Incubi | Phan

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Dan screams as his master, and demon, Phil bucks into him forcefully, crashing straight into his prostate like he always does first time. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” The curses are practically drooling from his lips and frankly he’s not surprised - he swore a lot when he was alive, he swears a lot in hell. Actually that’s still a weird concept. Being dead. You know, breathing and sweating and climaxing and stuff feel like things that alive people do. But Dan is not alive, at least not anymore, and it’s pretty damn clear that he can still climax a fuck load.

Familiarly strong hands grip his hips and their nails pierce his flesh, causing him to cry out as he’s brought back onto the demon. Dan can feel what could be blood trickling down his thighs but does he really care about that anymore? God no. That just means he’s really getting treated this time, and he loves it all; the pain, the insults, the dehumanising clothing and positions, every single last bit of it from foreplay to orgasm is… well, for lack of a better term, heavenly.

“Fuck, Phil, you’ll make me come again!” He struggles out, gripping his tied hands onto the bedframe. Then unexpectedly a set of fingers thread through his hair and yank his head up, making Dan wince.

“What did you call me?” The demon grunts in warning.

“Err, sorry m-master. Won’t happen again,” Internally Dan curses himself for making that mistake; he’s been here for so long, he should know to either call him ‘master’ or 'daddy’ when they’re in bed. 'Phil’ is a name saved for non-sex related issues, like feeding and resting, basically when either of them need to replenish their energy, which they need to do a lot. Sometimes Phil can go for hours, and my god does Dan have a love/hate relationship with those times.

“It better not, otherwise you won’t be coming for a long long time yet,” His master taunts, removing himself and leaving Dan, blindfolded and on all fours, to wonder what he’s doing next. Phil likes to do a lot of activities with him, not usually in any logical order, so Dan shouldn’t ever be surprised when he goes from a simply handjob to full on sex within a split second. Also, demons are ridiculously fast with any of their movements if they want to be, making them absolutely perfect for pleasing a man in the most intense way they’ll ever feel.

Dan pants heavily, tongue practically hanging out of his mouth like an animal as he tries to steady his breathing. Phil has a tendency to want Dan to pass out, and a lot of the time he can do it - it just depends whether it’s from subspacing or simply running out of breath. Suddenly there’s something wet against Dan’s hole and he keens, arching his back, remembering in that exact moment how bloody long this demon’s tongue is. It’s like an entity all on its own, it’s madness. The tongue enters him and licks all over his inner walls, sliding deeper than most people probably want to feel a tongue go, and Dan can’t stop whimpering at the sensation. He’s had this done to him a countless number of times but he will never get over how incredible it feels.

“Master please, let me come…” He whines, scratching the headboard in frustration. Phil likes to make him feel so good, but just not enough sometimes to make him finish, and it’s literally hell to go through. “It’s been hours!”

Suddenly Phil’s tongue has left him and Dan ends up crying out in complete distress, his need overcoming everything else in his body and mind. “You want to come, do you? Fine. But you asked for it.”

Dan falls silent at that remark, knowing that cheeky tone, and suddenly he’s flipped onto his back with his demon between his legs, spreading them open, and Dan immediately regrets his words. Then without any preparation whatsoever he’s got a vibrator stuck up his ass and another against his fully hard cock, causing him to buck and scream as all the vibrations work through him, intense and insane.

“Fuck, no!” He yells, before coming straight away and releasing over himself, body twitching at the sensation. “I’ll be good, I’ll be good!” His master thrusts the vibrator at alarming speeds in and out of him, overwhelming him and sending him jerking on the bed. He won’t stop, and Dan knows for certain that he’s not going to until after Dan runs dry - and the reason he loves feeding off Dan so much is because he runs dry so much later that everyone else.

So this is hell.

“Don’t complain baby, you asked for this,” The demon retorts over the yelling, working Dan quickly into his second orgasm and watching his face twist up and his hands clench into fists above his head. He drags the other toy along Dan’s throbbing cock, seeing it try to soften but not giving it a chance before forcing him back to full hardness. “Besides, you love it anyway, don’t you?”

“Fuck fuck fuck, yeah, fuck, I fucking love it, FUCK!” Dan screams out, hips jerking and twisting in a hundred different directions in his futile attempt at escaping the demon’s torture. The pleasure running all throughout his body is too much and he thinks it’s going to crack him open at some point, he can’t take it anymore. He feels his insides light up like fire and then he’s releasing again, practically tears on his face as the feeling runs through him like electricity again.

“You want more, baby?” Dan shakes his head back and forth almost out of control, gasping as Phil somehow turns up the toys. “You sure? Well, if you really want to come that many more times, I’m not one to complain…” That bloody smirk he has so obviously plastered on his face makes Dan so mad, because he knows he’s totally being played and that Phil’s only doing this because he likes to completely dominate him. It’s dirtying up the rules but hell, this demon makes the stupid rules.

“Master please, no more. Let me rest…” Dan cries, body reacting violently now as he becomes incredibly sensitive to the demon’s touch.

“I want to do this until you pass out,” His master growls, biting at Dan’s inner thigh hard enough to draw blood, and then he laps it up hungrily.

“You always do…” He feels his head start to swim and he just knows what happens next - as his next orgasm builds in his groin he groans as all feeling except that leaves him and he hurtles into unconsciousness.

Dan wakes up a while later, moaning in confusion and then he feels stimulation on his cock, and after a short moment of wonder he finally figures out that his master is riding him. Well that’s never happened before. The demon begins to bounce, his speed relatively slow for him but still considered fast from Dan’s point of view. A loud groan echoes through his ears and Dan can’t help but love the sound, loving the idea of his master giving himself pleasure using his slave’s body. It’s weird, but it’s kinky, and so Dan’s in love with it.

