Punishment | Phan

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Dan could barely hear himself think.

His ears rung of fear, his hand would wind with the other shakily over and over again and the constant quake in his knees was distracting enough. Though, he shouldn’t really be that nervous since he knew that this was coming all along.

After all, it was his idea in the first place.

In the household that belonged to Dan and his boyfriend, Phil, there were quite a few rules that he knew that he was meant to follow.

One of them being which, not interrupting Phil while he was editing.

Dan was in trouble- oh fucking hell was he in trouble. Not less than two hours ago, he had snuck into the office, where his boyfriend was busy editing his latest video, and nearly just threw himself at Phil.

It started with words, which of course, caused Phil to merely roll his eyes and give him a small warning that Dan wasn’t meant to be distracting him. But, of course, Dan wasn’t going to stop there.

The words moved to touches- kisses on his neck, a finger trailing along his spine, and a few little gentle flicks of the tongue around the shell of Phil’s ear- but, as soon as the heel of Dan’s hand pressed against the front of his boyfriend’s jeans, he snapped.

So that was what landed Dan’s ass in their bedroom, legs crossed nervously as he tried to think of what sort ofpossible punishment Phil was probably planning right at this moment, (in which he told Dan once sending him away that he needed ‘time to figure out how he was going to whoop his sorry ass.’)

Although, as scared as Dan was at this time, he couldn’t help but get more and more aroused at the thought of his boyfriend switching to his dominant role and finally showing him who’s boss.

Dan can’t deny it whatsoever. He knew exactly what he was doing when he wandered into Phil’s room when not supposed to- and now he was going to get exactly what he deserved for doing so.

Dan let out a shrill gasp as the door slowly creaked open, and his eyes lifted up slowly to meet a pair of blue ones, staring him down with dominance, the slightest bit of anger, and most of all- lust.

It took all of Dan’s will power not to let out a moan at the sight.

“Look how lovely,” Phil cooed and stepped into the room as Dan’s gazed moved to the floor slightly in humiliation of Phil scanning his body, (even though fully clothed.) Dan bit his lip, flinching the slightest bit as soon as Phil crouched to his height. “It’s too bad I can’t see that beautiful skin of yours isn’t it? I figured my instructions were clear. I wanted you to be in our room ready for me,

“Yes, sir,” Dan took the hint and began to pull off his shirt as Phil turned, walking over to the closet where they kept all their equipment and toys. Dan removed each article of clothes- shirt, socks, jeans, then eventually his briefs, which once removed caused his cheeks to flush a light pink color at the exposure.

“Lie down on the bed, would you?” Phil spoke, back still to Dan as he rummaged through the closet, obviously hearing that he had finished undressing, causing the younger to begin quaking once more with nerves as he lie down, back to the cushion.

As Dan found himself comfortable, he glanced down towards his stomach, just being able to see that his member was slowly starting to poke up, initializing that the more Phil showed that he was the one in charge, the more Dan slowly became more aroused.

Dan glanced up as soon as he saw that Phil had turned away from the closet, hands filled with what seemed to be some sort of toy, a lot of rope, and most likely lube, which didn’t seem to be an amount that would take Phil that long to retrieve, indicating that the teasing had finally begun.

The toy and lube was set on the dresser, while Phil kept the rope in hand, twisting it through his fingers, keeping eye contact with Dan, (who had no idea when their gazes initially crossed).

“Dan, would you like to tell me what you did wrong?” Phil asked in a tone which wasn’t so friendly. The younger squirmed a little slightly in embarrassment, which quickly ceased as Phil began to drag a teasing finger down his chest, occasionally circling his nipples.

“U-um,” Dan whimpered, trying to ignore as he was turned on all the more, wondering why he was actually enjoying this so much. “I distracted you from your work, sir. I’m sorry,”

“Good,” Phil responded and his finger then disappeared, returning back to the rope in order to toy with the bondage material right in front of Dan’s nervous eyes, “And what happens when naughty boys break the rules?” Dan gasped quietly as he felt Phil’s pale hands slowly guiding his wrist up towards the post of the bed, rope soon following to efficiently bind one of Dan’s arms down.

“W-w-we… Get punished,” Dan said and finally broke the gaze from Phil as he moved over to the other wrist, pinning it down in such a way that Dan would be unable to escape.

Exactly,” Dan let out a gulp that was barely able to be heard. Sooner than later, Dan felt his ankles being bound to the bed just as his wrists had been, spreading his legs open, exposing him in the best way possible.

