Explaining the Power!!!

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When I mean power I mean the people in charge.

Also if you didn't know by now, all of this is about an animation I'm working on! So far I got some voice actors, but no animator yet...

Head honcho: Lucifer

There are overlords just like in HH, but unlike how in HH they have to fight and kill to the top the overlords in FTF are elected. (What's more than Hell than politics?) Each election take place after a yearly cleanse and seven demons are elected. Each new overlord is representing a deadly sin. 

So basically mixing monarchy with democracy. So a king (Lucifer) and seven presidents/prime ministers... 

Although you do have Lucifer's two twin teens Liam and Laney. There are also more princes/princesses of Hell, but its a little complex on that part

Darry/Greed was a sin leader longer them the others so I kinda see him as a father figure to the other sins.

Jade and Sam are the two with the least amount of terms. Sam with one and Jade with two.

If you have any questions about the characters or plot please ask.

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