We are Having Twins! one-shot story (Lukanette)

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              Luka comes home from work and sees Marinette has been crying.  He wonders what troubles his dear, sweet wife.  He hugs her, but she pulls away from him.

         "Marinette, honey whatever is the matter?" Luka asks.

        "Well, you know how you have been saying you wish you were a father?"  Marinette asks.

         "Yes, darling.  Does this mean you wish to adopt a child?"  Luka answers.

          "No, silly, I am pregnant!"  Marinette blurts out.

         "What?"  Luka asks.

          "I said,  I am expecting a baby,"  Marinette replies.

            "Wow, that is fantastic!" Luka says.

            "I am so glad you think so,"  Marinette says.

             "Think so, I am going to be a dad!"  Luka squeals.

                Four months later, Marinette goes in for the latest ultrasound.  Luka has time off work so he takes her to see the doctor.   He is glad to go back with her when she is called to the area where the ultrasound is to be done.

              "This is my husband, Luka,"  Marinette tells the doctor.

             "Ah, yes, he is the father of the baby, am I correct?"  The doctor responds.

             "Yes, that is correct,"  Marinette says.

                  The doctor tells Marinette to change into a rob, then let him know when she is ready.  He closes the privacy curtain to give her space.  
               Marinette slips off her clothes expects her underwear, then, puts on the robe.  Luka ties it for her.

          "I am ready,"  Marinette states.

         "Good then, lay down on the table, and relax," The doctor says.

                Marinette does as the doctor says.  Luka watches on in wonder.  

       As the ultrasound is done the doctor smiles and takes a few notes.   "Congratulations the babies are both healthy,"  He says.

           "Babies?"  Luka asks.

           "What?  You mean there are two in there?"  Marinette asks in surprise.

            "Yes, you are having twins!"  He answers.

   "Wow, Luka, we are having twins!"  Marinette says with excitement in her voice.

             A few minutes later the ultrasound is complete, and the doctor leaves the room. He closes the door.

        Marinette changes out of the robe into her clothes.  She slips on her shoes last.  Then, Luka hands her purse back to her.

         "Thanks, dear,"  Marinette says.

     "You are welcome,"  Luka states.

         Luka and Marinette check out of the doctor's office and go straight home. They wash their hands, eat lunch, then call all their friends to let them know the good news.

    "Wow, congrats to you both!"  Alya says.
  "Congratulations, dudette and dude!"  Nino remarks.

   "Awe, twins, so exciting!" Rose exclaims.

    " Congratulations Marinette and Luka!"  Chloe says.

    "Congrats!"   Kagami says.

 "Congratulations to you both,"  Adrien says.  He sighs as he thinks about all the times he could have told Marinette the truth and did not.  He is just glad to see she is happy with Luka now.

   "Congrats, lovebirds!" Alix says.

 "I am going to be a Grandma!"  Sabine squeals.

  "I am going to be  a Grandpa!"  Tom squeals.

   "Wow, Congratulations, Lukanette!"  Kim says.

    "Twins, wow that is amazing!  It is rare to have twins!"  Max says.

   "Congratulations!"  Nathaniel says.

  "Congratulations!   I am going to be an aunt, wow!"  Juleka says.

"Congrats, Marinette!  Congrats to you too, man!"  Jagged Stone replies.

"Congrats!"  Ondine responds.

    Luka and Marinette are grateful for the nice responses from all their friends.  They both can not wait to see what their twins look like up close and in person.

    Five months later, Marinette smiles at Luka and says, "It is time!"

      Luka smiles and says, "Wow, we are going to be parents!"

       Luka grabs up her stuff, puts it in the car, carries her to the car, helps in it, puts her seatbelt on her, closes the door, locks the house, gets in the car, puts his seatbelt on, closes the driver's door and drives to the hospital.

     He parks the car, gets out, helps Marinette out, carries her and her overnight bag inside.  He smiles as the desk lady helps them find a room for his wife.

      Once inside they wait for the doctor.  Marinette smiles, as the doctor tells her to put a robe on, and exits the room. She does as he says. She waits for him to return.

    A few minutes later, he comes inside the room and says,  "Okay, now push hard, Mrs. Marinette Agreste!"  

      Marinette pushes and pushes.  The first twin a girl comes out.  

         Marinette and Luka agree to name her  Susan Alya, then, she pushes once more and Susan's sister is born.  The second baby is named Alexandra Sabine.  
        Luka and Marinette could not agree more that both daughters are adorable. They are so happy!  The twins are here at last!   The long wait is over!

       the end...

-Summer out!

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