OS 28 - "7 Minutes to Heaven" Mats Hummels x Mateu Morey

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Mateu smelt it the moment Edin sat down next to him on the bench. As he pointed at the players from a distance, talking about quick changes in the attacking versus defending movement, a whiff of scent catched in his nose. Mateu's eyes flicked to the side where Mats was putting on his jersey. He currently wasn't looking back, but there was definetly pride mixed into the happiness and excitement coming off of him. Mateu bit down on his lip hard to restrain himself from smiling. Before he could focus back on task Edin clapped his back and went back to the trainer zone to shout something at Emre on the pitch. Mateu got up to grab the clothes and changed.

As he bent down to the box to search for gloves Mats bumped into his side. "Come on! We need to go!", he said and already continued to walk to where Jadon was waiting for the guy to put in his number on the substitution board.
But Mateu had seen it: Mats had smiled at him.
Leaving the box he ushered behind him to the fourth official - smiling at his teammates on the bench who said their 'good luck's -  to drop their numbers and get their shoes checked. Then Jadon ran, Marco hugged Mateu tightly as he passed, Mats went, Emre gave Mateu a high five, Ian slapped his hands down on Mateu's and just like that he was back on the pitch.

And oh, their smiles had been so wide when looking at him, the fans cheered his name thrice, as loud as possible, but his own smile was the brightest of them all.

The funny thing was that it felt like nothing had ever changed. The grass beneath his shoes, the ball at his feet, a quick pass. Running. Blood pumping through his veins. He could hear his heartbeat with the yelling of players in his ear. The seven minutes felt like an eternity. They blended together, a constant stream. He felt it all, every muscle in his body working, stretching, to get that ball off the feet of a player dressed in red. As the final whistle fell and the whole stadion erupted into roars once again Mateu had to take a moment to sit down and breathe. He had to train more distance running again, definetly.

Two strong arms grabbed him and heaved him back onto his feet. Fülle, today surely man of the match, slung his arms over his shoulders again from behind. Together, they strolled over to the others, exchanging quick words with bitter Freiburg players. Mateu felt greatful for his packmates. It had been a hard time, the past one thousand days. But when they came up to him, one after another, hugging, laughing, clapping, he was reminded once again that this was home. Them laying their arms around each other. The yellow wall jumping and singing until they joined. Pushing each other, giggling and laughing like little children. Thanking the fans for the support. When 25.000 people cheered soley for him as Mateu stood in front of his team, he took it all in. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes when he turned away, quickly catching up with the others for a tour around the pitch to wave to all the fans in different blocks.
He expected everyone to be already gone to shower when he turned around to walk back.

But Mats stood there. Waiting for him.

And he opened his arms as Mateu went up to him and wordlessly buried himself in the broad chest that was also home. Strong arms closed around him, a hand on his head, cradling him like a baby. Mats' head turned slightly to the right to sit comfortably on to his.

Mateu didn't know how long they spent like that, just hugging. But he knew it was time when he heard Donny and Niklas laugh in the near distance about something. And as Mateu opened his eyes again he saw the social media admin filming the boys but already glancing in their direction.

Mats stroked over his back a couple of times.
"I'll see you later, yeah?", he mumbled into his hair. Mateu nodded. After the showers, when they were all clean.
They must reek of each other by now, their scents intermingled over all the sweat, grass and smell of excitement. He knew Mats was possessive but something inside Mateu purred, pleased at the thought of everyone smelling Mats on him, too.

The pack knew because of course they did but there was an unspoken agreement of not talking about it. Nobody asked him or Mats - they were probably to afraid to attempt that - and Mateu was secretly thankful for it. A part of him was scared if what they currently had had to be labelled. They didn't exactly court rather seemed to have skipped that step and have had sex a couple of times and Mats was so incredibly tender each time after it...so friends with benefits? But they weren't friends. Friends weren't scenting each other to mark that they were off-limits. Is he in what people call a situationship? It was confusing.

Luckily, the fans through the screen Mateu had to take a selfie for the media admin for couldn't see or smell it. His teammates also kept their mouths shut as he walked into the showers, even tho Mateu did catch Niki shooting him a look multiple times.
Freshly showered the entire team met up in the VIP lounge to eat and wind down together. The pack bond was settled for once, comfortable, with warmth and happiness. Loud talking filled the room accompanied by a lot of laughter. Mateu got a couple more head pats from Geppi when the unofficial pack-dad passed his seat and when he stood at the buffet to get some more of the delicious potatoes Nuri, who was going for another celebratory steak - it had to be nice as a retired player -, elbowed him gently.

