What scotty doesn't know | Septiplier

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It was all hot and heavy, quick breaths and loud moans. It was the first time we were together, me and Sean, or rather Jack. It wasn't much though, nothing too exciting. He was supposed to 'be at church', but lord knows this isn't something you do in a church. Scotty didn't know though. He thought Jack was an angel at church, on his knees praying for forgivness. He was on his knees alright, just not praying for forgivness, but rather almost the opposite. I tilted my head back and gripped at his hair with my hand. My knees felt weak, like I was gonna go from standing to sitting on the floor in no time. He was great with his mouth, hence why Scotty stuck around I assume. It was back at my place, Jack on his knees below me, giving me the best blow job I've ever had. I almost wanted him to stop so we could do more, but I wanted to finish right now cause it was so good. So I went with the latter. That's the first thing Scotty doesn't know.

Jack said he was out shopping, supposed to be buying early christmas presents. But he's under me and I'm not stopping. Jack had such a beautiful body, and I was the lucky guy who got to sleep with him on the side. The way my name rolled off his tongue with that strong and slurred Irish accent, the way his skin shone from sweat, his head thrown back and him mouth hanging open to release some of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard.

"Mark, fucking hell!" His accent thickens up more and more as the pleasure increases. Each word he tried to say, slurred more into the next word. At some points his voice swapped over to Gaelic for a word or two. l thought it just made this more hot.

My hands roamed up his chest and hooked under his arms to grab his shoulders, aiding in pulling him back against my thrusts. His voice began to give out and I knew he was holding back from coming to make this last longer. I was secretly happy about that, but even happier when I came inside him for the first time. Something else on the list of things Scotty doesn't know.

I really couldn't believe how trusting Jack's boyfriend was, even when I was right behind Jack, thrusting into him as hard as I could. I had Jack on his knees, face pushed down onto the carpet. One of my hands gripped his bright green hair, making sure his head couldn't raise from the floor. His arms were crossed above his head. His voice sounded like an angel to my ears. Slightly Irish sounding moans resignated through the walls of my living room. I knew his knees and elbows had to be rubbed raw from the rough carpet by now. But, Jack seemed to be loving every second of it. Another thing for the list of stuff Scotty doesn't know.

We started to get more risky. Jack got Scotty on the phone, and he was trying not to moan. I had him laid down on the couch, thrusting into him more slow, but still hard. Scotty called in the middle of this, so Jack grinned wickedly at me and picked it up. It was a threeway call and he knew nothing.

"Scotty, hey, babe. What're you calling for? I told you I was out with some old friends today." I could see the struggle Jack was having with making no noise. His face was all scrunched up and his mouth fell open silently after he stopped speaking.

Scotty rambled on about something dumb, like how much he missed Jack, for a minute before Jack told him he needed to be visiting with his friends. He was able to ditch him pretty easily. As soon as the call ended, I thrusted into him particularly hard, making him scream out a moan. A moan of my name. I grinned. Only I could make him scream, and he'd only ever scream my name. Something else Scotty doesn't know.

It just kept progressing. Now we were in Jack's car in Scotty's driveway, cause why not? It's so cool when he's on top. I stretched out as much as I could in the back of Jack's average sized car. His knees were on either side of me, his hands splayed out on my chest. His perfect ass was bouncing up and down on me. He was being as vocal as always, not even worried about the fact the Scotty could probably see them if he looked out his window. I was grunting and moaning a little bit more than usual. Something about Jack being in control but at the same time, not. It was hot. Jack kept moaning my name, babbling on about stuff I could barely understand. Us meeting was starting to become more for me. We talked a lot more after we had sex. I was starting to become emotionally attached, but what about Jack? Something Scotty doesn't know, but might soon find out.

It was Jack's birthday, but for some reason he was back at my place. He should have been with his boyfriend. But he was with me. I was towering over him, thrusting into him like I usually did, but it was sort of different. Our fingers were intertwined, mine on top of his beside his head. My free hand held myself up, while his stroked my cheek almost lovingly. I knew it was usless for me to think but I couldn't stop anyway. But something weird happened as I was thrusting slow but sweet into Jack. Jack leaned up and connected our lips in a soft kiss. I took a deep breath in through my nose and kissed him back gently. Now that I think back over our randevus, we had never kissed. Before, during, or after the sex.

It was amazing. My lips tingled in a way they never have. I pulled away from him a little to look him in the eyes. His bright blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight from the window, fading green hair falling all over the pillow his head rested on. I smiled fondly down at him and kissed him again, speeding up my thrusts at the same time. I could tell he was trying to multi-task between kissing me and moaning. But I loved every second of it. Something Scotty was going to know very soon.

From then on, we were actually dating. Scotty wasn't in the picture anymore, run out of town to god knows where. It was just me and Sean now. We spent almost all of our time together. There was hardly a night where we weren't at one of our houses. Instead of just sleeping together, we did cute coupley things together. We went out to the movies, dinner dates, or just a night in cuddling and watching movies. All was right now, me with Sean. He was mine, and he was the whole time. Something Scotty finally knows.

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