Touch me there | Phan

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Dan loves having sex with Phil, he loves when Phil takes control and holds him down so little finger shaped bruises appear on his skin, and when Phil tells Dan exactly what to do, his voice all low and firm, fingers in his hair and his lips on his skin. He also likes when Phil does silly things, like rolls over and misjudges the distance to the floor so they both land in a heap, all tangled together and giggling into each other's mouths. Sometimes Phil leaves marks with his mouth on Dan's chest and his hips and Dan leaves scratches on Phil's back and stares when Phil's getting changed and all he can see are the red lines on his skin. It makes Dan shiver when they're in public and he knows what's underneath Phil's clothes.

They have brilliant sex, rough and fast or lazy and slow, sometimes building it up all day and teasing each other in public, and sometimes just slowly peeling each other's clothes off. It's good, it's awesome a lot of the time. Dan doesn't exactly have any complaints.

He just kind of wishes it was easier to say to Phil that he really wants Phil to eat him out.

Dan's thinking about it now with his hand on himself and two fingers of his other hand knuckle deep inside himself, gasping as he imagines Phil's hand is on his cock. His fingers don't feel like Phil's tongue, even when he squeezes his eyes shut and tries to pretend.

He presses them deep again, curling them a little and choking out a moan, biting hard on his bottom lip. Phil would probably tell him to roll onto his front and then run his fingers over Dan, before licking over him and he'd be good at it, Dan knows for a fact that Phil would be good at it. He does everything with such enthusiasm, even when they first started doing this and Dan was so nervous he couldn't get Phil's shirt buttons undone, Phil was so full of confidence and took the lead, telling Dan how beautiful he looked and then getting him to lie down and wasting no time at all in getting his mouth on Dan's cock. Dan's legs are shaking and he closes his eyes, whimpering as the tip of his finger pressed against his prostate.

Phil's a great kisser as well, always tugging on Dan's bottom lip with his teeth and he knows what to do with his tongue, know how to curl it against Dan's and slide them together, without it being too much. Dan thinks about Phil's tongue, rough and wet and warm, running against him and dipping inside.

Dan's toes curl and he comes over his fist with a high moan, feeling himself clench around his fingers and fucking his hips up into his hand as he rides it out. He's trembling all over, his breath caught in his throat. When he moves to straighten his legs they ache and he lets out a shaking breath. He pulls his fingers away and closes his eyes. He wants to fall asleep but he needs a shower and he wants to try and skype Phil before he sleeps.

He really needs to ask Phil for a favour

"Do you watch porn when we're not together?" Dan asks.

Phil glances up at him. "No."

"You answered that way too quickly - I don't care if you do, I was just wondering what kind of porn? What - are you like into?"

Phil smiles and tilts his head, his eyes flickering to look properly at Dan, through the webcam. "What am I into? We've been sleeping together for nearly four years, I thought you'd know that by now."

"Yeah but maybe we haven't talked everything over. like, I'm sure there are things you're too embarrassed to ask me for?"

"Not really, no."

"Nothing at all? Are you sure?"

"Dan - what are you too embarrassed to ask me for? Because I love you, and I want you to be happy, so please tell me."

It's moments like this when Dan wishes Phil didn't know him so well, couldn't read his expression like he does. He takes a breath and looks up at the ceiling, and on his laptop screen, Phil watches him carefully.

"I want - I'd kind of like it if you used your tongue- if you used it - um - "

"Do you want me to rim you?"

Dan looks back down at Phil's sideways smirk and just nods his head.

"Okay - you could have just said, that's hardly - I mean, I was expecting something really fetish-y and quite honestly, that's a letdown, Daniel."

Dan laughs, feeling himself relax. "So is that a yes?"

"God yes, you know I love your arse, I don't know why you didn't just ask, bear, I'd have done that like years ago if you'd have asked."

Dan feels his face heat up and covers it with his hands. "I only recently figured I wanted it. I saw a gif - "

"You saw a gif? I'm ending this call now."

"Shut up. I saw it and it was something I always thought was a bit - I don't know, weird, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it."

"I get back in two nights, so - you won't have to just think about it anymore." Phil smiles, and Dan lets out a shaky breath, biting on his lip when he thinks about it. "But now, I really have got to go, so I'll see you later."