"How do you feel, champ?", he asked, smile blinding as the sun.
Mateu grinned back. "Very good. But also very tired already", he admitted and made the co-trainer laugh with it.
"Gotta get some more training in from tomorrow on", he joked and nudged Mateu's shoulder with his own. Mateu only laughed once more, secretly dreading having to stand up again at nine o' clock. He concentrated back on fishing the last pieces out of the tray on his plate and balanced the whole thing back to his seat.

On his right Marco was currently gone to Emre's side a table further. The guys opposite him, Jamie, Mouki and Donny were busy laughing at their phones, showing each other memes. Mateu was fine with enjoying the food and atmosphere without a conversation, he did notice somebody staring at him tough. And of course it was Mats, from across the room. Mateu smiled at him and Mats did his weirdly angled grin back but he didn't look away. Mateu felt his cheeks heat up a bit as he quickly continued eating with his head down.

Another hour passed until everyone was done eating, holding talks and they gathered all their things. The short bus ride to the training facilities was fairly quiet, Mateu was resting his head against the window and looking at the silhouettes of people he could make out in the darkness. When they passed a street lantern in the right moment he could sometimes catch a glimpse of yellow scarves around necks.

They arrived. Just as Mateu was taking the last step out of the bus Mats, who had waited outside at the door, grabbed his hand on instant. Heart beating loud in Mateu's chest he let himself get tugged along to the parking lot for players. His own car with which he drove here this morning was in the back but before he could even begin to feel bad about not helping carry stuff from the bus back inside the building Mats stopped in front of his black Mercedes. He put both his and Mateu's bag into the trunk and they got in. It was another silent drive. The silence was still comfortable to him but Mateu was definetly more in a state between anxious and excited. He didn't realize how much it seemed to affect him and his scent until Mats slowed and stopped at a red light. He raised his arm, resting it on Mateu's shoulder and started stroking his neck with his thumb, dangerously close to his scent gland. Mateu shuddered.

"You okay?", Mats asked. His voice was deep and steady. Mateu nodded hastily.
With the way Mats' eyebrow raised Mateu knew he wasn't really convinced but luckily the light switched back onto yellow and then green so Mats had to put his hands back on the steering wheel.

When he finally pulled into the driveway Mateu almost jumped out of the car, taking a deep breath of the clean, fresh air. Internally cringing at his behaviour he followed Mats, who carried both their bags and opened the entrance with his fingerprint, into the house.

As soon as Mateu hat put his shoes on the rack and hung up his jacket a strong hand pushed him around and pressed him up against the wall. They kissed.

"I'm so proud of you", Mats mumbled against his lips when they parted for air. Mateu smiled into the following kiss.

Eventually they made it out of the hallway after some time and brushed their teeth together, grinning at each other in the mirror. They changed into pijamas - because Mateu was fancy like that - and Mats shuffled under the covers last after switching the lights of. He pulled Mateu close by his waist whose inner Omega was satisfied again at being safely held by a strong Alpha. However, Mateu's head was racing again. After a content sigh from Mats it was silent for a good moment.

"Do you like me?"

Mats' laugh vibrated through Mateu's entire body. "We are cuddling in a shared bed!"
The smile dropped quickly when Mateu turned around to face him with serious demeanor.

"But do you like like me?"

"I-", Mats seemed to be speechless for a second. His eyes skipped over Mateu's face, searching for any sign of sarcasm. But he would only be able to see anxiety. "Yes! Of course I like like you, Mateu!" He grabbed Mateu's hands under the duvet. "Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

Mateu couldn't help himself from tearing up. Jesus, he needed to get a grip but Mats liked him. Actually liked him.
"I thought maybe you didn't want me, because- because you never asked me to be your boyfriend-", he sniffled.

"Oh", Mats grimaced. "I was thinking, you know, you're so much younger and that's why I wanted to take it really slow and careful-"
"So you just fucked me 'carefully' last time?", Mateu giggled.
Mats grinned lopsidedly, caught. "Yeah, that wasn't really 'taking it slow', I admit..."

Mateu smiled. But now his heart was only beating faster. "Sooo...?", he dragged out.
"So?" Mats' eyebrows shot up.
Mateu inhaled shakily.

"Mateu...", Mats cut him off. "You're such a great, lovely guy, you make me smile and we have great sex-"
Mateu couldn't help but snort.
"So if you would do me the honor...", Mats continued grinning, "I'm not a big fan of the traditional stuff, but...if you'd let me, I would like to court you. Maybe more in a modern way, just...properly this time."

Mateu nodded. "I would like that, yes. But on one condition", he then demanded.
"Anything", Mats said without hesitating.
"We keep having sex."
Mats grinned. "I don't think that will be a problem", he promised and kissed Mateu deeply.

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