•Alan Wake• "It's not a Lake, it's an Ocean"

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I was running in Bright Falls. The sounds of screeching metal and crashing cars not to far behind me— aching to either kill me or capture me.

I had dropped my flashlight behind me, out of bullets an in a hurry to escape the darkness and the Taken.

"Please..." I breathe out in a croakful pant, my legs burning and throbbing from the nonstop running. "Where are you?!" I growl at myself not seeing no light ahead at all.

Endless road ahead along with open fields of tall trees to cup the sides.

This was it.

I was going to be devoured by darkness again. Become a Taken; consumed by darkness, controlled.

Unwanted bitter tears trail down my cheeks.

No, keep running. My mind tells me in a soft whisper.

I can't, it burns... It hurts...

I can't run anymore...

"Help..." I whimper slowing down as the swirling storm of darkness creeps up very slowly behind me, ready to take me.

"Over here! Hey!! You!! Come on!!" They scream at me just as I had stopped and hung my head down in shame.

"Go away... It's too late.." I whisper to myself, taking my time to catch my breath.

Suddenly a strong beam of light was waved across my pupils making me nearly scream out in pain. "Augh! What the hell?!" I shout suddenly angry.

"I said come on!" He tugs, unwilling to let me get sucked into the storm. His strong hand grasps my wrist and snatches me along, not even waiting for an answer.

"You're not Taken! You still have light inside you! Come on! We can fight this together." He says as we reach a generator.

"Crank it up, I'll hold them off!" He shouts at me as I nod. I scramble over to the generator. Noticing some things, I figure out real quick how to crank it up, but it's not so easy.

Behind me, the sudden gunshots cause me to jump and to mess up the process of starting the generator up, but that doesn't stop me from trying again.

The dark clouds and fog start to swirl around us as he grunts, reloading his gun.

You could feel the Taken snicker, swinging their weapons in hand; axes, blades-- even chainsaws.

"Stay back!" He shouts as a bright, nearly blinding red neon light goes off.

It was a flare.

The Taken growl an slowly creep back into the storm, the flare light sizzling away the darkness that soaked around their bodies.

"That was the only one I had..." He tells me over his shoulder. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins faster now.

It cranks once. Doesn't start.

It cranks twice. Barely.

The flare gun starts to dull as the Taken start to merge into view again.

Time was wasting.

It cranks again—

—it starts.

The light poll ahead covers us in a bright, majestic blanket of light. Just like that then storm was gone– for now.

The guy sighs as he turns and looks at me with a smile. "You did it." He says.

I look at him petrified and full of relief. "I? Don't you mean we? Without you, I would have become one of them..." I shiver just as I stand up.

His sudden arms around me startle me. He squeezes me in the hug as he says in a soft tone. "I thought I was going to lose you again..." His voice breaks a bit.


I pull away to get a better look at him and it dawns on me.

We knew each other.

Before I could even gasp out of pure shock, the light bulb busts as a few sparkles fell over our heads.

"No-" he heaves out as both of us hunch over, getting a vision of a women in all black talking to us. She was angry.

At who though?

Us— of course.

Two famous authors who helped feed her into reality.

She wanted us dead, but we were not going to let her win.

„You cannot win... You may never win nor see the daylight of day ever again. Come now, children... Let's finish this story together... Shall we?” She asks in a deadly but sweet tone.

The silent buzz hurt as my vision was blurry and spinning now. His hands grasp my shoulders and he looks me in the eyes. "[female y/n]... Please... Take this and find the light... I have to finish this on my own... I have to go into the darkness alone..." He says.

His hand lifts up my palm now. His other hand places something in it. He curls my fingers around it and smiles at me with a bitterness in his eyes. "I love you."

I merely blush at those words, "I-I love you too?... What are you saying, you can't face that alone. You won't come back!" I shout furious now.

He just smiles sweetly at me, stroking my cheek and to plant a kiss on my forehead. "If it means saving everyone else and even you... Then I'll risk that chance."

I whimper, shaking my head no as the Taken come closer, aching to hit us with their weapons, but had to wait for our choice.