“How am I getting punished, sir?” Dan asked in a shaky tone, meeting Phil’s bright eyes for the last time as a blindfold was soon tied efficiently above his ears, depriving him of his sense of sight.

“I’m going to leave that for you to wonder,” Phil chuckled as Dan’s body soon tensed as he lost grip on the situation.

“O-okay-” Dan gasped within the word as Phil ran his pale fingers down Dan’s chest and to his stomach, occasionally taking the time to swirl in some of Dan’s sensitive spots, (i.e. his hipbones, up his sides, and just by his rips.)

Dan can definitely say that he was left to wonder. All he was really expecting at this point was to be turned on and left here all night so he wouldn’t be able to take care of himself, which was something that Phil did often whenever Dan would break the rules- but something seemed odd, since Phil didn’t tell him what was going on.

“Baby, how’s it feel?” Dan bit his lip the slightest bit as Phil’s voice was hot and heavy in his ear, causing him to curl his toes and try to ignore that more blood was rushing south.

“What?” Dan let out a shrill cry as soon as he felt a hand smack the inside of his thigh. It didn’t hurt- just the shock of it made him snap up a little bit in the startle. “I-I mean- what, sir?” That was one other rule that Phil had made. Whilst the older boy was in charge, Dan would always refer to him as sir.

“I said- how does it feel?” Phil spoke once more in Dan’s ear, nibbling slightly at the lobe and rubbing his hand all along the spot on Dan’s thigh where he had just smacked, which made Dan let out a tiny squeak as that was one of the most sensitive spots on his whole body. “You know- how my hands are all over your beautiful body, stroking every inch- every crevasse- and you can’t do anything about it.”

Dan couldn’t deny it anymore- he’s never been more turned on in his whole fucking life.

“It feels good, sir,” it wasn’t a lie. There’s nothing that is leaving Dan’s parted lips at this moment that is even closeto not being the truth.

“I know,” Phil cooed and Dan drew in a short breath as he felt something slick protruding his entrance. It was too cold to be Phil’s fingers- so Dan presumed that it was most likely some sort of toy. “I don’t think you need to be stretched, since I fucked you before breakfast.

That was true- and as much as Dan was ashamed to admit it- he didn’t need regularly stretched since they have sex so much. Of course, when the two are having a night where they go slow and pay more attention to the small details, Phil would do it anyways because he felt “it was more proper.”

Dan loves that side of Phil- the side that carries him to bed and lays him down gently- the side that closes the curtains and whispers softly to him. But, if he was being completely honest, right at this moment, this was the best side of Phil that he’s ever seen.

“I love this toy, it’s the perfect fit, don’t you?” Dan could hear the smirk in Phil’s voice as, (what he presumed was a dildo of some sort), was up to the brim, making him ache slightly with the need for it to move since he was rock hard and practically throbbing.

“Yes, sir,” Dan’s voice cracked slightly as he used all of his will power not to grind his ass down into the mattress to push to toy as deep as it would go.

“You know, baby?” Phil said once more, Dan feeling him move away from his ear, causing the small touches around his thigh to disappear. “Everything that you get tonight is what you deserve, don’t you agree?”

“Yes, sir,” Dan answered, taking a deep breath right afterwards, trying to keep himself collect. “Thank you for punishing me,”

“Oh, don’t worry- the pleasure is all mine,” Dan tensed the slightest bit as Phil paused, drawing out the dominant atmosphere that was practically drowning him.

“And I mean that literally,”

Dan’s back arched as much as it could as soon as the toy began to buzz to life inside him. He cried in bliss, finally giving in and rocking his hips back down onto the vibrator, letting out little pants.

“Go-d,” Dan’s voice cracked as he tried to form some of response- and normally a vibrator does have a big effect on his stimulation, but the mix of Phil hovering over him and his sensory being deprived, it just made everything one thousand times better- and the vibrator wasn’t even on its highest setting.

Phil never even said anything. Of course, Dan couldn’t know exactly what he was doing at the moment, but by the soft caress by his hip bones, he knew that things were about to get really heated.

“You’re so needy,” Phil said, mocking Dan’s whimpers and moans as his hands wandered further and further down, soon resting on the toy. Dan just whined in response, rocking his whole body and yanking on the restraints, all of the feelings hitting him and making his whole body shudder with delight.

