Helpless (James Madison x shy!reader) !

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*Squee* Don't you just love Fluff? Especially with Jameeesss.
Oh SHI- I'm fangirling.


Anyways, your Thomas' sister in this story and he introduces you to his best friend.

So yeah..

Your POV

Thomas, my brother, being the most popular of our school, has been invited to yet another party. This time, being the Reynolds. And yet again, I wasn't invited, being the shy person I am. But as Thomas is, he wants me to come as his plus one. He says he wants to show me someone. There he goes again, trying to get me to 'mingle', or as in his words, 'get laid'.

I really do love my brother, but wearing this thing he begged me to put on makes me question my love for him;

It took a lot of struggling and begging from him until I gave up and put it on.

We're in the car now, him driving while I'm here wondering why I'm still here. After a short drive, we've finally arrived. "Alright, we're here darling." Thomas informed, while hopping out of the car. Groaning, I finally muster the courage to get out as well.

"C'mon sis! Let loose and forget your shyness." He nudged me with a pleading smile. My brother always says this every time we arrive at a party. Sighing, I roll my eyes and respond. "That stuff is for you. I'm just not the party person."

He shrugged while ringing the doorbell. A girl in a red dress opened the door, her hair was draped over her left eye. "H-hello Thomas. Wait," she looked over at me. I felt my palms getting sweaty at the way she glared at me. "Who's that?"

Thomas chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Ah, this little girl? Well, she's my sister, darling." He replied. I saw her eyes soften at the words 'sister'. "Oh... well, come in." She gestured.

Walking in, the place looked like a wreck. People were either drinking, dancing, or sucking off each others faces. The only sane looking person was this guy in the corner wearing a grey sweatshirt, coughing his throat out.

Thomas grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the direction of grey sweater guy. "W-what are you doing?" I squeaked nervously. Turning to me with a sly grin, he replied, "I've found someone your sure to fu- I mean, like."
I sighed while helplessly following him.

"Yo, Jemmy! I have someone I'd like you to meet." I heard my brother say to the man, who's name must be Jemmy from the way Thomas addressed him. When I looked up, 'Jemmy' was in front of me, and damn did he look better up close. I felt my cheeks burning up as he examined me, but in a non kinky way. "She looks like you." He said while looking back at Thomas.

In response, Thomas said, "Yep, she's my sister." The guy looked back at me and smiled slightly. "So, what's your name?" He asked politely. Nervously, I look down while fiddling with my fingers. "M-my name is (Y/N)..." I murmured in response. "Well, I'm James. James Madison." He- I mean, James said, while sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I hesitantly take his hand and shake it. "N-nice to meet you James." Smiling shyly, I look up, accidentally making eye contact for a second before quickly looking away at my brother. Thomas was smirking as he saw you and James were still holding hands. "I'll leave you to it!" He said before walking away. I swear I heard him say something about 'protection'.

James smiled at me while looking down at our intertwined hands. I squeak while pulling my hand back and apologizing. He chuckled slightly. Looking back, I give him a small smile. A few seconds passed without talking until I fell down from a couple who were in round one of fucking each other. I was back to back with a freckled guy while a short guy who's hair was in a ponytail was topping the guy behind me.

I squealed in fear as I was being crushed from the weight of both the drunk ass men. Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms yank me out from the pile. Stumbling, I fall on top of the source that saved me from the men.

Looking down, I saw that I fell on top of no other than James Madison. "O-oh! I-I'm so sorry!" Blushing, I quickly apologize while getting off of him. Helping him up, he laughed. "No no! It's alright. But are you alright?" He asked. I nodded while looking down once again, trying to hide my red face.

"How about we go somewhere less crowded?" James suggested, while gesturing to the backyard. I nodded while following him to the outside.

Once we finally got out from those crazy drunk, dancing people, we both  sat down on a nearby bench in the backyard. It was pretty dark since it was night, and the only light provided was from the inside of the house. I heard James sigh beside me as he looked up, gazing at the starry sky.

"Well look at that." James said, pointing up at the sky. Aiming your eyes towards what he was looking at, you saw that the Big Dipper was shining bright, and so did a million other stars.

I didn't know much about constellations, only a few did I know. For example, the dippers and the Ursa minor and major, which were technically the same thing.

"Look! There's Leo and Aeries." His informed on awe. The way he was staring at the stars in wonder was pretty cute. James pointed to a couple other stars while identifying each of them with such knowledge. I didn't quite understand, making all of the names sound gibberish.

He looked down to see me confused. "Don't know much about stars, do you?" James chuckled as I shook my head 'no'. "Would you like to learn?" He asked. I blushed in embarrassment and nodded. "Alright then, that one," he pointed at a constellation in the pattern of a W. "that's Cassiopeia."

*Time skip to after a bunch of stars being named. (I don't know much about stars cuz I ain't smart.)~~~~~~~~~*

I felt a bit tired after James had explained all of the stars to me. It truly was fascinating, and I see why he finds it interesting. Without a warning, I let out a small yawn. I quickly cover my mouth, thinking that he would have thought I was bored. "I-I'm sorry!" My apology was muffled from my hand.

Instead of James getting mad, he replied, "It's getting late. We should head back. Your brother might be looking for you.".
"Yeah... we should." I respond while standing up. He stood up as well. "Wait, uh..." James stopped me from walking back. I turn back and cock my head, as if signalling him to continue what he was saying. "I-uh.. a-are you available this Saturday?" He asked. A blush crept up my cheeks as I said, "Y-yes... why?"

"Well.. Mary Poppins Returns is playing at that time and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" I felt like screaming. Was he asking me on a date? "S-sure. I'd lo-I mean, I'd appreciate that..."
James gave a cheeky grin. "Great! It's a date."

"A-a date?" I squeal, shyly.
"Uh-I mean.. If your OK with that..." He quickly said. I swear I saw him blush. "O-of course I'm ok with it." Trying to hide my excitement, I give him a genuine smile.

"(Y/N)! It's time to go!" I hear my brother say. Looking back at James, he nods. "So... see you 6pm on Saturday." He said. "See ya." I nod back before heading out.

Once Thomas and I got in the car, I looked back up at the stars and sighed. Thomas noticed my actions and chuckled. "So, did you and Jemmy do anything~?" He asked, causing me to blush madly. "W-we didn't do much. Just looked at the stars and shit... he also asked me on a date." I said the last part quietly, but my brother has really sharp ears, so he heard. "Ooooh! My lil' sis is finally goin' to get laid!"

I nearly choke in response. "N-no! We're only going to the movies..."
Thomas laughed and said, "Mhm, sure. Make sure to use protection." Rolling my eyes, I playfully punch his arm.

The ride home was filled with thoughts of James. I hadn't had a crush since Grade 4.
Oh dear, I'm helpless all over again.

This is a fluffy chapter for Muffindawg123 . She has pulled me away from sin, for one chapter. XD. Go check her out, shes a great friend and a great author!

Wellp, have a good day!

Words: 1486

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