„What will it be now?” she says, growing impatient.

"I'll d—"

"No! Take me you son of a bitch! Leave him out of this!" I snap at the unknown forces around us.

She chuckles. „Some one has a potty mouth... Let's fix that right up, shall we?"

He screams out behind me, the woman appearing as she drags him into the storm.

"NOOO!!!" I scream as I run after them, the storm nearly blinding me. I had to push myself, I cut the flashlight on and the darkness hisses at me, only getting thicker.

I hear a splashing sound an gurgled screams.

"[male y/n]!!!" I shout, the dark storm clearing as it reveals me standing in the eye of the storm.

I was on a cliff. Below me was a lake. The water dark and misty-- unable to see the bottom other than... Him... Reaching out to me– his face twisted with fear and worry —her arms around him, pulling him under.

I clutch at the Clicker in my hand and remember it's purpose...

"She has no heart... It's up to you now to fill it with light. Fill her heart with light, do it now... You can save them." The unknown voice whispers to me.

Was I crazy?

This place is a living hell inside and out.

Nightmares become reality and so on.

I close my eyes, inhaling deeply.


I jump.

I open my eyes to see the lake zooming towards me fast. I growl before saying, "Fuc—" darkness.

It was nothing but darkness now.

His cries for help echo around me as the dark mist surrounds me. My body finally touched the ground, landing on my feet.

I shine the flashlight around, unsure of where to go. The darkness hisses and reveals a new path.

It was our house, on the Lake.

I walk towards it as every sound was echoing and the darkness swirls around it.

Something told me this was not a good idea.

Behind the door was light– very bright at that.

I open the door, but I instantly black out.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Augh!" I pant out, shooting up in bed as sweat beads my forehead, my body slightly trembling from what just happen.

"Sshhh... It was only a nightmare..." [male y/n] says to me, his hand cupping my cheek.

He was afraid of the dark, and so was I. So there was no reason why the lights in the whole house should have been out...

I glance out the window to see that same swirling black mist just surrounding our house.

"Why are the lights out?" I ask, pulling away and standing up now.

He sits up and stands in the corner hugging himself. "I like the dark... It's comforting... Come back to bed, sweetie. We can talk about this tomorrow..." He says dully, looking down like he was shivering. He had the darkness seeping off of him. You could feel it.

"No! You're not [male y/n]! Cut the lights on!" I shout as I storm out of the bedroom to find him standing there now, a dark wall behind him as I gasp softly.

The door closes behind me as he whines looking down. "[female y/n]... Why would you say that?... You're scaring me, [female y/n]..."

I growl and ignore him, knowing that wasn't him. I walk past him to take a short cut into the kitchen to get to the living room.

I see him again standing in front of the Clicker as his voice becomes more demonic now. "You can't leave me... Come back to be— augh!!" I shine the flashlight on him as the darkness sizzles and hisses, burning away as he falls to his knees.

I take this opportunity to take the Clicker, but just as I do— everything faded to black again.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The lady who was actually the Darkness stood before me in our old Cabin. She stares at me with a hole in her chest where her heart should be.

"You... You can't destroy me... You're too late... He's gone... Lost to the darkness forever... Come on [female y/n]... Let's finish this story together..." She smiles at me evilly.

I sigh, clutching the Clicker secretly as I walk up to her, and hug her tightly, hearing her gasp.

"Thanks... But no thanks!" I growl as I slam my hand into that hole in her chest and press the button.

Light fills her, leaking out of her eyes and mouth, her screams like a thousands banshees.

That was the last I remembered... He was going to be safe... I smiled at that thought.

A gentle soft piano and violin music plays in the back ground as it cut to a scene of the lake, but no cabin. The bridge was broken and leading into the lake.

Suddenly, [male y/n] emerges up out from the waters, gasping out for air as he whimpers out, swimming to the broken bridge.

He was shivering. Teeth chattering as he tries standing up, but he's so weak and cold that he leans on the wood.

Be inhales sharply, but then staggers to the ground whimpering even more.

He took a moment to gather himself before looking around, trembling.



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