“You always manage to surprise me,” Phil scoffs, and if Dan could somehow forget, this demon is able to read his thoughts and give him some as well. “You’re going to come for me just one last time today, and then I’ll let you rest,” Dan groans in pleasure and annoyance but nods his head nonetheless. “Not for a while though. Just breathe for now.”

Dan does as he says, breathing in and out slowly and deeply and Phil continues his movements on top of him, forcing himself to breathe out through his nose when he can. It’s then that he realises something is different with the way this is feeling, and he quickly concludes that Phil has secured a ring around him to make certain he doesn’t come too early, which implies that he’s going to get pretty brutal with this right now.

And like a trigger, because this goddamn demon can hear his thoughts, that’s when it starts.

Phil speeds up his movements, grunting and huffing like a beast at the stimulation, and the effects reach Dan’s shaft instantaneously, causing him to groan helplessly at the feeling. He quickly feels himself building up to the edge, brick by brick being laid out inside his groin, and he knows that it will just keep building higher and higher until Phil takes that goddamn ring off, and it’s already starting to feel unbearable. Frustration starts to grow like a rash, an irresistible itch, and his fists start to clench in need - no, desperation.

Then the demon’s fingers start to run over his bare and sweaty chest, and Dan’s body flinches at initial contact. They slide over his nipples briefly, along his neck, and they keep going until they reach his hands and promptly one hand is released from it’s restraint. “Please me, whore,” The demon demands, bringing Dan’s hand to his huge and throbbing hard cock, and Dan doesn’t hesitate to wrap his fingers around as much of him as he can. Without another order he gets to work, pumping his demon cock in fast strokes and occasionally teasing his thumb over the head, dipping into the slit. God, did he wish he could just have that monster in his mouth, down his throat if he could, he’d choke on it and he’d love the risk. And that isn’t Phil talking, that’s truly Dan. It’s his favourite way to please his master.

Who knew he’d become such a cockslut?

“You’ve been so good for me, baby,” His master mutters softly, climbing off of Dan and shifting between his legs. “You definitely deserve a treat. You can come when you want, don’t hold back for me,” His voice softens completely as he slides himself in, causing Dan to moan quietly in relief.

“Thank you, master,” Are the final words he utters before letting himself relax completely, the demon’s hand wrapping around his desperate length and sliding the ring free, before returning to its grip and stroking him sensually. He lets out a gasp and bites his lip, his body so deliciously sensitive to the littlest of touches now that  their day together is almost finished, and as Dan feels the wall within his groin begin to crumble in warning, the demon’s lips find his intimately to swallow his moans as he climaxes, his back arching off the bed as his orgasm numbs his entire body with warmth and pleasure. Afterwards he falls back onto the bed, waiting for his master to build to his own orgasm by just simply using Dan’s body like before, bucking into his desperately and moaning with every breathe.

He releases soon after, filling Dan up in that incredible way and groaning against his lips. He stills inside him and remains them for a while, simple because he can and because it lets him feel like he own Dan even more. “Today was amazing, as usual,” He comments as he finally withdraws himself from Dan’s body.

“You say that every time. I’m going to start calling you 'AmazingPhil’,” Dan retorts, still breathing heavily after their activities.

Phil chuckles as he runs a finger down Dan’s nave, which makes his body flinch. “And you’re completely covered in sweat. If you were on fire, you’d put yourself out,” The blindfold is removed from Dan’s eyes and he blinks a few times before fixing his gaze on Phil, smiling in appreciation. “I’ll feed you later, but right now - ”

“You need to see your other toys, I know,” Dan mumbles, always hateful of the idea of Phil pleasing and having sex with other people.

A hand runs through his hair and Phil cocks his head. “I know you don’t like it. But you do realise that I give you a lot of luxuries that I don’t offer anyone else.”

Dan pipes up at that. “Like what?”

“I don’t feed with anyone else. Of course, I feed on them, but I save it all for when you and I feed together. And I rest in here with you. Plus, I don’t actually climax with anyone else.”

His eyebrows raise in surprise.“You don’t?”

Phil simply shrugs. “I can do, but I simply never feel like it with them. However, with you I just can’t help myself,” A playful smile tugs the corners of his lips and Dan ends up with a mix between returning the smirk and blushing, which probably looks a bit odd.

“Go on then - do your thing,” He yawns without his control. “I’ll just take a nap and rest up a bit. If you feel like anything when you get back, do it when I’m sleeping if I still am. You can just hop in my mind or something.” His hands are still tied above his head because, strangely enough, he likes them there as he sleeps. It’s odd, but it also prevents him from touching himself in his sleep (which he used to do at the start, and Phil weirdly loved it).

So Phil places a quick kiss to the top of Dan’s head before leaving the room, and soon after Dan finds himself drifting into a peaceful slumber, completely naked, with his hands tied to the headboard. So basically in his usual positioning.


Finishing the rest of his toys doesn’t very long after that, but  it takes a whole lot more effort. If Phil’s honest with himself, being with Dan is so much easier and fluent, like they just fit together. With Dan he doesn’t have to shift into someone else or act differently in any way; he can just be 'Phil’ and that’s enough for him. Dan doesn’t know it, but Phil sort of favouritises him over the rest of his toys, and that’s not exactly fair since Dan is only the newest, but he can’t exactly help it. Dan excites him in that way, so he shouldn’t feel guilty that he favours sex with him over his older toys.

Phil returns to Dan’s room, to see him still fast asleep on the bed with his head slightly flopped to one side. The demon can’t help but notice that his lips are parted slightly and his chest is rising slowly in his completely relaxed state. Even as he rests, he’s just as attractive to Phil as he always is, though that’s no surprise to him really.

He walks over to the bed and climbs beside Dan’s body, running his eyes over him shamelessly like he’s never seen it before, which is impossible because Phil is certain he knows this body inside and out. There’s just something about him, the way Phil feels for this human isn’t exactly normal, and of course he knows this but it’s not something you can simply forget. You can’t hide feeling at the back of your mind and wait for them to disappear in the same way they manifested in the first place, because that’s just not how things work. If he’s brutally honest with himself, he knows that the best thing to do to avoid anything nasty happening to himself and Dan would be to transfer him to another demon. That way things can return to normal.