Dan let out light scream which soon turned to a string of whimpers as Phil moved the vibrator to press right against his prostate, sending shockwaves of pleasure through his whole body.

“You like that, don’t you baby?” Phil purred and planted a kiss at Dan’s clavicle, his legs shaking as he tried to hold himself back once Phil turned the vibrator up another setting. “It’s so much stimulation isn’t it… I’m sure you’re just begging to be touched, aren’t you?”

“Yes, si-ir,” Dan felt a tear slip through his lid which was hidden by the blindfold from all the pleasurable waves moving through him. He couldn’t help it, it felt so fucking good- and Phil’s voice was just playing through his mind and he was biting the sensitive parts on his neck bringing him closer and closer to the edge. “I’m close,”

“Thank you for telling me,” Phil smiled against Dan’s skin and changed the setting on the toy once more, skipping three stages in order to be set on the highest point.

Dan tugged on the restraints involuntarily, letting out a cry as his body pulsated, toes curling and member leaking with precome. It was so much stimulation, so much pleasure. His stomach began twisting and tingles started to run from the tip of his toes, moving up to his hips, and Dan relaxed his body- preparing himself to receive one of the best orgasms he’s ever had in his life.

Then- everything was gone.

The toy was still buried deep inside of Dan, but the setting had been turned from the top, all the way to nothing.

Dan didn’t know how to react- so his body did it for him.

He tugged at the bonds and whimpered some forms of plead, feeling his body slowly come down from that intense sensation he was just at a moment ago.

Then, everything came back at once.

Dan had expected Phil to let Dan come down from his high at that moment before slowly bringing him back up, but instead, the vibrator was quickly switched directly to the highest setting.

Most wouldn’t know how sensitive you really are during pre-orgasm, but Phil knew exactly what he was doing.

Dan cried out and squirmed, trying to get away from the stimulation which had turned from pleasurable to holy fucking shit my body doesn’t know what to do with itself it almost hurts.

Phil pressed harder against Dan’s sensitive prostate, who rolled his hips, begging for Phil to turn it off.

Once more, Dan’s stomach began twisting and turning, signaling his orgasm was soon going to commence, but just as he felt that was going to release, the vibrator was shut off again, leaving him a clenching and throbbing out of breath mess.

“God- fuck- Phil!” Dan cried out and writhed around, his body shaking from exhaustion and he didn’t have time to regret what he had just said since Phil had spoken for him.

“I would tell you to watch your mouth, but I know how hard it is to control your words when everything else you can do to stop me is in my hands,” Phil spoke calmly and his tone sent tingles down Dan’s spine as he twitched.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Dan gasped slightly, another tear slipping down his cheek, which soaked into the blindfold once hitting the material.

“I’m glad,” Phil spoke once more and Dan bit his lip as Phil slowly teased his member, dragging his finger lightly across the tip and by his slit, causing Dan to twitch with need.


After that point, Dan couldn’t sense any more of Phil’s presence- since all the touches had stopped, and he was too scared to really ask if he was still in the room. Dan figured he had still been in with him since that he could hear the gentle pad of his breath and the occasional soft stir, but he just didn’t think anything of it since the pleasurable torcher had finally left- leaving his whole body to come out of its sensitive and vulnerable state.

Dan only felt more turned on

It only took about a half an hour later that Dan felt the toy buzzing inside him once more, most likely at one of the lower settings since Dan merely whimpered as it came to life.

A hand had returned to his chest and stroked slowly, leaving the younger to mewl under his gentle touch. Another setting was skipped on the vibrator as the toy began to apply more stimulation to Dan’s nerves inside of him.

“I’m shocked, baby, you haven’t said a word in the past forty minutes- are you not enjoying your punishment?” there of course was irony in Phil’s voice, therefore hinting to Dan that he really didn’t know how fucking hot and bothered this whole situation makes Dan, but he knew the teasing would just continue if he told the truth, so he took the small liberty to shake his head for the amusement of his boyfriend.

“No sir, I’m not. It’s a good punishment, thank you, sir,” Dan struggled to get the words out as he had been biting his tongue ever since the room went silent, fear of upsetting Phil any more than truly necessary.

“Awww, you’re so obedient, baby,” Phil cooed and pressed the button on the vibrator once more, bringing it up a few notches, which once again- made Dan wriggle in his restraints, just begging that his member would receive the friction that it’s been craving this entire time. “I’m shocked, I figured after you deliberately came in and broke one of my rules in front of my face, that you would continue your naughty little attitude up into your punishment, I guess I was wrong,”

“P-phil!” Dan breathed in sharply as his body shook with pleasure once more, back arching as the vibrations became more prominent against that sensitive skin that was buried under the toy.