"Yeah, okay, see you soon. I love you."

"Love you too."

When Dan hears Phil's key in the lock, he has to pretty much force himself to stay where he is and not jump up and tackle Phil to the floor in a hug. He smiles when Phil walks into the living room.


Phil grins. "Hey."

He sits next to Dan and Dan moves to put his laptop down on the table in front of them before lunging forward to kiss Phil, already bored of trying to keep his cool. Phil licks over Dan's lip and Dan opens his mouth and tilts his head, reaching to curl his fingers in the hair at the nape of Phil's neck.

"Missed me?" Phil asks, smiling against Dan's lips and then kissing him again, soft and quick.

"You were only gone a few days."

"But you missed me - I can tell."

"Suppose so, a tiny bit."

Phil leans into Dan and kisses him harder, his hand sliding down over Dan's chest and getting to the bottom of his t-shirt, moving underneath to run his fingers over Dan's skin and up his back. They shift so Phil's lying on top of Dan, straddling his hips and then Dan feels Phil's lips on his neck, nipping at his skin and then licking out over it. He moves to kiss Dan's jaw and move to his ear, taking his lobe between his teeth and biting gently. Dan arches into it and lets out a little shaky breath.

"Do you want me to do it right here?" Phil whispers. Dan feels himself flush all over, heat travelling down his body and making his cock swell where it's pressed against Phil's thigh.

Phil moves his hand to fit his fingers against Dan's cock, and he kisses Dan's ear before whispering. "Been thinking about licking you open, since you mentioned it - I'm going to make you come so hard."

"Fuck yes," Dan mutters, pushing his hips into Phil's hand, shivering and closing his eyes as he thinks about Phil's words. Phil bites at Dan's jaw and gives his cock a firm squeeze, grinning when Dan whines and bucks into his fist.

Then Phil moves back and lifts his t-shirt over his head, and Dan follows his action, tugging his shirt off. He reaches to run his hands over the planes of Phil's wide shoulders and scratches his nails a bit making Phil gasp sharply against his lips. Phil reaches to get Dan's belt undone, and then flick open his button and pull on his zip before tugging on them and Dan helps to get them off.

When Phil sits up his eyes move over Dan, taking in all of him as Dan reaches to get Phil's flies undone. Dan can feel himself blush, flushing down to his chest because Phil's staring, but Phil always stares at him like this, as if it's the first time he's ever seen him.

Dan's eyes follow the sparse hair leading under Phil's jeans and he unzips his flies and then slips his hand into Phil's boxers, and Phil lets out a breath, closing his eyes and bucking into Dan's hand. Dan watches with a small smile when Phil drags his lip between his teeth and he gets his fingers properly fitted around Phil's cock, stroking up his length.

"Missed your hands," Phil mutters. He smiles and opens his eyes to look at Dan again.

"Missed your everything."

"You've always gotta one up me." Phil gasps as Dan brings his thumb to rub over the head of Phil's cock before pulling his hand back.

Phil pushes his jeans down, bringing his boxers with them. He sits back and pulls them away, before leaning over Dan again to kiss him. Dan moves to cup Phil's jaw, fingers running over the light stubble there. He moves his other hand down over Phil's side and then grabs his hip and tugs him forward. Phil bites Dan's lip and moans when he feels Dan's cock slide against his.

"You're being impatient," Phil mutters against Dan's lips. He licks out over the little indents he's made on his bottom lip and then sits up, his weight on Dan's thighs.

"I've been waiting long enough already," Dan says.

"Can you turn over for me then?"

Dan nods his head and Phil shifts back so he can roll onto his stomach, resting his head in his arms. Dan can feel his heart thudding against his chest and he licks his dry lips, trying to relax as Phil runs his lips over his spine, moving to kiss just above his arse.

Dan gasps and squeezes his eyes shut as two of Phil's fingers work between his cheeks, rubbing over Dan's hole before moving to kiss, closed-mouthed, right where his fingers were. Dan shivers, Phil watches little goosebumps appearing over his skin. He moves Dan's legs a bit further apart and then Dan moans when he flattens his tongue to lick over him. Dan's shaking and can feel sweat beading on his forehead, precome leaking out onto the sofa underneath him. Phil's barely even done anything yet and Dan's already fucking losing it.