But he doesn’t want to do that. Because of these 'feelings’ as he’s calling them, he can’t stand the idea of Dan receiving all that from another demon, let alone enjoying it.

Phil plays his hand softly through his human’s hair, seeing the effect of the touch show as a small smile on his lips. Affection is not something demons are used to; in fact they are supposed to be completely incapable of the sort. But that being said, most demons are born as demons, and Phil was not born a demon.

Dan stirs as he wakes and Phil smiles down at him almost lovingly. “Hello. It’s time to feed now, Dan.”

The human groans, wrists twisting in their restraints. “Too tired. Going back to bed.”

So Phil undoes his ties and places his hands firmly on either side of Dan’s chest to sit him up. “Come on, you can rest more later,” He retrieves a bottle from the bedside table and brings it to Dan’s lips, watching intently as they close around the rim and swallow down the contents. Lust demons are prone to being exceedingly horny, and that’s just natural, so spending a lot of time without any sexual activity is like a human standing up for too long; it quickly gets irritating and itchy beyond belief.

Dan pulls away from the bottle, gasping for breath. “You fed off my blood today. At least, I think it was blood. But I didn’t know you could do that,” He questions, staring at Phil with half-lidded eyes from his exhaustion.

“Well, I don’t have to feed off of everything, but I can do. I could eat your leg and it would satisfy me,” Dan’s body tenses at the statement. “I’m joking. Not about the fact that it would satisfy me though, because that part is true.”

“Please don’t tell me that’s a kink,” He whines, reminding Phil that when Dan first arrived here, he was completely new to sex entirely. In fact, he might have been a virgin, but Phil can’t remember much from Dan’s life anymore.

So he simply smiles in reassurance and brings a hand up to gently stroke his cheek. “Of course it’s not. Although it could be but I just don’t practise it. So you’re completely safe with me,” Dan smiles back and leans into my hand subconsciously.

“We don’t do this enough,” He mumbles under his breath, prompting Phil to cock his head in interest. “I mean cuddling. We don’t do it, and I kind of wish we did.”

“Hey - I do sex, not affection. And in my opinion, sex is much better,” Phil attempts to lighten Dan’s mood but he only sighs, lowering his gaze sadly. So Phil resorts to crossing his legs and pulling Dan into his lap, wrapping his arms around his middle and gently kissing at his neck from behind. “Is this better?” He whispers, purring against Dan’s skin.

“Yes…” Dan admits, a light blush forming on his cheeks. Phil works his lips a little more intimately across Dan’s neck, flicking his tongue over the skin and sucking on it softly. “Stop…” Dan moans quietly, twisting his hips which alerts Phil of his state; his work on Dan has obviously affected him in quite a useful way, since Phil hasn’t fed yet. So he slips a hand to the front of Dan’s torso and grips his length, beginning to stroke him slowly which earns him a whistling sigh of relief.

“You already came so many times today,” Phil reminds him, running his fingers sensually along his entire length. “And yet you still want more?” Dan doesn’t respond as Phil’s mouth returns to his neck, sucking a bite into his most sensitive area of skin and feeling him squirm. Phil can feel him hardening in his hold and decides to take both of his wrists in one hand and pin them behind the human’s back, restraining him further simply because he claimed once to enjoy that - restraint. And Phil’s the kind of lust demon who works to please his toys, not just himself.

You see, what he’s meant to do is find out their deepest fetish and use that constantly to bring out the most from them so he can feed. But he’s experimented a lot more with Dan simply because he’s never experienced any of these things and dangerously Phil enjoys doing so much with him. He never wants to get bored of him, ever.

But if he wanted to just go by the guidelines, that would be easy; What would Dan love the most?

Fellatio. It’s vanilla, but for him they work either way - Dan could love giving his master one just as much as receiving one himself.

What Dan loves is simple - blowjobs, calling someone 'daddy’, being completely dominated and tied down. He also really enjoys being overstimulated and most of the time being fucked really really hard, but that’s no surprise really.

So, since this one was unplanned, Phil decides to let Dan really enjoy it; he slowly lowers him onto the bed and climbs over his legs, hovering over his crotch and licking his lips intently. Then he’s leaning down and lapping over the head tauntingly, causing Dan to groan as he collects any leaking precum on his tongue and gulping it down greedily. The demon parts his lips slightly and closes them around the human’s cock, simple teasing his head which makes him shudder. After just a moment more he lowers his mouth down onto him, swallowing around him a couple of times before pulling up again.

Dan keens at the feeling and arches his back, sweat already forming on his forehead as he’s worked closer to what could easily be his sixth climax today. Phil curves his tongue around Dan’s hard length, reaching every bit of exposed flesh that he can, sucking on him gently as he plays the tip of tongue over the slit. At that Dan can’t help but moan out, gripping tightly onto the bedsheet and biting his lip seductively.

Phil doesn’t get a warning that he’s close or he’s about to come, but he really doesn’t mind that. It’s been clear for a while that this activity is the one which makes him lose himself and that’s exactly what he wants from something like this. Suddenly his body twitches and he’s releasing straight down the demon’s throat, and he eagerly swallows every last drop like he hasn’t had a meal in a ridiculous amount of time. After that he sits back and wipes his mouth clean, watching with awe as Dan lays there completely wrecked again, breathing heavily through his open mouth.

“You’ve done so well today, baby. I’m impressed,” He leans down and presses his lips gently to Dan’s forehead which earns him a soft whimper. “Do you want to cuddle up and rest for today then?” The human nods his head, shuffling his body next to his demon’s and moving his arms around his middle to hold him close. He lastly buries his head into the soft chest of the beast and grins in his comfort.


