10 Facts about ME!

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So a while ago, 'sunshine lollipops' aka. DuskMintnight tagged me in this post and I thought, what the hell-may as well do this. So here we go: 

1) My nickname: Well this is easy because I don't have one. My name isn't exactly long so there's never been any need for it. Though my funniest story about my name is when I was in Year 6, we had a visit from the local nurse from the hospital nearby to do the 'puberty' talk and she was doing the register and she didn't have her glasses on and seriously thought my name was Ribena. Didn't live that down for at least a week. 

2) My eye colour: 

This is weird because I seriously have the  darkest eyes and you may think I'm exaggerating but I'm totally not. The brown is so dark that you can't (or you can barely) see my pupils. And weirdest thing is as well I have an outer blue-ish ring to my iris's. This is common for people who have high cholesterol and so my opticians made me take a test to see if I do have high-cholesterol (at 10 years old too) and no surprise, I didn't. So I just have this random weird blue-ish grey ring to my soul-sucking, demon eyes. 

3) Hair colour: Easy. Black.  (Or well, very very very dark brown that it looks black). 

4) One fact about me: 
Um....I hate this kind of question. Let's see....One fact about me-I did all my ballet grades. I'm not the kind of woman (or well, girl at the time) built for ballet but I have completed all my grades (1-6 and also done the 'Bronze bar'). 

5) Favourite colour: I tend to lean towards crimson or burgundy red. 

6) Favourite place: I haven't travelled a lot but I know enough to know that my favourite place is my home-wherever that may be. 

7) Favourite Celebrity: At the moment this is Michelle Obama. Politics aside, I just think she's a kick-ass woman and I admire her greatly. 

8) Favourite animal: Elephant. They're wonderful creatures and I just love them. 

9) Favourite song: This always changes. But right now I'm really getting into Latin (Spanish) music-like pop songs I mean and so Cómo Te Atreves by Morat. I don't speak fluent Spanish by the way (just little bits) but I just love that song right now. It's my summer jam. 

10) Favourite book: Of all the books I've read so far by favourite is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov HOWEVER, I also recently read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (it shamefully took me ages to get this book and get around to reading it) and so this is a very close second. 

So those are all the 'questions' and instructions are that I 'have' to tag 20 people. So I thought I'd just go through my fan list and tag 20 random people. If you have been tagged, feel free to do this or not- your choice obviously, but if you do please also link me in so I can have a nosey gander at your life too! :P 

















- Mickeyys_life




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