Phil presses the tip of his tongue against Dan and then flicks it, smiling when Dan swears and moves up onto his forearms, pressing back into Phil. Then Phil points his tongue and nudges it inside.

"Fuck, fuck, Phil," Dan moans, his throat feeling too dry for him to be able to form anything too coherent. Phil wants to laugh because Dan's so fucking loud all the time, and then he complains about their neighbour as if he isn't just trying to compete with the racket Dan makes.

Phil's a bit messy and clumsy maybe, having never actually done this before, but he goes on how Dan reacts, licking deeper when Dan pushes back towards him, circling his rim and doing it again when Dan makes this little whimpering noise. Phil licks up between the v of his fingers, and then gets his tongue a little deeper, pushing it in and out like he would with his fingers. Dan moves his hips into the sofa, trying to get some friction and Phil keeps licking at Dan's hole and mouthing at him.

It's then that Dan starts to feel like he's slipping and he can't get a handle on himself to keep himself grounded. He blinks to clear his vision, his senses flooding and overwhelming him. Phil's spare hand is rubbing circles on his hip and Dan feels dizzy, faint even. He wonders if he should tell Phil, but he doesn't want Phil to stop. He knows Phil will stop and start fussing over him. And he feels really fucking amazing right now; like he could float away.

Phil's saying something and Dan moans, turning to try and look at Phil through hazy eyes.

"Kneel up a bit, Phil repeats softly, tugging at Dan's hip so Dan moves and Phil runs his hand over Dan's hip and blindly grabs at his cock, getting a firm grip and moving his fist. Phil's kind of surprised when he feels how wet Dan's cock is, and he moves to cup Dan's balls, squeezing before he starts to pump his cock again, rubbing at the head.

It really doesn't take long at all for Dan to come then, rocking forward into Phil's hand as it washes over him and makes him let out a loud, breathy moan. Phil doesn't stop moving his hand or his tongue and Dan bites down on his lip and fists the cushion next to him as he shudders with the strength of his orgasm. Phil moves to kiss Dan's inner thigh when it sounds like Dan's coming down, and Dan shivers, his head spinning when Phil sinks his teeth into the soft flesh there and starts sucking a mark right into the sensitive skin.

Dan collapses against the sofa, whimpering and turns to look at Phil, who's sitting up and wiping his mouth, looking really, really pleased with himself. Dan's panting, and he can't catch his breath. He feels like he's completely boneless. He feels so fucking good, he thinks he might start crying but he blinks hard and moves to roll onto his back.

"Did you space out for a bit then?" Phil sounds kind of in awe and Dan nods. For a moment he feels completely incoherent, he can't even form words in his head and it feels pretty incredible to have his mind totally blank like that. Phil watches him as he licks his lips.

"I love you," Phil says. He kisses Dan's lips and his cheek and his jaw and then reaches to brush Dan's hair off of his sweaty forehead. "I love you so much." Dan just hums in agreement.

"I love making you feel good, love the noises you make." Phil's hand running through Dan's hair is anchoring him, and he starts to feel a little more human again.

"Felt like I was floating - thought I was gonna pass out," Dan whispers.


Dan smiles and he thinks he might have finally stopped trembling. He tilts his head towards Phil's and Phil kisses him, moving to lie next to him. Dan rolls over onto his side, tucking his head against Phil's chest. "When I can breathe again, I'm gonna suck you off," Dan mutters.

"Yeah? You don't have to, I don't mind sorting myself out."

"I want to - really, really want to."

Phil swallows and Dan hears him let out a long breath, his fingers tangling in Dan's hair and tightening for a moment before he runs his hand through it. Just a few more minutes pass in silence, and then Phil feels Dan's fingers moving to his hip and he shifts a little so Dan can fit his hand between them and get his fingers wrapped around the base of Phil's cock.

