Jealousy (All of the Hamilsquads reaction)

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Hello, hello, hello! I was bored af, read a smut book, and got an idea! There ain't no smut in this story tho. Sorry to all you sinners out there.

Also, MEMEZZZ^^^^^^

John's reactions:

John angrily grasped onto his cup of beer. That dumbass, Charles Lee was talking, no, flirting with you. Although John knew you were faithful and hated Charles as much as he did, he couldn't bare seeing that bastard near you.

"John, Mon Ami, are you ok?" Lafayette asked him. John turned around to glare at him. "Fuck off." The angry turtle boy growled before returning back to watch the two of you.

Meanwhile, with you;

"Charles, what part of fuck off do you not understand?" You angrily mumble, while pushing him off. He gave a ear piercing laugh and replied, "and what part of 'fuck me' do you not understand?" Charles purred lightly while snaking his hands up to your waist as he pulled you closer.

Slapping his hands off, you angrily growl, "Back. The. Fuck. Off.". He jokingly puts his hands up in defence while giving you a sly grin. You take a quick glance at John. If looks could kill, Charles would be a dead man by now.

With John;

John noticed that you were struggling to get out of Charles grasp.

I will kill that bitch

Were the only thoughts running in his mind. For a second he saw you looking back at him with a pleading look, before you turned back to stick your middle finger at Charles.

John had enough. He arose from his seat and started storming towards your direction. With one swift kick in the nuts, Charles was curled up on the floor, clutching his balls in pain. "Shit!" He growled, while turning around to see John towering over him. "Back off of my girlfriend you motherfucking son of a bitch!" John yelled angrily, while giving another kick to Charles' dick. (Hey that rhymes..!)

He felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw you, trying to hide a laugh. "Thanks." You said, smiling. John nodded as he engulfed you in an embrace. You turned your attention back to Charles and gave him a deadly glare. 'That's what you get' you mouthed, before breaking the hug.

"Let's go home." John suggested, while smirking at Charles. You giggled and nodded your head, linking your arms. "Lets go, my hero." John chuckled at being called 'my hero'. "Do I get a prize for my bravery." He jokingly purrs while wiggling his eyebrows.

You gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Thats your prize." You smirked at his pretend, hurt emotion. "Awwww! No kinky sex for me?" He whimpers, giving you puppy eyes.


Lafayette's Reaction:

You and Lafayette were on a vacation in France. Lafayette decided to bring you to one of the famous bakeries, Tarty François, to get some more croissants and baguettes. You both ran out of stock because of his obsession.

"Lafayette, dear, next time I'm only allowing you to eat one pastry a day!" You scowl at him. Lafayette pretends to pout. "Mais, Mon amour-" he starts to say. You interrupt him by saying, "No ands, ifs, or buts!".

He chuckled and pulls you closer to his side. "Fine." Lafayette said before opening the door to the bakery. The both of you were welcomed by the lovely aroma of freshly baked bread. You and Lafayette both take a deep breath to inhale the sweets smell.

"Mm..." you softly hum. Lafayette smiled at you before leading you to the counter. "I'll pay, dear." You tell Laf. He shakes his head in disagreement. "Non, non, I will!"

It had to come to this didn't it? Well, you knew exactly how to handle that. You let out a low growl and give Lafayette a deadly glare. Lafayette gulps in fear and replies, "o-on second thought..."

You giggle at his expression and turn to order. There, a man stood, with slick black hair tied back into a small hair tie. His look reminded you of Alexander, but without facial hair, and with a darker skin colour.

The man looked at you with a sly grin and said, "Well bonjour mon ange. Qu'est-ce que je peux avoir pour une belle femme comme toi aujourd'hui?". As much as it was obvious that he was flirting with you, you didn't let it bother you much. Translation: "What can I get for a beautiful lady like you today?"

I used google translate... sorry xD

"May we get 10 croissants and 15 baguettes, please? Merci." You asked politely. Little did you know that Lafayette was glaring daggers at the man working. The man winked at you and said, "N'importe quoi pour vous.". Then he walked to the back to get your order. Translation: "Anything for you."

