Alya Moves ? one-shot story

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        Alya wakes up one morning and notices the moving van is pulled up outside the house.  She thinks, Whoa, wait!  Is this for real?   I mean how can we move without anyone telling me?  She gets dressed and goes to the kitchen.  She notices it looks bare.  As in all the walls where there are usually photos have nothing on them now.  Come to think of it neither do the walls inside her room.

     "Mom, Dad,  why are all the photos gone from the kitchen and my room?"  Alya ask.

    "Why are there no posters in my room?"  Norah ask.

     "What happened?"  The twin sisters, Ella and Elta ask.

      "We have to move!"  Alya's  parents answer.

    "Wait, what?"  Alya says in disbelief.

     "You heard us we move today!"  Alya's mother says.

    "Why?  I mean I thought we all loved it here!"  Norah says.

    "Well, girls, we got an eviction notice."  Alya's father says.

    "Why did we get one of those?"  Alya ask.  She knows people usually get this paper if they are behind on rent , or a mortgage or something.  She can not recall a time when they did not pay theirs though.

    "Well, the time your dad spent away for his hip surgery, the mortgage company says the check bounced."  Alya's mother says.

     "Just write a new one mom!"  Ella says.

   "It is not that simple. It bounced because someone drained all the money from our checking account.  Every last bit of it."  Alya's father remarks.

    "We really move today, though?"  Alya says.

    "Yes, so get your stuff ready!"  Alya's mother says.

    "I will, but this stinks.  I did not even get a chance to tell my best friend, Marinette bye yet."  Alya says.

    "Yeah, and I did not get to tell anyone I will not be able to attend boxing club anymore."  Norah says.

    "Oh, fiddlesticks!"  Ella says as she goes to get dressed.  When she finishes she packs her teddy bear, her favorite planket, some pajamas, all her socks and underware, her sandals, and her comb inside her suit case.

     Alya packs her things.  When she is done she helps Ella pack more belongings into her suit case.  She smiles as Norah helps Elta pack her stuff inside the duffel bag she owns.

    Norah double checks to make sure nothing got missed. Satisfied she helps there father load the sofa, living room chairs, the coffee table, the entertainment center, the tv, and the kitchen table into the moving van.  She goes back inside to retrieve the beds, the refrigerator, the dryer and washing machine, the microwave, and the stove.  The dishwasher she leaves there.  It is a bit worn out anyway.

   Now done with loading up the moving van and car, Alya's parents, siblings and her load into the car.  Her uncle drives the moving van for them.  She is glad that her parents are still together through all this as the move itself is hard enough without a divorce thrown into things.

   Alya plugs her phone into the car's charger.  She texts Marinette to let her know the bad news.  She sees the text Marinette sent back.

  Marinette's  text...What?  You are seriously, moving, best friend?  _Marinette

  Alya's  text reply....Yes, girl!  I have to go because we got evicted. _Alya

 Marinette's text...This stinks!  I will miss you, bestie!_Marinette

 Alya's text...I know talk about it. _Alya

  Alya's text to Nino....I am moving far away!  I understand if you want to dump me._Alya

  Nino's text to Alya....Dudette, I will never break up with you!  I rather follow you to the moon and back._Nino

 Alya's text to Nino...Wow, that is so sweet of you, Nino!  _Alya

  Nino's text to Alya...I will miss you, my love! _Nino

 Alya's text to Nino...Same here!  Same here, Alya!  _Nino

    Well, anyway, soon the Ceasaire's head out of Paris, France for good.  They travel a long ways to get to their new home.  Hours later they arrive there.  The place looks a bit old, and worn down.  The land not that great either is the first thing that comes to all their minds.  Still, it is home, so they will make the most of it.

 Meanwhile, back in Paris, France!  Marinette goes to school sad. Her best friend had to move away just like that with no warning, no good bye parties or anything.  The thought makes her feel so sad.  She arrives late as usual!  No surprise there!  

    Marinette sits in front of Adrien.  Since Alya's move she no longer attends the same school.  Now,  Adrien still sits with Nino, but Marinette sits alone. That is until she meets her!  The new girl, Stacey!  

  *  Well, folks  that is it for Alya Moves? one-shot story  _Summer Cheng


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