When Dan wakes up he stirs and groans like he usually does and curls back into Phil’s body;  except this time he isn’t there. Dan shoots himself up and looks around the room, trying to find where his demon has got to, but he only finds him sitting by the end of the bed, watching him with a tilted head.

“Jesus Christ you scared me! Why are you over there?” Dan squeals, his heart pounding in his chest and now his head throbbing after such a sharp wake up.

“Sorry about that. I just feel bad…” Phil sighs, looking away. “I’ve been assigned another human. He’s new, so I have to spend the entire day teaching him and learning him and marking him and - well, you know that by now.”

Dan simply blinks, trying to understand what that means. “So I won’t get to see you all day?”

The demon lowers his head. “I’m afraid not. And I’ll have to spend much more time with him than you from now on, since he is, well, 'fresh meat’, and I have to protect him from any other demons who wish to claim him.”

Dan frowns at that. “Wait, so you used to protect me?”

“I still am protecting you. In a way, my scent masks yours,” The demon stands up from his place on the bed and makes his way to the door, shooting Dan an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but please don’t let yourself get bored in here. Have a play with the toys if you’d like.”

And then he’s gone, leaving Dan alone.

The first thing he decides to do to rummage through Phil’s toys and such, familiarising himself with them all and choosing what he’d most like to use today, since he’s all alone; he might as well do some masturbating whilst he’s here. Besides, it’s been a long time since he’s done that, mainly because with Phil he doesn’t ever need to.

He grabs some lube and covers his fingers, before climbing onto the bed, on his front with his ass in the air, then he circles them around his rim and doesn’t hesitate to push them inside. Dan sighs softly as he works his fingers within himself, stroking the tips against his sensitive inner walls and making his body shudder. He wishes Phil was with him, to do all this for him and make it feel so much better. Dan longs for him but he knows he’s not coming back for a while.

He slips his fingers out and pours some more lube onto a medium-sized vibrator, since there’s no need to try pushing himself too far, and then he bites his bottom lip as it slips inside him. Dan works it slowly in and out, just to get a feel for it, before deciding to turn it on. The vibrations are gentle but pleasurable and Dan finds himself quietly moaning at the feeling, arching his back slightly and gripping the bedsheet with his other hand. It seems strange that he still enjoys these sorts of things when he has sex literally every single day, but maybe that’s all down to the nutrients that he’s fed and the fact that his owner is a demon of lust, which probably means he’s keeping Dan interested by making him lust for it all the time. That is a thing those demons can do, isn’t it? Don’t they have an ability or something which allows them to lure humans and such in, making them perform sexual acts for them even if it’s against their will?

But wait - Phil said a while back that he’s never used them on Dan. Not once. So what really is keeping Dan so lustful? Is he just naturally so needy for sex?

Well, he’s certainly not complaining.

Dan flips himself around so that’s now on his back, and he trails his free hand down past his nave until he can take hold of his own hard length, beginning to stroke himself sensually and letting out a breathy moan. And it’s at that moment that he manages to brush the tip of the vibrator against his prostate, causing a shock of pleasure to wash through him.

“Fuck fuck fuck,” He mutters as he continues to stimulate that same spot and make his body begin to jerk with the sensations. He’s getting close and he can feel it. Dan runs this thumb briefly over his slit which causes him to gasp out, and as he pumps his hand just that little bit faster he knows he needs just a tiny bit more - 

And that’s it.

Dan groans aloud as he reaches his climax, hips bucking uncontrollably into his hand as the heat of his orgasm rushes through him, practically paralyzing him with pleasure. And then it’s over, and his body is simply a sweaty panting mess on the bed, waiting for his demon to return. But that’s not going to be for a long time, and Dan can’t just lay here panting and pleasuring himself whilst he waits.

Well, actually he can. Why is he complaining again?

Without a second thought he begins to consider what he could possibly try next, knowing Phil has used everything he has on him at some point. He could simply set up a machine but that’s a little boring. And a lot of things he’d like to do are things that Phil does for him, like suck him off or give him a rim job or spank him or…

Phil must be messing with his head. He can’t honestly need him this much right now. God, it’s going to be such a long day without him!


Once Phil finishes with his newest arrival he decides the first thing he needs to do is check on Dan, since the rest of his toys are used to being without him for long periods of time (and besides, many of them are frequently taken by other demons because, well, Phil stops giving them attention eventually. Though it’s not like they object, since they’re quickly seduced into willing transferring.)

“Phil!” The demon flinches upon hearing his name, slowly turning around  and being met with another incubus, though not one he is exactly keen on. “Haven’t you got to stay with your little pet at all times? It seems you really have quite the attachment to him.”

Phil straightens his back, aiming not to be riled up today. “You know we must stay by the sides of our newest arrivals. But I do not grow attachments to humans,” He growls in response.

The other demon smirks deviously and leans his head closer, wanting to intimidate him. “I’m not discussing your newest, I’m talking about the one that you sleep with every night. You know, the youngest one.”

Phil narrows his eyes at him. “Are you insinuating that I am developing feelings for a human?”

“I’m not insinuating anything. I’m saying that it has already happened. You like this one, don’t you?” The demon’s smirk grows wider and Phil can’t help but begin to worry. “Because, if you do, I will be forced to tell someone higher about this. And you will lose your place. So do I make myself clear?”

Phil grits his teeth and simply walks away, turning his back to the other demon. “Do not dare go near any of my humans. You touch them and I will personally harm you.”


The door clicks open and Dan’s eyes shoot up to see Phil enter the room again, and as quickly as instinct he’s jumping up and pouncing on him, bringing him to the bed and climbing on top of him. Dan mashes their lips together, for the first time being dominant, and he rolls his hips down onto Phil’s to show his desperation.

“Woah! Missed me did you?” Phil gasps out once he can pull his lips away. In response Dan nods his head and whines in need like a dog begging for food, and so Phil flips them over and straddles Dan’s hips. He traces his chest with his lips and Dan knows that’s just to tease him - because it’s obvious he’s in need of so much more. “Okay - what do you have in mind?”

