Miraculous Fever ? one-shot story

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Jack looks around for Becky, but can not seem to find her anywhere. Where did she go? It is so unlike this girl not to be here! It is the day of the big Science exam. Now where could she be? He looks at his best friend, Larson in the hopes to get an answer.

Larson seems to be caught up in a conversation with his girlfriend and does not pay attention. Jack sighs. He supposes he will never figure out where she is today.

The teacher comes into the classroom and announces, "Now I am sure most of you wonder why Becky Ann Lahiffe is absent today. Well, her mother called and said she will be out the rest of the week! She is at home with a high fever! It appears that she also has the chicken pox too." When she finishes her announcement, the teacher Mrs. Damocles gets back to the lesson.

Jack sits in his seat and thanks, poor girl. He feels sorry for Becky since he has never known her to be sick much since the day they meant years ago! He can hardly believe they have been friends for almost three years already. Goodness, time sure has a funny way with going by rather quick!

Time skip brought to you by Tikki's Best Cookies!

Now, after school, Jack decides he must see Becky. He might as well check up on her as it will be awhile before she comes back! What with the chicken pox and high fever! He has to see for himself that there is nothing more to her absence then this. He goes home, does his homework, then transforms much to the dismay of Plagg!

Chat enters Becky's house through the secret tunnel under the place. He recalls how he and Becky found it once by accident a few months ago. Granted that had been as civilians, but still it came in handy whenever he wanted to see her without telling his busy father and mother what he was up too! He smiled as he reached her room at last.

He sees her in the bed fast asleep. He can see all the blotches all over her face. He gasps when he sees them. Why the poor girl, looks simply pitiful with all the chicken pox all over her face. He knows it is risky to approach her like this as he has never had the pox before, but he can not resist the urg to check her forehead. He places a paw gently on it , so as not to wake her! Goodness , she is burning up! He finds a themometer and checks her temperature. It reads, 102.3 He gasps and as he does she turns to face him.

"Chat, what brings you here?" Becky says in a pitiful and groggy voice.

"I came to see how you were." Chat says. He does not say anything about how he misses her at school. To do so what be to admit he has stronger feelings for her than even he will admit too.

"Oh, well! As you can see I am in pretty bad shape. I am sick." Becky says.

"Yes, I can see that Becky! Oh, and please get better soon!" Chat says.

"I appreciate your concern Chat, but I do hope you will catch my illness for me." She thanks it will never do to have both heros of Paris sick at the same time now, would it?

"Well, see you later!" Chat says. He pauses and kisses her hand before he goes.

When he arrives home and destransforms, Plagg gives him an ear full! "Goodness, boy, why did you go and kiss her hand? Do you like Becky? " Plagg says.

"What? No, I only meant to cheer her up! Goodness, Plagg! You know I love Ladybug!" Jack says.

"Sure, whatever you say, lover boy!" Plagg teases him once more.

Meanwhile, Becky thinks, Wait! Why did Chat kiss my hand? I mean sure it was rather nice, but I love Jack! Besides, everyone knows Chat wishes to be with Ladybug! She smiles and goes back to sleep.

A week later, Becky is back in school. This time it is Jack who is out sick. Becky wonders what took place to make him feel a need to be absent just as she returns.

"Ha, he probably took a look at you, and say how ugly you were and decided to stay away!" Priscilla Rossi says.

"Do not listen to her, girl!" Becky's best friend,Trisha and girlfriend to Larson says.

"It is fine because there is no way, Jack would ever see me as someone to love." Becky says.

"Oh, do not be so hard on yourself." Trisha says.

The two girls go into the classroom and sit down. Trisha takes her usual set next to Larson.

Becky sits in the desk in front of them. She sure misses Jack. She wonders where he went off too.

The teacher comes in and says that Jack has caught the same thing Becky had last week and it will be awhile before he comes to school.

Becky sits in her desk in shock! How on earth did Jack catch the chicken pox when he had been no where near her!

Everyone else wonders, how Jack ends up with what Becky had the week prior. No one thinks to ask her about it though. Later, after school, Becky goes home. She does her homework. Then, she heads over to Jack's and drops off his homework. As she turns to leave, he reaches out and grabs her hand. She blushes.

"Becky, please stay! At least, until I fall back asleep." Jack says.

Becky is not sure what to think. Could it be, he likes her? Nah, she shakes the silly thought away. She stays though like he ask.

Once Jack dozes off Becky makes her exit, and heads home before he folks notice she is not in her room yet. She goes to her room and thinks, it strange how Jack ends up sick, and about his request earlier too. She blushes even more.

the end... Miraculous Fever? one-shot story-Summer Cheng

*Becky, Jack, Larson and Trisha, along with Priscilla are all characters that belong to me, Summer Cheng. Plagg and Tikki are owned by Thomas Atrsuc and Jeremy Zag of zagtoon productions. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one -shot story. Sincerely, Summer Cheng! *

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