Spots, spots, Everywhere? one-shot story

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         Becky wakes up and looks outside.  She can not believe it.  There are spots all over the place.  What on earth took place to make this happen?   This looks like she has a mystery on her hands.  She takes a closer look around her and realizes there are spots all over her walls, furniture, the ceiling, the floor, and on her self too.  

         What on earth?  Where did all these spots come from anyway?   Becky decides this a job for Ladybug Ultra Spy!  She looks at Tikki and grins!   "It seems we have a special mission once more.  Tikki spots on!"   She transforms.  She giggles as she says to herself, well at least now I match with everything.

        Jack is in his room when he sees there are spots everywhere around him.  Is this some kind of prank, or what?  He gives Plagg cheese.  When Plagg finishes, he says with this huge grin on his face,  "Plagg, claws out!"  He transforms.

         Now,  Ladybug and Chat are outside in wonder as to where did the spots come from and how do we get rid of them?   They go to see the guardian of the miraculous who is extremely old by now as he is wise,  Master Fu.  

       "What seems to be the problem?  Hawkmoth is  no longer an issue, so why come here?"  Master Fu ask.

       "Well, you see the thing is there are spots all over the place!"  Ladybug says.

      "Yeah, you could say it is a spot trastifie! "  Chat says.

      "Hmm, this is a rather huge problem indeed."  Master Fu says.

      "You think?"  Ladybug says.

     "Oh, come on Ladybug, it is cool!  Everything fits well with your suit!"  Chat remarks.

        "Chat this is no time for your lame jokes or puns!"  Master Fu and Ladybug says at the same time.

       "Oh, come on you are no fun!"  Chat says.

      "I suggest you take Rena with you for this, oh and in case you need extra help, here you give this to some one you can trust, Chat!"   Master Fu says.

       "I am in charge of the turtle miraculous?"  Chat ask.

      "Yes, see to it a trusted alley gets it soon!"  Master Fu says.

       "Thank you, will do!"  Chat says.

        Chat and Ladybug leave, when they go back outside of Master Fu's place they see Rena!  "

"Wow, great timing, Rena!  We need your help to solve this mystery!"  Ladybug says.

   "You mean the spot tasticness, right?"  Chat says.  He laughs as he goes to find his friend to give the turtle miraculous too.

      "Larson, here this is the turtle miraculous!  With it you will help with the great good of Paris, and assist, Ladybug, Rena Rogue and I in the solving of the great spot attack!"   Chat says.

      Larson puts on the bracelet and looks at Wayzz.  Wayzz smiles at him and says,  "Just say, Shell on!"    

     Larson nods his head,  "Shell on!"  He transforms.

      Now, Chat and Carapace II  go to join Ladybug and Rena to try to find the answer to this craziness.  

        "Ah, I knew you would show up!   So to make these things disappear you have to solve a few riddles!"  The man with a funny looking outfit  all decorated in spots down to the very last seam tells them.

       "Riddles, well those happen to be my specialty !"  Chat says.

       First riddle:  What is wet at night, dry in the morning, but always there when you need it?

      Chat thinks, "That is not funny, but the answer is   A towel?"  

      "Yes, that is correct!"  the man says.

      Second riddle:  What has  holes, but still holds water?

       "A  sponge!"  Rena Rogue says.

       "Yes, right again!" the man says with a smirk.

      "How many more riddles do we have to solve?"  Ladybug says.

      "Oh, that depends on how many more you answer correctly! " the man says.

      "Come on with it already!"  Carapace II  says.

       "Yeah, go ahead!"  Chat says.

      Third riddle:  What is  round as a biscuit and busy as  a bee?

       Carpace II :  "It is a watch!  "

      Man: Correct once more!     This time he seems a bit annoyed as none of them have gotten the answers wrong yet.

     Fourth riddle:  Why did the girl throw her alarm clock and butter out the window?"

       Ladybug:  "She wanted to see time fly, and a butter fly?"

       Man: Right again!

     Fifth riddle:  What is black, black and red, orange, and green and gets on my last nerves?

      Rena Rogue:  That is easy it us!  

    Man: Yes, that is correct, young lady!

     Chat  remarks,  "just take away the spots already!"

      Man:  Not so fast!

     "What?  Why not?  We solved all your riddles already!"   The miraculous team says.

     All, but the last one!  The man says with a smirk.   

     Last Riddle:  What  is seen in the day time,but disappears at night?


    Man:  Answer if you dare!

    Chat  :  "The sun?"

     Ladybug, and Rena :  "Your shadow?"

     Carpace II:  "It is your shadow!"  

   Man:  It is your shadow!   Well, I suppose a deal is a deal then!

    The man waves his arms in the air and just like that one by one all the spots vanish into thin air, all expect for the ones on Ladybug's  suit that is!

        The man then leaves angry because the heroes solved his riddles better than he thought they would.

          As for the heroes they all went home and detransformed.  Larson, gave his miraculous back to Chat while his eyes were closed, so he would not find out his identity by accident.

         Jack returns the turtle miraculous to Master Fu.  Master Fu smiles and says, "Wow, that was quick!  I see all the spots are no where to be seen now!"

        the end ...

      *Well, what did you think about, Spots, spots, Everywhere?  one-shot story-Summer Cheng

      *Summer out!





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