Episode 2 - continuation

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Not completely cannon whatever this is how they're related. Backstory time.

The shelter placed the kittens outside, one had gone to her favorite spot and laid down to take a nap. The others were in an area close by, the two orange tabbies were play fighting, the almost pure black brother watching with an indifferent expression, and the other kitten looking around taking in the world as he wandered where their mother was. The person then brought out the kittens' mother and set her down. She appeared to be sleeping so the kittens cuddled up and slept with her, she still felt warm. The person had not brought their father as only one kit had met the father, he was a black, white, and red tom with a red-panda pattern, while the mother was a orange/brown tabby cat that had some black. The kitten who was curled up by herself didn't know their mother was there as she slept. All the others were curled up with the mother except one. The white tom kit, the only white kit in the group. He had stayed awake, looking around, taking in the moment unaware it would be the last with his mother. He looked over to his sister who was all by herself, the moonlight shining down on her brown fur in just the right way so it appeared a gleaming red. He looked at his mother and other siblings and their colorful pelts before finally curling up and falling asleep.

A few hours later while the kittens were still asleep the kitten who was by herself awoke. She looked around and saw as her siblings got put in crates, the orange tabbies and the black kit got put into one then it was declared full. They put the white kit in a crate by himself thinking he was the last, they'd set his crate on the truck before noticing there was one more. They picked her up and set her in a crate which was then placed unsteadily on top of the other crates.

On the road the truck hit several bumps making Panda's crate looser and looser until it finally crashed against the road, "Ow-Oww!" She exclaimed as the crate shattered around her scratching and hurting her variously in the process. She glanced around, looking for someone and seeing no one. "Help?!" She mewed though no one heard. After a minute she crawled out of the pile of broken wood that has been a crate and started walking. She didn't know where she was going. After awhile her legs gave out and she fainted. A kind person later picked her up and took her to the lab's emergency room where she took care of the kitten. After all that happened the kitten had some amnesia and didn't remember her name or her favorite brother. Kobi.

(Back to the others)

As they arrived and people started to unload the animals the three kits who had been set down in the play space happy but they frantically looked for their mother. Soon a human comforted them. Meanwhile, an employee who the lab had sent to work there and bring them new animals noticed there was a kitten in a crate by itself and pushed the crate aside to take it later. He muzzled the kitten so it wouldn't make noise and alert the other employees. Later he took the kitten into the lab and set him in a cell. Before heading back to the adoption center. They had noticed that there were supposed to be to more kittens and when he arrived with a muzzle some of the employees caught clues. He was deemed responsible for the disappearance of at least one of the kittens and was fired.

And with that we end this episode. Tune in next time, and let me know what you think. 💭

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