You felt a bone crushing feeling at the side of your hip. Looking up, you saw Lafayette a shade of red. He was angrily mumbling some French words underneath his breath. "Ouch. Mon Amour, your hurting me..." you winced in pain. Lafayette looked down to see you trying to push away his left hand, which was clutching on to the side of your left hip.

"O-oh. Sorry mon chaton." He apologized, while stroking the area that he hurt."Its just... Je n'aime pas la façon dont cet homme te parlait." Lafayette explained, growling in fury.
Translation: "I don't like the way that man was talking to you."

You chuckled slightly at your Husbands jealous behaviour. "Don't worry, my love, Je suis à toi et seulement à toi."
Translation: "I'm yours and only yours."

He smiled at you. "And forever am I yours." He whispered back. A few moments passed until you heard footsteps gradually coming towards your direction behind the counter.

"I'm back, mon chaton." He purred, while taking your hand and planting a soft kiss on your knuckles. You felt Lafayette growling behind you, his arms securely wrapped around your waist.

"Your order will arrive soon." The man informed, smiling sweetly at you, but glaring at Lafayette. You didn't want to continuously call him 'the man', so you politely asked his name. "Ah, my name? Well, it is Rednaxela." (Creative, I know. Backwards names are great.)

Before you could reply, Lafayette interrupted you and said, "My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette and my wife's name is (Y/N) de Lafayette."
He smirked at the mans surprised expression. "I-I'm just going to get your pastries now..." Rednaxela nervously said, while returning to the back.

When he was fully gone you playfully slapped Lafayette's arm. "What the fuck was that for?" Lafayette shrugged in response. "That's what he gets for flirting with you."

You smile while holding his hand. "What did I do to deserve such a special man?" You whispered under your breath.

Hercules Reaction:

"Heercccc!" You whined while your boyfriend engulfed you in a protective embrace. "Were going to be late for the party!"

Hercules scoffed and said, "Is the party more important than me?". You pouted while turning around to face him. "I never said that, babe." He looked at you with cute puppy eyes. "Why are you so resistant on going" You asked, while trying to pry his arms off of you with no success.

He nuzzled his face in his neck. "I don't want to go because of all those other drunk ass men." You looked at him with a confused look. "You get drunk off your ass all the time! What's the difference between them and you?"

"They might try to steal you from me." He replied bluntly. Giggling, you reply, "And why would anyone try to steal me from you?". Lifting his muscular arm while stroking, you added, "See?". Hercules rolled his eyes. "Don't you see how gorgeous you are? From your beautiful eyes to your fucking hot body." He purred while holding on to your waist.

You felt your face heat up from his compliment. "Awwww." You heard him chuckle. "Your so adorable when you blush." He said, while caressing your cheek.

"Why can't you call Mr. Washington and tell him something came up? Then we can have the rest of the day to ourselves." Hercules suggested. "Just you, me... and the bed." Jokingly, Hercules wiggled his eyebrows.

You groan in annoyance but let out a small laugh. "Honey, I cant do that! George is like a father to me. He's always been there, so I should at least show up to his party."

Hercules sighed in defeat. He lazily followed behind you to the car.

Suddenly, he had an idea, one that was sure to bring the both of you home early.


Once you arrived at the party, you let out a small gasp at the beauty of Washington's house. Hercules had to admit, he was amazed as well.

*Picture this cuz my ass is too lazy to describe*

"Ah! Well if it isn't (Y/N) (L/N) and Hercules Mulligan!" You heard a familiar voice behind you. Turning around you saw George Washington, hand in hand with Martha Washington. "The Washington's!" You smiled kindly at them. "It's delightful to see you!"

"And the same goes to you." Martha replied with a beaming smile. "I see your still with Mr. Mulligan?" She asked, while facing to turn Hercules. Hercules nodded nervously. "Ah well I see," George replied. "I trust that you'll be true to (Y/N), right?"