“Don’t even think that I would ever make anything easier though- naughty boys need to learn their lesson,” Dan didn’t respond at all to anything Phil was saying. Yes, he was listening, (because holy shit that was so fucking sexy,) but once again, the muscle in his mouth was clamped between his teeth and he knew that his wrists are probably red raw at this moment, so the possibility of Dan coming up with a reasonable response was out of the question.

One last jump in settings, then Dan knew it was going to be on the highest. Once again, his body reacted as he squealed and rolled his whole body at the sudden wave of pleasure flowed from his stomach to the tips of his fingers.

“I know, it’s so much stimulation and there’s nothing you can do about it-“ Phil rambled and moved over, nibbling gently on Dan’s earlobe as he thrashed, taking the sensations in.

“Fuck- Phil- P-Phil,” Dan whimpered and moaned, once more feeling his stomach twist, signaling that he was nearing the climax which he would never actually reach.

Once more, just as Dan reached his peak, the vibrations had ended- leaving Dan clenching and crying out, just wishing that Phil would finally let him have his orgasm.

“Phil! Fuck-“

“Shh,” he responded and just as last time, the toy was turned back to the highest setting, causing Dan to writhe and wiggle, trying his hardest to escape the extreme stimulation which was exhausting his body and causing him to shake involuntarily.

Just as the previous time, everything disappeared- a few more tears slipping out of Dan’s eyes as a result as he bucked into nothing, his body desperate and throbbing- it hurt- but it hurt so good.

“Phil please-“ Dan whispered and let his body sink back into the mattress as he let himself give up. “Please let me come, please- I’ll do anything, it hurts,” Phil knew that it wasn’t like Dan to beg in bed- and he would only do it if Phil told him, so there honestly was a soft spot he had at the moment.

“Tell you what, baby,” Phil whispered and Dan gasped a little bit as he felt his boyfriend straddle his chest, taking note in how the elder was bare. The blindfold was soon removed from Dan’s head, and he met Phil’s gentle blue eyes, causing him to sigh in content, trying to not think about the ache in his stomach. “I’ll let you suck me off, and if you can get me to come in under three minutes- then I’ll let you orgasm, okay?” Dan nodded breathlessly, his mouth watering slightly as he caught sight of his boyfriends completely erect member.

“Yes, sir. I can do that, sir,” Dan whispered, voice cracking a little bit as he tugged at the restraints. Phil pulled out his phone, most likely getting a timer started, before leaning down to give Dan a quick kiss on the lips.

“Good luck, baby,” Phil smirked and set his phone down next to Dan on the bed, moving his erection over to his boyfriend’s lips, who wasted no time to wrap his lips around the tip, sucking gently, knowing exactly what to do in order to send Phil straight to heaven and back.

Dan figured he could get Phil to come within his time limit, mostly from the fact that he was completely hard and throbbing against his lips, and since that Dan has sucked Phil off so many times, he knew just what to do and what he likes.

“Mmm, baby,” Phil moaned and gently pushed his hips into the warmth, slowly, Dan beginning to suck a bit more prominent, brushing his tongue along the slit, enjoying the small whimpers that he was getting in return. “Just like that,”

Dan tried not to smirk, as he knew he had a mission, so he just kept his emotion inside as he fluttered his eyes shut, extending his neck as much as he could so he was able to bob his head, but it was hard considering that he was bound to the bed, unable to move.

Phil’s moans were music to Dan’s ears, encouraging him to suck harder with each blissful sigh. At this point, it wasn’t the reward he was looking for- just the need to bring Phil to as much pleasure as possible. Of course he wanted to orgasm, but every time he could feel Phil’s legs shake with pleasure and would understand that it was him bringing the other to that state, he couldn’t help but feel proud and continue on even more enthusiastic, wanting it to continue.

“It’s only been a minute and I’m fucking close, god damn,” Phil moaned and reached down, gripping Dan’s hair lightly, causing him to hold down a giggle as he pulled off a moment.

“Don’t be so surprised,” Phil seemed to force down a chuckle as well.