Phil ducks his head and smiles when he finds Dan's lips, and then Dan moves to push Phil back against the sofa, climbing on top of him. He kisses at Phil's collar and then over his chest and he strokes his hand over Phil, his grip teasingly light. When his mouth is close to Phil's cock, he moves to kiss his hip instead, and Phil makes a little impatient noise in his throat, pouting and looking down at Dan. He knows Dan won't prolong this though, because Dan loves sucking him off, Phil wouldn't be surprised if he enjoys it as much as he enjoys getting a blow job.

He's also really good at it, his lips are soft and plump and he can take Phil all the way, his eyes watering a little as he tries to keep watching Phil's reactions. It turns Dan on. Phil likes sucking cock, it gets a bit tiring when his jaw aches and his gag reflex is hopeless compared to Dan's, but for Phil it's kind of just all right, for Dan it's like he's the one being pleasured, and a lot of the time he does get his hand on himself and bring himself off, and he moans around Phil's cock in a way that makes shivers creep up Phil's spine.

Dan licks up Phil's length and then guides him into his mouth, and Phil tries not to push his hips forward as he feels his cock on Dan's tongue and Dan's lips tight around him, sucking him down further. Dan's eyes flicker up and Phil can't stop staring, his chest heaving as Dan takes him into his throat and Phil feels it flutter around the head of his cock. Dan closes his eyes then, his hair falling into his face. His lips are red and wet, and Phil moves to get his hand in Dan's hair, scruffing it up but not pushing him forward.

Dan pulls back a little and licks at the tip and Phil's hips jolt, his hand tightening. He feels Dan moan, then Dan starts to bob his head, his throat working and Phil can see the shape of his cock pressing at Dan's cheek, sliding over the soft skin there. Every now and then, Dan moves back to lap at the head, his hand still moving quickly so the friction doesn't stop. He smiles and licks over his bottom lip, glancing up at Phil again with this confident smirk.

"You can fuck me a bit more - you know I like it when you do that," Dan says, and his voice already sounds a bit wrecked. Phil stares at him for a moment, a little lost for words, and then he blinks out of it and Dan grins when he feels Phil's fingers tightening in his hair.

Dan dips back down, his tongue curling around Phil and Phil fucks his hips up gently, holding Dan's head. Dan bobs his head at first, but then Phil pushes his hand down and he feels Dan go lax around him, letting Phil take control. Phil gasps and presses his hips forward, feeling Dan's spare hand gripping at his thigh, nails digging in a little as he steadies himself. Then Dan takes him even deeper and he lets out this loud moan that sends vibrations over Phil.

Phil bites down on his bottom lip, making a humming sound in his throat as he pushes his hand a little and lifts his hips, arching his neck and staring up at the ceiling. "God, Dan," he gasps. Dan pulls almost all the way off and then takes Phil all the way in one swift movement and then Phil's coming, his mouth falling open and his hips rolling into Dan's mouth, riding it out as Dan swallows around him. Phil's legs are still shaking when Dan pulls off, licking his lips and looking up at Phil.

"You're incredible," Phil says.

Dan smiles, shrugging his shoulders. He climbs back up Phil's body and lies half on top of him, pressing a kiss to Phil's neck. He takes a deep breath and Phil can feel Dan's lazy smile against his heated skin.

"I love you too," Dan says, and Phil laughs at the late reply. He runs his hand through Dan's messy hair and leans down to kiss his head.

"Wanna have a shower?" Phil asks. "I still feel a bit grotty from the plane, and I want to fuck you and see if I get you to go all sub spacey on me again."

Dan moves to look up at Phil with raised eyebrows. "Aren't you tired? I'd have thought, at your age and everything, your stamina wouldn't be so good." He's smiling as he says it, biting his tongue because he knows it's the kind of thing that will wind Phil up and also make Phil want to prove him wrong.

"Take that back," Phil says.

Dan shakes his head and he struggles to his feet, still a little wobbly. "Come and prove me wrong," Dan says, and Phil laughs as Dan starts walking towards the bathroom. It doesn't take Phil long before he's up and running after him.

Hey, I've been thinking...
Should I stop the book? I mean, there's so many here, and it takes forever to write smut, sooo...?
If you guys want me to continue, then I will. Whelp, see ya later. }
Signing out,

{ P.S My upload schedule will be all over the place from now on, sorry! }

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