Hercules nodded again. "Of course!" He squeaked anxiously while fiddling with his fingers. "Mr. Washington." Another familiar voice was heard behind George. Mr. Washington looked behind his back to see Hamilton with a stack of paper in his hands.

"May we continue our chat?" Alexander asked. George Washington nodded his head in dismissal and redirected his attention to the young couple. "I'll see you two soon." Washington said while gesturing Martha with him.

*Time skip to an hour.*

You weren't much of a drinker, so alone you sat, bored off your ass. Watching, you saw Hercules surrounded by a bunch of women, all hovering around him. A woman in a red dress had her arms wrapped around his torso, while another lady was grinding on him.

You let out a low growl as you saw Herc giving you a small smirk. (THAT RHYMES). You felt your blood boil as one of the women straddled him, arms wrapped around his neck while his arms were around her waist.

What are those dickheads doing around my boyfriend?

You think, while angrily clutching on to your cup of water. You had enough as you angrily stood from your seat and stomped towards their direction.

You lightly push the girl straddling Hercules off and angrily say, "Do you mind getting your ugly ass hands off my man." The lady looked back at you and rolled her eyes. You quickly apologize and say, "Oh I'm sorry, that was awfully rude of me." You then smirk and add, "what I meant to say was fuck off my man you slutty little mother fucking cunt! You little son of a bitchy sack of shit."

You aggressively grab Hercules by the hand and drag him away from the crowd of woman. Hercules' expression was agape. He knew you'd get jealous, but never thought you go to those terms. Either way, things we going as planned.

Hercules realized you were heading towards the direction of the Washington's. He gulped in fear, afraid of what was going to happen next.

Once you reached them, you put on a fake smile and told them, "I'm awfully sorry but we're going to have to cut our stay short." The Washington's looked at you with a concerned look. "Why so soon, darling?" George questioned.

"Oh it's nothing major, just a mishap." You lie, while squeezing Hercules hand at the word 'Mishap'. The elderly couple nod and say, "Of course. We understand."
You smile gratefully at them before walking out.

Once you arrived at the door, you roughly shove Hercules into the shotgun of the car. Seeing you angry turned him on.

After a few moments of driving in silence, you tightly grip onto the steering wheel and growl. "What the actual fuck, Hercules Mulligan." Herc nervously fiddled with his fingers while looking down. When you called him by his full name, he knew you meant business.

"First you tell me that you don't want to come because you were afraid of men seducing me, but here you are! Going on and getting yourself surrounded by a bunch of women sexually touching you in front of me." You huffed angrily. "If you really wanted to go home, you could have told me. But since you didn't..."

Your right hand roughly clutched on to his inner thigh while the other hand was focused on the steering wheel. Hercules let out a small happy moan.

His plan was working.

Alexander's reaction:
Favourite Movie=(F/M)
Favourite (male) character=(F/C)

You, Alexander, Peggy and Hercules were watching (F/M) in you and Peggy's dorm. Alexander and you were a couple while Peggy and Hercules were together as well.

You and Peggy squealed when (F/C) came on the screen. Both of your boyfriends looked at you confused at your excited reactions.

"Look how hot (F/M) is!" Peggy sighed, staring dreamily at the screen. Mimicking her action, you add, "I know right? I mean, look at those musclessss!" Both of you tightly clutch onto your pillows and let out another squeal.

Alexander scoffed and Hercules jealously crosses his arms, both of them letting out a huff. Ignoring your boyfriends action, you continue drooling all over (F/M).

"HOLY SH-" You say in a shrilly voice. "He's taking off his shirt! HE'S TAKING OFF HIS SHIRT!" Peggy screams while shaking you aggressively. Alexander let out a low growl at the chaotic scene.

"Would you quiet down?" Hercules snapped, angrily. "Yeah!" Alex added. "He's not even that good looking!" It was at that moment that you and Peggy knew what was going on. The both of you shared a look and smirked.