Dan gestures over the side of the bed, to a pile of bondage equipment, and he hears Phil chuckle at the sight. “You really did miss me. Alright then, stay right here and I’ll get started,” He climbs off the bed and Dan sighs in relief, watching the demon intently from his place on the bed. When Phil returns his reaches for Dan’s wrists and secures them with an expensive-looking set of handcuffs behind his back, holding onto them as he shoves Dan onto his front of the bed. He then proceeds to straddle his legs, and with his free hand, Dan guesses, he runs his palm over his bare ass. “Feeling kinky today, maybe?” Dan nods his head quickly, feeling so desperate for this, and then Phil raises his hand.

It comes smacking down which shoots a burst of electrical pleasure through his body, causing him to wail in surprise. The demon hits him again and again and again, every smack making him harder and harder, his cock now straining against the bedsheet. “You enjoying this, whore? You’re my kinky little slut aren’t you,” Dan only cries out in pleasure as the hand is brought down again, cock twitching beneath him.

“Master, please!” He wails, pleading for more. The greatest thing about sex with Phil is that he takes everything as far as he can - the job is never half-assed whether it’s spanking or a simple handjob. Every single little gesture is determined and perfect, and Dan wouldn’t want it any other way.

Phil withdraws his hand and places it firmly onto Dan’s back, forcing him to stay where he is as he retrieves a certain buttplug and covers it with lube. The human whines quietly as it’s pushed into him, and then it starts to softly vibrate inside him which makes him cry out with pleasure. Dan feels Phil’s hands gripping his hips and dragging him to the end of the bed, which signals for Dan to get off, and once he’s kneeling on the floor Phil towers before him, grasping his wrists and bringing them to his hard length.

And Dan’s heart flips in excitement, because he really loves this.

“How many times did you come today?” The demon asks, moaning softly when Dan licks a stripe along his cock.

“Seven,” Dan responds, taking the lower half between his fingers and stroking him. “But not straight after each other. Only you can make me do that.”

“I’m glad. Now be a good boy for daddy and make me come,” Dan obliges, closing his lips around just the tip and sucking lightly, tauntingly, before slipping down the demon’s long length. This makes Phil groan and a spark of pride shoots through Dan’s body, his determination to please his daddy always taking over.  “God, you’re so good to me,” The demon’s eyes roll back as he’s pleasured by his human, who’s so eagerly sucking on his cock and curling his tongue around every curve. “Such a good boy for daddy, aren’t you?”

Dan hums in agreement, sending a wave of vibrations along Phil’s length and causing him to cry out weakly. So he threads his fingers through Dan’s hair and grips him firmly, needing something to hold on to as he’s worked to his orgasm. “Gonna make me come, aren’t you baby? Go on and touch yourself for me, I don’t mind.”

Obediently Dan does as he’s told, taking his own hard and desperate cock in his hand and stroking himself, moaning around Phil’s at the much-needed contact. Wanting to give Phil a little thank you for that Dan decides to push himself a little further; he lets himself slide down his length, lower and lower, the action reminding him of how bloody huge this demon really is. Dan can’t help but moan at the thought as he sinks even lower still, letting out a sigh of relief when he feels the tip grazing the back of his throat. And yet, he’s done this so many times, so he forces him to swallow around him aswell, which makes Phil twitch in his mouth and groan in pleasure.

After that, it doesn’t take long before he’s hit his climax, gasping and convulsing as hot liquid spills into Dan’s mouth which he greedily laps up and gulps down shamelessly. “You’ve been so good, baby. Now get on the bed so daddy can help you finish, okay?” Dan’s face lights up as he hears those words, quickly climbing back onto the mattress and laying himself down, facing up and watching his demon retrieve something before settling himself between Dan’s legs. “You like this, don’t you?” Phil holds up a prostate massager and Dan groans at the thought, nodding frantically which causes the demon to giggle. “Well just relax and enjoy it then, baby.”’

He waits for him to lubricate the device properly before slipping it inside, making Dan gasp at the feeling. As it grazes his spot his body can’t help but twitch, loving it already, and he keens as it brushes back again in on gentle stroke. Phil then builds a rhythm, a pattern for the twists of his wrist, and Dan feels himself getting harder with every movement, with Phil simply grazing back and forth over that wonderful spot. My god, this really is a treat.

Dan lets out a soft whimper and grips the bedsheet in his fist, inching his legs a little further apart as he feels his orgasm building. “D-daddy…” He moans, the syllables fluently slipping from his lips like a plead for his demon.

“Nearly there baby. You’ve been so good for me today,” Phil hums in reply before he’s watching Dan reach his high, gasping and bucking his hips in the air, features twisting in pleasure on his face as Phil milks him, letting him enjoy this. There’s a thin sheen of sweat covering his body as he spills white over himself, and as Dan relaxes into the bed, finished, Phil ducks down to lap up his release as a final meal. At the thought Dan ends up quietly whimpering.

“Missed you,” He whines once Phil’s cleaned him up and crawls up the bed to lay beside him. The demon plays a hand through Dan’s hair and leans in to place a soft kiss against his lips.

“I know, baby. You’re my special boy,” Then they snuggle up against each other’s bodies and drift to sleep in each other’s arms; the perfect picture.


Next day, Phil’s gone by the time Dan wakes up and already it’s starting to upset him. Of course it’s basically Phil’s job and Dan’s just another toy in the system, but still - he wants his time with Phil more than anything.

The door opens quickly and Dan’s head shoots up, but his blood runs cold when he doesn’t recognise the demon before him.

“You’re not Phil…” He mutters, brow furrowing.

“No, I’m not. But that shouldn’t be a problem for you,” A sly grin creeps across his face and he steps over to the bed, so Dan scampers further back, keeping some distance between them.

