DJ : Is Your Fly Unzipped? one-shot story

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       Nino is happy to get ready for school.  He gets up, dressed, eats his breakfast, combs his hair and is on his way!  He arrives to his destination just in time.  He is sure is glad to see all his friends.   As Nino enters the classroom, all the others snicker and try hard not to point in his direction.  He  just ignores this and waits for the teacher to arrive.  

     Miss Bustier, shows up a few moments later. She takes roll, and everyone says,  "Here!"  She is glad to see no one is absent.  She marks this down in the attendance book.  She gets up to teach and has a funny expression on her face.  She tries hard to hold in the laughter, but about ten minutes til lunch time she too begins to giggle.  She can not seem to stop once she starts.  She just seems to really think whatever is must be funny!

     The bell rings for lunch right at Noon!  All the students enter the cafeteria, they get the lunch trays and their food.  One by one they sit down.  Each one at their usual  table ready to enjoy their nice meal and conversation with the others in their group.

      Chloe shakes her head as she sits down next to her best friend, Sabrina.  She whispers in her ear,  "Can you believe it?  Why I think that is so gross?"   Sabrina seems to agree when she whispers back, "I know right,seriously, what was he thinking?"

      Rose looks over at  Nino.  She blushes when she sees he still seems unaware about the situation.  She gets up to tell him, but trips over  Chloe's shoes instead.  Talk about an embarrassment for her!  Rose is so upset, she barfs right on Chloe's footwear.  Talk about one yucky  circumstance!   Before, poor Rose can stand up to clean herself  off, Chloe glares at her. 

     Chloe does not look happy, not one bit!  "Excuse me, but you just ruined my  two hundred dollar shoes!"  Chloe says.  

    "Well, maybe you should leave your fancy footwear at home!"  Alix remarks.

    "No one, asked you anyway!"  Chloe says.

   "Yeah, she is right, she did not ask for your opinion."  Sabrina snaps at Alix.

     "Hey, what is the big idea of what you said to Alix?"  Kim says.

    "Sorry, Kim!" Chloe says as she blushes just a little.

        Alya, Marinette and Adrien all sit at the same table as Nino. They can not help, but feel sorry for both Alix, and Rose right now.  Marinette gets up to see if she can be of any assistance to Rose.   Alya and Adrien remain in their seats.  Alya rolls her eyes at one of Nino's lame jokes.

     "Seriously, Nino your jokes are as dry as the Sahara Desert!"  Alya remarks.

     "She is right, man! " Adrien says and laughs.

     "Oh, and one more thing,"  Adrien says as the principal walks past their table with a shocked expression on his face.

     "What is it?"  Nino says.  He wonders, what is so important for Adrien to say right then and there.

    "DJ, is your fly unzipped?"  Adrien ask.

    "No, it is up!" Nino claims.  He looks down to check just the same.  To his horror, his fly is down!  Yikes, he thinks, no wonder everyone has behaved so strangely around me all morning.  Talk about awkward.

    "Uh, yikes!"  Nino says as he zips his pants zipper up.  He is so red from embarrassment right now.

     "Yes, I can see that dude!"  Alya says.  She chuckles just a little.

  " How come no one told me earlier it was down?"  Nino ask.

  "Sorry, buddy!  It is just we all thought you knew."  Adrien says.

   "I mostly certainly did not, otherwise, I would have fixed it way sooner."  Nino says.

   "Hey, guys!  What did I miss?"  Marinette says now back from helping Rose clean up.

    "Nothing much!"  Alya says.

   "Yeah, it turns out I was walking around with my zipper down most the day!"  Nino says.

    "Haha, Nino!  That is hiliarious!  "  Marinette says.

   "You have to hand it too her, she is right!  " Adrien says.

    "Yeah, yeah!  Just shut up about it already!" Nino says. 

    The students lunch break is over.  Now, they are all back in class, all expect for Rose who went home early since she did not feel well.  

When school lets out later, Chloe and Sabrina walks up to Nino and Alya, Marinette and Adrien and laughs! 

 "What is so funny,  girls?"  Adrien ask.

 "Just you losers!" Chloe remarks rudely.

   "Yeah, what Chloe said!"  Sabrina replies.

    The rude girls walk away.   Adrien is not too happy as he has a ticked off look in his eyes and he frowns.  Nino does as well, so does Alya.  Marinette just stands their with tears in her eyes.

     "Marinette are you okay?"  Adrien ask.

   "Y-Yes, A-Adrien!  I will be fine!"  Marinette says.

    "Hey, do not let Chloe get to you!  She is wrong!  " Adrien says.

    "Yeah, girl!  Chloe is just jealous we are such good friends with Adrien!"  Alya says.

    "Duddette, Chloe is not even worth your tears!  I ought to know, I mean I am the one who came to school with my pants unfastened and you do not see me in tears about it!"  Nino says.

     "Thanks, guys!  That really means a lot!" Marinette says.

   "Don't sweat it!  That  is what friends are for, Mari!" Adrien says.

   the end...

   Well, that is of this story anyway!-Summer Cheng    



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