain of the virus with all of the positive effects, but none of the negative. I will update this log as time goes on.

The tape paused for a bit.

Ganxer was trying to take in every detail. She knew what the two looked like, how they acted was something she didn't know though. She paid close attention. Cocoa watched her, noticing this before laying in the chair.

Tape Player: Update: My clone's hair has inverted colors, and his skin has grayed. He hasn't opened his eyes yet, but I feel like they're inverted, too. My instruments have begun glitching out. Could be a sign of developing Virus 35-A abilities. Must keep an eye on that.

Ganxers eyes widened as if she noticed something she missed. She pulled out a note pad and started to write something.

The ferret lifted it's head at looked at her.

Ganxer: What?! I can have reference notes... 

The ferret placed it's head back on the chair.

Tape Player: Update: Felt a sense of deja-vu today. What's weird is I was only in my lab for 5 minutes, but my OCs say it was more like 5 hours. Could it be some sort of time manipulation?

Ganxer continued to write incase she forgot anything.

Tape Player: Update: I was wrong. It would appear the subject can reset time in a localized location to a point several minutes before. Could be useful.

Ganxer looked bored at information, because she knew this.

Tape Player: Update: Mirror has escaped. Repeat, Mirror has escaped! I'm hiding all the logs and putting Telum in charge of guarding my lab. He's a good guard. Able to hide and make anything using shadows. But that's besides the point. If you find these somehow, do not shake Mirror's hand. Repeat, do not shake his hand! End log

Ganxer smiled at this information, she knew a couple more things about the two she didn't before and a bit about Anubis's personality. 

Ganxer took the tape out and stared at it.

The ferret looked at her.

Ganxer: WHAT?!? I was just thinking about it, I wasn't actually gonna do it....

The ferret closed it's eyes as Ganxer put in the next tape.

Tape Player: Tripledent Gum will make you smile-

Ganxer took out the tape.

Ganxer: Ah hell no.

Ganxer stomped on the tape not even caring.

Ganxer: Screw that....

(Congrats if you know what that is from)

Ganxer: Okay Cocoa, we have two more tapes. Which one.

The ferret made a tiny gruff.

Ganxer: Okay... Tape #1.

She put in the tape.

Tape Player: Krusty Krab Pizza, is the pizza, absolutukifaly. Pff pff pff pff pff pizza pff pff pff pff pizza pff pff da  da da daa do do do da do KRUSTY KRAYEAYEAYEAYEAYEAYEAYEA PIZZA.

Ganxer: That was..... rather annoying..... Well then... hopefully this tape has something useful on it....

She took out the old tape and put in the new one.

Tape Player: Log [GLITCHED NUMBER]: My name is Anubis, and the following log will detail my OC Caretaker's condition.

Ganxer: Thank Lucifer.....

Tape Player:  I guess I'll start from the beginning. Caretaker was infected because of me. I opened a boarded up door in the SBF, and the carrier bolted for my OCs, knocking me to the ground. Caretaker wound up killing it, but it exploded and covered him in goo. Now he's infected, and I'm trying to fix it. I will update this as I go along.

Ganxer wrote notes along with the tape.

Tape Player: Update: Caretaker seems to be developing abilities unnatural for his Subspecies. He can destroy things just by touching them and thinking of them gone. Could this be a result of the infection?

Cocoa: Squea Squeak Squi!

Ganxer: Yeah yea...

Cocoa: Sqea...

Tape Player: Update: Caretaker almost killed me today. He can't control these abilities he has. I'm putting him in the basement with Will Fox to guard him.

Cocoa: Squi?

Ganxer: Yeah, I have. 

Cocoa: Squeak, squi, squeek?

Ganxer: Meh, not much of an amusement park.

Cocoa: Squeak

Tape Player: Update: It's been about 2 or so years since I put Caretaker in the basement. In that time, I've been experimenting with the virus, which I now call Virus 35-A. By putting him in a suit made of pure SBF material, I can counteract his Virus-born abilities. I have already made the suit, and am about go down into the basement. Wish me luck.

Tape Player: Update: Caretaker is now among my OCs. Hopefully he can help in the war to come.

End of Tape

That word seemed to echo..... War....... She knew it was coming, and she hoped she was ready.

Cocoa: Squea squeak squi?

Ganxer: Yeah, they should be, now.

Ganxer took out the tape and headed to the cage, where there were chains rattling. The small ferret pulled off the drape covering the cage.

Underneath the cage, there was a multi-colored fox, that had fire in their eyes and cheeks. She looked at the darkened look a like like she was ready to kill. 

Ganxer: Well, hello........ Flare.


A/N: There were a LOT of Easter eggs in this chapter. Can you find them all? Next we will hopefully have the spotlight chapter.

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