“Whatever you want, I’m Phil’s human. Not yours,” Dan tries to sound confident by raising his voice, but the demon only sniggers. “You have to leave.”

“Oh, I’m not going anywhere without you, baby,” The demon’s eyes shine with something Dan’s never seen before, and suddenly he feels his body changing, like a warmth rushing through him. He makes a noise of confusion but then an intense wave of arousal crashes through his body and it renders him helpless to the will of this demon, needy and desperate for anything, any demon at all.

And lucky for him, there’s one right in front of him.

Before the reasonable part of his mind can stop it his body is crawling quickly over to the beast and grabbing his cock, running his hand along him and taking the head between his lips eagerly. Maybe if he can please him then he’ll give Dan want he needs and maybe this surreal desperation will go away, but then another cruel wave is invading his system and he can’t help but moan aloud, cock twitching at the feeling.

On second thought, maybe this isn’t so bad after all.

Before he knows it the demon’s got him on his back and is fucking him senseless, forcing his hole wider with every thrust and practically tearing Dan apart. His cock feels incredible inside him, like it’s growing and vibrating all at once, reaching all his best spots, and he’s just coming and coming like he’s never going to stop. My god, he could feel like this for all eternity.

“How about it, whore? You want to come stay with me?” The demon grunts, gripping Dan’s abused hips with his claw-like nails. “We can do this every day and every night - hell, we never have to stop. I can make you feel incredible, make your orgasms the best you’ll ever experience, and you can have me suck you off as many times as you like. So what will it be, my kinky slut? I’ll even let you call me daddy.”

Dan can’t help but groan at the idea, everything feeling so perfect like he’s never felt it before. It’s like nothing he could ever dream of, yet everything he can dream of having now. And it’s all his, for all eternity, if he wants it.

He feels another orgasm building, that addictive pleasure rising in his groin, when suddenly the door swings open and there stands another demon, and it’s that moment his body decides to climax again and he cries out in pleasure, crying out “Daddy!”

The beast grunts above him, gripping Dan’s cock with his fist and pumping him relentlessly, and if he thought the demon’s cock felt incredible, then this… This is heaven.

“FUCK!” He screams, wanting more, getting more, getting all the pleasure he can take. His body is quickly brought to the edge again but he’s pleasured on the cusp for while, the wait always making him even more desperate than ever before.

“Tell me what you want and I’ll make you come, baby,” The demon growls, and Dan starts to throw his head from side to side, utterly losing it.

“I want it! I want it all, I want everything I can get! I want to feel so good…” The words stumble from his mouth without him thinking about them, but he can’t bring himself to care as the demon’s thumb slides over his slit and his body convulses, sending him into another body-rattling orgasm.


Screams invade his ears and suddenly the demon on top of him is thrown to the ground, then within a split second all of Dan’s need and arousal is sucked from his body, leaving him tired and confused. When he can bring himself back to reality he can’t help but notice the two brawling demons by the side of his bed, more specifically that Phil is pinning the intruder down.

“You asshole! I knew you would do this, but Dan?! Why could you possibly want Dan?!” Phil growls just inches from the demon’s face, rage clear in his own eyes.

“I knew you’d react like this, that’s why. That’s what happens when they let impures like you into the system,” Phil visibly tenses at his words and lets the beast stand himself up, brushing himself off mockingly and storming out the door.

The room fills with a tense silence before Dan tries to whisper “Phil - ”

“Don’t even try to explain yourself,” He retorts, making Dan flinch. “I mean, how could you ask that beast for more? How could you let yourself want him, knowing full well he wasn’t me?” Dan opens his mouth to answer bur Phil cuts him to the chase. “I’m disappointed in you, Dan. I expected you to be better than this.”

Suddenly Dan feels a burst of rage within himself and he blurts out without thinking. “Well maybe if you were here more often then my scent would’ve been covered to him! Maybe if you hadn’t left me alone I would’ve been able to keep him away, but you were gone and he took control of me, and you can’t blame me for this! You don’t know what it was like when he - ”

“Yes I do! I know exactly what it’s like when they use their abilities on you because they used to do it to me!” Dan falls silent in complete confusion, and Phil only sighs, lowering his head. “I’m not exactly a normal demon. Most of them are born in here but not me; I was born a human, and when I died I woke up here as a cross between a human and a demon, and it has its difficulties. Like feelings and susceptibility, and a much lower sex drive than the others. They used to have to use their abilities on me to increase my lust levels, and then they would masturbate me and make me please the other demons. I was a special needs child to them then but now I am a fully-fledged lust demon, and I do not care of my origins.”

That’s when Dan falls silent. That’s the moment he realises that being down here isn’t just sex and enjoyment forever like it may seem. “They used to what?”

Phil presses his hand into the carpet and plays with the fibres like a child. “When we were younger, sometimes the other demons… They would take advantage of me. Call me their toy because technically I was still human. They’d make me feel so conflicted with the mix of arousal from their abilities and my reluctance for them to touch me. So I know what it does to the body and the mind, and I know you could have rejected him if you’d tried. So don’t you dare try to tell me otherwise.”

The demon trails into silence and Dan takes this moment as an opportunity; carefully he slides himself off the bed and lowers himself down in front of Phil, taking his head in his hands and lifting it up so their eyes can meet. But Dan doesn’t say anything - he only leads Phil into his chest and wraps his arms around in a comforting embrace. At the gesture Phil seems shocked at first, but Dan soon feels his arms closing around his middle, pulling him closer.

They both sit in silence for a few minutes, simply holding each other, before Phil forces himself to pull away. “I’m sorry for my behaviour.  I-I just felt protective of you, and I lashed out. And I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you either.”

“It’s alright, because I should’ve tried harder. But I promise you I did try to get rid of him before. I just didn’t realise he was going to use to his ability on me, because you’ve never done it before.”

