Random Fandom Facts Introduction

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If you haven't read any of my other books, I'm Kindle. Nice to meet you!
If you have read any of my other books, welcome back!

This book is full of fandoms including (if you didn't read the summary)
Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Sword Art Online, Pokemon, Sherlock, Legend of Zelda, Star Wars, and many more!

This book may also contain spoilers so read at your own risk!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be posting quite often (hopefully) and I'll be alternating between fandoms. If you want me to add any fandoms, just comment and I'll tell you if I plan on including it or not. If not, then I might include it :)

Read the AN because I usually say important stuffs on them. Yes stuffs.

_Anonymous_Ryeleigh_ MegumiRaven Child_of_Hope Nicko_Heap Yuichiro_Hyukuya _Sherlockology_ look I made a new book. XD

If you're not one the above mentioned people, just ignore that.

I think that's it! Be prepared for updates!

Up next: Harry Potter facts.

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