Poking Alexander's cheek, you giggle while saying, "Awwww, is someone jealoussss?". Turning a shade of pink, he exclaims, "N-No I'm not!". You seductively straddle him while wrapping your arms around his neck, completely forgetting about the others presence.

You hear Peggy jokingly gag behind you. Ignoring it, you continue. "Is lil' Lexi jelly of hot Mr. (F/C)? Does my widdle Alex think that (F/C) can steal me from him~?" Alexander pouts, crossing his arms while shaking his head 'no'.

"If you say so~" You let out a small laugh while turning back to the movie. Peggy playfully punches you once you return to your original seat. 'Good one' she mouthed before returning her attention towards the movie.

If you were in an anime movie, your nose would be bleeding by now. When you looked back at the screen, (F/C) was half naked (Sorry if your fav movie is PG... Just think of a movie that has sexual content. LIKE FIFTY SHADES OF GREEEEEEEY! xD).

You squeaked with your eyes wide open. It came to the part where the character was dressing up. Both you and Peggy turned a deep shade of crimson red at his toned body. "OH DEAR OH DEAR OH DEAR!" Peggy hollered, panicking as she frantically hugged you.

"Oh come on! He's not that good looking." Herc commented, glaring at the screen. Pretending not to hear, you say, "HIS GOOD LOOKS MUST BE AS GOOD AS THE WAY HE FUCKS!".

Alex nearly choked while Hercules made a weird gagging sound. "WHAT?" They both squealed in frustration. The both of you ignored him again. "Oh YES! I betcha he'd have ALL the girls unable to walk once he's done with them!" Peggy giggled, while fanning herself with her hand. You could sense the anger of the both of you and Peggy's boyfriends.

"Hot Papi!" You said, while pretending to faint on Peggy's lap. Alexander had enough. He furiously turned off the TV while growling in a low voice, "Movie night is over.". Hercules looked relieved while Peggy and you were agape.

"What? WHY?!? It was getting to the good parts!" Peggy whined while throwing her hands up in the air. Hercules rolled his eyes in annoyance and jealousy. "You might as well of masturbated if the movie continued." He grumbled. Peggy and you gave each other a sly grin.

"You know what, that doesn't sound like a bad idea...!" You suggested, holding in a laugh. Alex looked wide eyed and pulled the collar of your PJs, forcing you to be face to face with each other. "No, your are not going to masturbate while thinking about that bitch." Alexander demanded angrily.

You giggle as you caress his cheek. "Alright," smiling, you say, "I won't think about him, I'll think about you~". Alexander looked dumbfounded and a blushing mess. Hercules coughed slightly, interrupting the sexual moment.

Peggy began straddling Hercules. "Herc, honey~" She purrs while biting her lip. "How bout we go watch a movie in your dorm, hm?" Now it was your turn to jokingly gag. Hercules shook his head, a tint of pink. "Th-that's enough movies for tonight." He replied bluntly.

Peggy and you sigh, but agree. "Alright, its time we call it a night." You say. Leaning in, Peggy whispers in your ear, "How about we binge watch it while masturbating?" She purposely didn't put an effort to make sure the boys didn't hear.

"Oh hell no." Hercules said, furrowing his eyes brows. "We heard that."
Peggy winked at him. "We know that."

"For that, we're going to stay here to ensure that you don't do anything... inappropriate." Alexander said, while standing up. In response, you said, "Are you sure? Or are you the one planning something inappropriate~?". You slowly draw some patterns on his chest.

"What the hell? When did you get so sexual?" He asked, this time turning as red as a tomato. Both of you and Peggy laugh. "And when did you get so jealous of a character on TV?" You asked in return.

Everyone but Alex laughed. "I said I wasn't jealous!" He huffed. "'I said I wasn't Jealous' my ass." Peggy replied, still giggling.

Your boyfriend sighed. "Okay so maybe I am." He admitted, looking down at his lap. "Awwwww. Don't worry Lexi. That man is already taken anyways." You poked and squished his cheeks. "Gee, Thanks... I guess...?"

You gave him a peck on the lips before getting off his lap.


Words: 3114

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