Ladrien : In Love with a Superhero Chick? one-shot story

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        Adrien wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock.  He yawns and looks at the time. It is already 7:30 am.  "Good grief, school starts in thirty minutes!  Plagg, why did you not say anything?"  Adrien says.   "Oh, sure blame it on your kwami and best friend, here!"  Plagg says.

      Adrien puts on some jeans, his signature shirt with stripes across it, a jacket, a pair of socks and his tennis shoes. He combs his hair and adds just a little hair gel to it as well.  He puts a few crumbs of the stinky cheese in the inside pocket to his leather jacket for  Plagg.  He goes downstairs eats breakfast alone and brushes his teeth. He grabs us his backpack in  a hurry, and heads out the door.  He walks to school since he is already late.

    Adrien arrives at the school at the same time as a certain, shy, bluenette, Marinette.   He smiles when he sees her.  It sure is great to see a friend.  He figures this way the day is bound to be better than it could be otherwise, right?   He wonders why she stutters , so much?  He has no idea why he even cares because he has a silly crush on a superhero chick, who goes by Ladybug!

    Marinette is happy to see that she is not the only one late to school this morning.  She sees Adrien and smiles at him.  She oftens wonders what her life would be like for her if she were less nervous around her crush. She sighs and heads into class.  She might as well as she is late already.

    Adrien enters the classroom a few minutes after Marinette.  He breaths a sigh of relief when he manages to slide in his seat next to his best friend, Nino without Miss Bustier seeing him.  He is so glad she did not notice he was late once again.   His buddy, Nino whispers,  "Dude, this makes the second time this week both you and Marinette were late to class."  

     Time to skip to after school brought to you by Tikki's  Best Cookies and Luka's  Smelly Socks!

        Adrien rushes home to do his homework before Alya and Nino, or Marinette can ask him why he was late to class again.  It is not like he can tell them anyway.  He was up all night the night before  as Chat Noir fighting crime with Ladybug his partner, and his crush!  He barely got in bed before 2 am as it is anyway.  No wonder he is still so tired.   It  is also no wonder he slept in again and barely made it to class before Miss Bustier starts the lesson for the day.

        Marinette notices Adrien left in a hurry. She has no idea what his hurry is anyway.  She shrugs her shoulders and walks home.  Once inside, she goes to her room and does her homework.  When she finishes she takes a short nap  as she barely slept much the night before since she had to fight crime with Chat Noir as Ladybug!  She still can not believe how long it took to defeat the villain.  This just proves the akumas are stronger than normal.  She yawns as her head hits the pillow.  

    Thirty minutes later Marinette wakes up.  She writes in her diary and hides it.  She makes sure to lock the case she stores it inside to makes sure to keep it safe from any prying eyes.  She decides to get some fresh air for a bit.  What better way to do it than as Ladybug?  Marinette looks at Tikki and smiles.  "Tikki, spots on!  Yeah!"  She transforms.

      Ladybug goes outside to get some fresh air!  She notices everything is rather calm.  She is happy to see that there is not even one thing out of place.  She thinks about what to do, or where to go next. She smiles and decides to go pay Adrien a visit.  It is not he can tell she is the same shy, clumsy, goofy, nervous wreck of a girl in his class, right?   She does have her hero outfit and mask on now.

      Ladybug swings from one roof to another and lands with a thud outside Adrien's room. She taps gently on his window.  She blushes when she realizes what she just did!  

     Adrien looks up from his math homework with a start. He hears a noise outside his bedroom window.  He thinks, it could be a wood pecker.  He shrugs his shoulders and almost goes back to his assignment until he sees a red mask with black polka dots with the prettiest pair of blue bell eyes that can be see through it.  He smiles as he opens the window.  He thinks, Wow, my crush is here!  Ladybug came to see me!  He blushes at the thought.

   "Hey, Adrien!"  Ladybug says as she enters his room through the open window.

   "Hey L-Ladybug!"  Adrien says a nervous wreck around his love interest as usual.

    "What you doing, handsome?"  Ladybug says.

  "I  was working on my math homework."  Adrien says.

   "Okay, that sounds like such a bore."  Ladybug says.  

   "I know right!"  Adrien says and laughs a little.

   "I like your laugh!"  Ladybug says.

   "You d-do?"  Adrien says as he looks at her in surprise.  He thinks, I can not believe it she likes my laugh.

    "Yes, in fact, I really like you, Adrien!"  Ladybug confesses.  She thinks, to bad I can not say the same thing to him as my civilian self instead of being a total mess around him.

     "I l-like y-you t-too, L-Ladybug!"  Adrien says.

     " Will you be my g-girlfriend?"  Adrien says.

     "Yes, I will!"  Ladybug says.  She sighs and thinks, I wish I could date him as Marinette, but at least we can be together as Ladybug and Adrien.  She smiles.

       "Wow, this is great!"  Adrien says.  He reaches up and holds her hand in his own. 

      Ladybug blushes.  For once she is happy to have the mask to cover her face, so he can not tell how nervous she actually feels for a change.  She also feels relief that he does not know who is behind the mask yet.  This way he can not tease her about it at school, or anywhere else.  

     "Adrien, I  wish I could tell you who I really am, but I am not ready too just yet,"  Ladybug says.

    "Okay, that is fine, beautiful!"  Adrien says.

     Ladybug can feel her cheeks turn even redder at the compliment.  She thinks, he says I am beautiful.  She can hardly believe it.  She is so happy, she could kiss him.  

      Ladybug reaches up and tilts his head so that their lips almost touch. She can hear his heart beat faster. She grins and whispers, " I love you!"   Then, she leans in and kisses him.  She sighs as she feels warmth against her own lips as he kisses her back.  She is happy.  So happy indeed, She picks him up without releasing his lips and carries him to the roof.  Once up there she gently sets him down. She smirks at him.  She kisses him on the nose, forehead, cheek, chin, and lips.  She does over and over again.  She does not care she is outside. She is just so happy to be with him.

    Adrien sighs as Ladybug kisses him over and over.  He can hardly believe it. He closes his eyes as she kisses him once more.  He opens them and reaches up and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.  He thinks, Wow, she is great!  He looks at her in wonder.  He can not help, but wonder out of all the guys in Paris, France why him?   He is sure almost any guy would be lucky to be with her, but she chose him.  The thought makes him very happy.

  Ladybug breaks the kiss. She carries him back to his room and sets him down on his bed. She takes off his jacket and places it gently on the chair.  She smiles.  She kisses his forehead one more time. She gets up winks at him and says,  "See you soon, my handsome boyfriend!  Love you!"   With that, she leaves and goes home.

   Adrien sighs as she leaves and thinks,  Wow, Ladybug came, she kissed me and she said yes to being my girlfriend!  This is fantastic!  He laughs as he thinks about how Plagg teases him daily about how a relationship with a superhero will never work.  What does Plagg, know anyway?  Ladybug is my girlfriend!  He grins like a silly guy in love!  Then he falls asleep.

     the end to Ladrien:  In Love With a Superhero Chick?  one-shot story   -Summer Cheng

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