The demon gazes up and shoots Dan a smirk. “ And it was incredible, right?”

“Like the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Phil laughs and stands himself, deciding for the first time that anything more with Dan can wait. “Alright, we can try it tomorrow. I want to you see you writhing on my bed, and this time because of me,” Dan can sense the possessiveness in the demon’s tone and he feels a twinge of arousal because of it, loving the idea already.


The next morning, Dan’s practically begging Phil for it already. He lays on the bed, completely bare as usual, staring at his demon in hopes that he’ll get going already. Except there’s just one problem:

Phil doesn’t think he can do it.

It’s stupid really, because he’s scared that it’s reaching unconsented territory, but Dan is the most willing human he’s ever known. It will certainly look and feel and sound pleasurable, but in his head Dan might be completely against the activity, and that’s what scares him. Because Phil doesn’t want to do him any wrong.

“Are you ready?” He asks, watching Dan nod his head eagerly.

“I really want this. I’m so hard just from thinking about it,” Dan winks, laying himself back down as Phil decides to climb over his body, looking down at him with lust in his electric blue eyes. “I want you to ruin me, Phil.”

Phil lets a smirk crowd his face, raising an eyebrow in intrigue. “That can be arranged,” He purrs, and then he’s leaning down to slide their lips together, feeling Dan eagerly kiss him back and letting his arms wrap around Phil’s neck. The demon feels himself get pulled slightly closer and so he doesn’t hesitate to worm his tongue through Dan’s lips, which part for him with ease, almost inviting him inside. Their hot wet tongues curve around each other, twisting and stroking every part that they can reach, playing like puppies in a field.

Phil strategically shifts his thigh to settle either side of Dan’s hips, feeling him try to buck up into him already. So the demon trails a hand down and wraps his fingers around Dan’s length, making him whimper quietly as he begins to pleasure him with small, languid strokes. Then he pulls his mouth away and instead latches onto his neck, sucking lightly as Dan’s eyes open wide.

“I’m going to start now, if you’re ready,” Phil asks, a hint of protectiveness in his tone. Dan simply nods, moaning softly in need and waiting for Phil to make him feel amazing. But he can’t. He just can’t do that to him.

So Phil backs away, climbing off of Dan’s body and withdrawing completely, and when he hears Dan’s concerned voice calling his name he curls into himself, feeling like he could burst into tears. “Phil, what’s wrong? What are you doing?” Dan questions, placing a comforting hand on the demon’s shoulder.

“I can’t do it. I can’t do this to you, it’s not right,” He sniffs pathetically and embraces his knees.

Dan frowns and leans even closer to his demon, hand moving to stroke gently along his collarbone. “You’re not going to hurt me. I want this, remember?”

“Of course, but I… It’s just…” Phil sighs in frustration, then he feels Dan’s lips coming into contact with his neck, trying to make him feel better. So he leans his head away slightly and lets out a quiet moan. “There’s more too it than you think. It’s not just you and me and sex, and everything in between. It feels like it should be more than that,” Dan traces Phil’s lips with his thumb, his eyes fixed intently on Phil’s like he’s asking for something. “Like there should be more to us.”

The human purrs into Phil’s neck and kisses up to his jaw, but it’s at that that Phil holds Dan’s head in his hands and brings him just before his face, forcing their eyes to stay fixed on each other’s. Phil takes a deep breath as he pulls Dan just a little bit closer, swiping his tongue over his lips and parting them slightly. “I shouldn’t, but I have grown too attached to you. My heart yearns for you in ways no one else understands. The noises you make stir the blood in my veins and your hands against my skin send my mind reeling until all I can think about is you. There is nothing more for me to say about this, except…” He’s brought Dan so close that he’s breathing against his lips, making Dan look so desperate for him right now. “Oh, Dan…”

“What is it?” Dan whispers, his lips practically touching Phil’s due to their proximity. Phil can sense that he needs this right now, that he needs Phil’s touch and intimacy more than anything, but there’s one thing he has to do first. “Tell me. Please,” Dan begs.

But Phil can’t say it - if anyone else ever knows, then Dan gets taken away from him for the rest of eternity.  So he closes his eyes and reaches into Dan’s mind, whispering it to him there. Without another breath Dan’s meeting their lips with need, wrapping his arms around Phil’s middle to pull him closer.

They fall to the bed, where their bodies touch in every place that they can reach, and Phil moves his mouth to Dan’s neck which causes him to gasp at the stimulation. The begin to mutter the words between them, sharing their breaths and panting as their heads start to feel light. But they still don’t stop, in fact they probably never could, and as the demon enters him Dan gasps in surprise and arches his back slightly. He wraps his legs around his lover’s waist to keep him close, holding the back of his neck and gripping his hair when it becomes a little more intense. The room fills with the rocks of their bodies along with gasps and pants which quickly turn into moans and cries of each other’s names, and Phil doesn’t think he’s ever loved sex with Dan as much as this right now.

Dan’s noises are helpless and needy, and his grip on Phil is sinfully addictive. The feel of Dan’s touch as his fingers graze his upper back cause him to cry out, his skin igniting in a way he’s not used to. His mind is clouded with thoughts of Dan and how good he looks and sounds and feels being the only things he can focus on, though really it’s been that way for a while. When Dan starts to whimper, Phil doesn’t hesitate to take his length in his hand and pump him slowly, sensually, wanting to please him so he’ll let out those noises and make those faces, and especially so he’ll keep crying Phil’s name like it’s always on the tip of his tongue.

Phil doesn’t rush to bring Dan to his orgasm, wanting to make the moment last, but the pleasure caused by his expert fingers is enough to quickly make Dan come, his body twitching and Phil’s name falling from his lips a final time. This sex isn’t just sex anymore - it’s Dan and Phil taking pleasure from each other and pleasing the other, so it’s not just Dan’s demon who makes him finish - it’s his Phil.

