(Special) Happy Birthday, Flea~!

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[A/N:Today is Izaya's Birthday!! YAY!!! So this story will be all fluff and no smut. But anyways, enjoy!]

Summary:Its Izaya's birthday and Shizuo wanted to do something special for Izaya. So Shizuo decided to propose to him at night! To make things work, he asked for everyone's help and they all agreed.

Shizuo's POV

I woke up with the sun rays burning my eyes through the stupid curtains. After a few minutes of letting the sun hurt my eyes, I was now fully awake. I checked the clock and it was only 6:00 a.m. in the morning. I remember today was May 4th, my flea's birthday. I stared at my sleeping flea. He looks so cute when he sleeps! I really want to cuddle him now, but I have to prepare for his birthday suprise. I slowly got out of the bed, Izaya stirred a bit but went back to sleep. I took my bartender clothes and quickly got inside and took a shower.

Timeskip...(2 hours later)...

After I had my shower, I went to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast. I plan to give my Izaya some breakfast in bed. I went to our bedroom, and he's still looks so fucking adorable! I put the tray down and whisper to his ear softy, "Good morning, darling~"

He instantly woke up then relaxed when he saw it was just me. "Morning, Shizu-chan~" He purred. Izaya sits up and I put the tray on his lap.  "What's this for?" He asks curiously, his head tilting to side cutely.  "For your birthday, of course." I said then a small blush appears on his face. "T-Thanks.." he stuttered.

I hold the chopsticks and picks some food up and put it front of his mouth. His face is completely a bright red. "Open your mouth~" He does what I said and swallowed it. "Is it delicious?" He nodded. "Its really good." He said. After that I kept feeding him 'till he was full.

"So do you have anything planned for us?" Izaya asked. "Yes, I do." I replied. "Then, what is it~?" "Not telling" "Aww" Izaya did a pout which was really cute! "So is it gonna be like my present like last time~" I blushed at what he said and I remember what happened at my birthday. 'That was the greatest present in my life'

[A/N:Please read the book called "Happy Birthday, My Monster~!" if you haven't read it yet.]

"N-No! It's gonna very different from last time." I said and then cleared my throat. "Anyways, we're gonna go to a resturant this evening. So we can do what you want to do until tonight." I told him and he agreed.

Timeskip...(To nighttime because Author-chan is too lazy ;-;)...

So what we did during daytime, we had a stroll to the park, we went to an amusement park and we had lots of fun! I really enjoyed it. We're on our way to the resturant, everyone's already done preparing everything. So I had nothing to worry about. For now....

"So what's the name of the resturant we're going?" Izaya asked. "You'll see." I calmly replied. After walking some more, we were finally there. "Is this the resturant?" "Yep!" The name of the resturant was "The Durarara" kinda... odd for a name.

Third Person POV

Shizuo and Izaya walked inside the resturant and was greeted by The Durarara cast as staff members/workers. "Oh! Hello Shizu-o and Iza-ya!" Said the big black russian man named "Simon" in his russian accent.

"What is everyone doing here?" Izaya asked in confusion. "I don't know. Let's just take our seats." Shizuo said. And they both take their seats.

Timeskip... (After their dinner)...

Shizuo and Izaya were done eating there dinner, then the waiter Shinra took their plates and gave them their bill. Shizuo payed but Izaya noticed a small white box on the table.

"Huh? What's this?" Izaya asked.

Shizuo tooked the box and kneeled down in front of Izaya. He opened the box to reveal a golden ring with a heart-shaped ruby on top of it.

"I-Izaya. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. I may not be perfect but I love you with all my heart. Just being able to see you everyday makes me very happy. So w-will you marry m-me?" Shizuo propose. His face was as red as a ripe tomato. His eyes staring at the floor, too nervous to look at Izaya. He closed his eyes waiting for his answer. And he was very worried he might be rejected.

Izaya was shocked, but also very happy. He kneel down at Shizuo's level. He cupped his cheeks and kissed him passionately. Shizuo was suprised but kissed back with passion. After a few minutes. Izaya pulled away and said. "Yes! I will marry you, Shizu-chan!"

Then everyone cheered. Everyone was so happy, especially Shizuo. Because Izaya accepted his hand in marriage.

A few months later, Shizuo and Izaya both got married. ~The End~

[A/N:I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote and comment for this chapter! I would really appreciate it.

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