“Just suck me off, so I can make you feel good,” Dan nearly blushed as he reached forward again, deep throating Phil with ease, sucking as hard as he could, and he could definitely feel shaking a bit more as he leaned forward against the headboard, now thrusting in Dan’s mouth, who just made sure his lips were sealed tight, letting his boyfriend use him as a practical fuck toy. “Oh god Dan- I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“ and with that, Phil was over the edge, spilling down Dan’s throat, who sucked and swallowed around his throbbing member, bringing him down from his orgasm.

Soon enough, Phil had pulled off and leaned back, still straddling Dan’s chest as he tried to catch his breath. The younger smiled at Phil’s state and leaned over, checking the phone and laughing out loud. “One minute and forty seconds! It’s a new record!” He joked, knowing that Phil was most likely out of his dominant state and wouldn’t get upset at him speaking out.

As he predicted, Phil just smiled and chuckled back, slowly running his hands up and down Dan’s chest.

“You did really well, baby,” Phil spoke gently, causing Dan to sigh and try and not ruin the moment by rutting up or beg for Phil to touch him. “I know how intense that punishment was, you held it though, I’m proud of you,”

“Thank you,” Dan smiled and leaned his head to the side a bit against the pillow, biting his lip. “Do I get my reward now?” Dan’s voice was a bit shy, slightly nervous to ask the question, but it didn’t really matter anymore since Phil gave one last smirk before reaching over and grabbing the remote to the vibrator, as well as changing his position from a straddle to having one leg on the bed and one leg off, facing Dan’s exposed form.

“Of course,” was the last response that Phil gave before switching the vibrator on, causing Dan to moan and buck up, rocking his ass into the sheets.

“Fuck,” Dan whispered and nuzzled his forehead against his bicep which was still stretched out towards the bedpost. Phil slowly brought the vibrator up the settings, this time taking his time so that it was more pleasurable rather than too much stimulation like last time. “Mmmmm please touch me, Phil,” Dan whispered breathlessly, rocking his hips onto the vibrator, whining as the bristles of sensation brushed against his nerves deep inside him.

“As you wish, baby,” Phil purred and Dan moaned once more as Phil’s slender fingers wrapped around his cock, beginning to stroke really slowly, eventually picking up the pace in order to bring Dan closer to the edge.

“Oh- Phil!” Dan cried out and arched his back, biting his lip as Phil finally turned the setting up to nearly the top setting, stroking him as quick as he could as the familiar sensation of his stomach coiling started to flow from his groin to the rest of his body. “I’m so close,”

“Let it go baby,” Phil kept up the same pace and reached over, pressing the toy deeper in Dan, causing him to cry out, the warmth and pleasure rushing through him as he finally got what he had desired this whole evening.

Just the sensation of being held back all this time and finally getting the release, Dan could have sworn that he blacked out for a moments time, just from the pleasure coursing through his whole body. Dan felt like he was flying.

His subspace was finally broken by a gentle pad on his stomach, which was actually a tissue dabbing off the come which he almost forgot was there. It was that point when he realized that the restraints had been removed, the toy had escaped, and Phil had been clothed, making him notice how long he had actually been zoned out from the intense orgasm.

“Hey, you okay?” Dan smiled a bit as he heard Phil’s gentle voice in his ear, a pair of long arms lifting him and pulling him into the elder’s chest as he leaned against the headboard.

“Mhmm,” Dan sighed happily and nuzzled into his boyfriend, kissing his chest one or two times.

“How about we get you some boxers and some sleep, cutie,” Phil chuckled and kissed Dan’s head, leaning him back slightly so he could meet his tired eyes.

“Okay,” Dan giggled and smiled, yawning as he felt Phil lift him once more, laying him down on their bed gently.

After-care Phil soon came to effect as he helped Dan into his boxers, soon to be tucking him into bed, followed by him slipping under the covers, pulling the younger into a cuddle, and kissing the red marks all along his wrists.

“I love you so much,” Dan whispered and turned over, laying down on Phil’s chest, pretending that he was smaller than Phil once again, as the other obliged happily and wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist, slowly brushing the pads of his fingers across the small of his back.

“I love you too, darling,” Phil replied as he waited for Dan to fall asleep, soon to let the weariness take over- drifting into a slumber as well.

{ Hey, hey, hey guys! How's it going? Whelp, another Phan chapter was requested by Ellebanna1313, so here ya go! If you haven't guessed, I love writing kink! So if you have an otp that you think would go great with a certain kink, go ahead! Request anything and everything, if ya really want to! Anywhale, cya later! }
Signing out,

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