After that, it isn’t long before Dan is making Phil orgasm, his body stilling inside him to release, jerking in his pleasure, and as it all washes out his body he falls over his lover, once again their pants and breaths falling into each other’s mouths. Apart from those noises they lay together in silence, Phil still remaining inside of Dan though neither of them seem to mind that.

“You meant it,” Dan gasps out, still struggling along with Phil to catch his breath. “You love me.”

“Of course I do. How could I not?” Phil responds, tilting his head in order to kiss along Dan’s neck which causes him to whimper softly.

“You made me fall for you too,” The boy admits as he enjoys Phil’s lips against his skin. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t have you.”

It’s then that the moment has to be ruined, and Phil withdraws himself entirely. “But we can’t be together. Not in any form except sexually, and there’s nothing we can do,” He sighs, and Dan falls horribly silent. “I’m sorry,” Is the only thing Phil can think to say anymore.

After that the lovers fall into a silence like no other - it is full of words that must remain unspoken and others that need to be but can’t, and others that simply go unspoken but the two can hear them loud and clear. The air fills with disappointment and hopelessness, almost to the point where it’s not only silent, but there’s nothing there at all.

Until Dan opens his mouth.

“Can’t we try?” He croaks out, startling his lover.

This makes Phil think. Is there anything he could do? Because he can’t just try nothing for the man he loves. “There’s one thing I can try. But if it doesn’t work, we may never see each other again.”

Dan gulps at the predicament, not sure if he could survive eternity without Phil there by his side. Is it really worth the risk. 'Do it. Please, Phil. I need you.“


Phil decides to see a demon whom he’s sure he can trust, though his hands are still trembling during the walk. He’s going to talk to his older teacher, the demon who took an interest in Phil’s 'condition’ as they called it and comforted him when he didn’t want to do his sessions for the day - the 'session’ involving the teacher or other demons trying to increase Phil’s lust in violating ways. He was the only demon to treat Phil like a proper demon and not part human. So Phil hopes that he might understand that Phil has fallen for a human.

"Phil?” A demon calls, thankfully the one he’s looking for. “My my, how long has it been? My students rarely come back to see me.”

Phil clears his throat nervously and averts his gaze from the other demon’s. “Well, sir, I have a predicament that I believe you should hear. Though you probably won’t like it,” His cheeks flush red and so he lowers his head in shame. “You see, due to my more human origins, I seem to have some abilities and drawbacks which other demons do not have.”

The teacher nods his head. “As I recall, at first you were prone to crying after sex,” Phil’s eyes widen at the statement. “And I can assure you, no demon has ever done that before you!” His face beams into a smile and Phil supposes that’s only fair, because he really shouldn’t have been so emotional back then.

“Yes, well, you may also recall that other demons do not attach themselves to certain humans or develop feelings for them,” As he looks up briefly Phil watches the smile fade from the demon’s face.

“Please don’t tell me…” He begins, shaking his head. “You know that’s forbidden.”

“Of course I do. I just can’t control it. Plus, it’s too late now,” Phil takes the demon’s hand and places it on top of his head, closing his eyes. Then he shows him a memory, of just this morning when him and Dan expressed their feelings and what happened from there. After Phil takes his hand away the demon falls speechless. “We made love,” Phil admits shyly.

The elder demon holds his head in his hands and takes a seat. “Oh god, Phil. What have you done? You can’t have feelings for a human!”

“Well it wasn’t my intention!” Phil snaps, causing the other to shut his mouth immediately. “If things were fair and I wasn’t an impure then none of this would have happened! But there’s nothing to be done - I’ve fallen in love with a human and he’s fallen for me too. And if the rules were accommodating to that then perhaps I wouldn’t be breaking them! When humans tell men not to sleep with other men, well that’s simple for the straight men who could never do such a thing. But when a homosexual man cannot sleep with another homosexual man because of this law, it no longer makes it easy to withhold! So please, you know my difficulties. Help me stay with Dan.”

Phil pleads with such emotion and determination that the other demon would be foolish not to offer his help. “For you, Phil, after everything we forced you through, this seems only right.”


Dan can see it now - the moment that they take him away. A troop of demons will rush in and grab Dan’s limbs before he can get away, and he’ll be screaming and pleading for Phil but the demon he loves will be held back, reprimanded for his crimes as he’s forced to watch Dan, his human and lover, taken away against his will. Though that’s not the part that scares him - there’s also the fact that the demon he’s brought to could be one who doesn’t treat Dan as well as Phil does, or it could even be the demon who’d forced himself upon Dan and made him want it. But what’s even worse is the idea that one day Dan will forget all about Phil, and Phil will forget about him too. And that’s the part that makes Dan weep.

Suddenly the door opens and Dan’s head shoots up, eyes wide and expecting the worst. But Phil runs in and traps Dan in a tight embrace, burying his head into his shoulder. “E-everything okay?” Dan stutters, slightly nervous still.

“They let me stray from the rules because my case is special - I couldn’t ever help myself from falling for someone,” He hugs Dan tighter and the human finds his arms wrapping round the demon’s waist to pull him closer. “You can stay with me.”

Dan gasps loudly at the statement. “So we can be together?” Phil pulls his head away and nods eagerly, a wide smile crowding his face. This time Dan feels tears well in his eyes for a much better reason and he grabs Phil’s head to crash their lips together, needing him now as adrenaline rushes through his veins in excitement. “Thank you so much!”

Then without any warning Phil is shoving Dan away and he ends up toppling onto the bed, frowning in confusion. But once Phil climbs on top of him he only laughs and lets Phil kiss him again.

So yeah. Dan can do this for all eternity.

{ Hello lads and lasses I am finally back to my sinning ways! If some of you dislike this AU I did ask on a earlier page. Anywhale I really like this, especially the story concept! Also, HOLY FUCK THIS IS LONG! 10163 words!!! Well I should be getting back to my normal schedule now, so I'll see you next week. }
Signing out,

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