Bakusquad HC

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Kaminari ⚡️
-Man's bisexual, to the 100th degree


-He's not dumb, he just struggles academically. He hates being called dumb

-In canon, he's hyper aware of his abilities, as well as hyper aware of those around him. Leading me to believe he injured someone quite badly in his youth to cause these anxieties

-He's not as much embarrassed by being reminded of how he short circuits, as he's willing to do it in front of others. However he doesn't like people making jokes about it because it's an extremely painful thing to go through

-He's a confident flirt

-He's hornyTM

-He's "The Funny Friend"

-He's had a crush on nearly everyone in the class at least once.

-He's actually a relatively good cook and baker, however he's also lazy and prefers to just eat cheap stuff or order take away since it's easier

-He'll never cry when situations where crying seems expected. However, he'll cry for dramatic effect as when truly negative situations occur he defaults to coping with humor.

-He's a mischievous bastard who can't be trusted, he's the gossip king. And is actually the one who gives Mina all her gossip material because he likes drama.

-He's a gamer, and actually extraordinarily hard to beat. Especially games like Pokémon where he reigns supreme.

-Meme enthusiast

-Insomia and memory issues due to his quirk

-He was raised by a single father who was actually rather neglectful. After his mother abandoned him, he has a desire to be popular. Especially with women. Because of this, he also has abandonment issues

-The last one of the squad to join a fight. He'd rather watch and or film.

-Very much cares what people think of him.

Sero 🕸

-Good at flirting, never gets good results tho

-Women prefer Kaminari, which confuses Sero to no end because Kaminari has a Lightning McQueen racing jacket and gets more girls than him.

-Can't flirt with anyone he actually has feelings for. His brain factory resets

-Trans Sero Supremacy

-Latino Sero Supremacy

-Call him ranch, cause he be dressing

-He cooks very well, though he'll only cook what he wants. So anyone who wants some can deal with it or starve

-Uses lotion religiously

-Defaults to Spanish when angry, he'll cuss people out like an angry hispanic father.

-Rarely cusses as he rarely gets angry

-Two parent household, Mom and Dad. Plus his very proud Mexican Grandmother

-His Mom is Mexican, his dad is Japanese.

-He can get insecure over his appearance, quirk, and personality. As many find him bland or basic. However, most of the time he finds the opinion of others ✨ Irrelevant ✨

-Victim of braces. He had to wear them for a couple years. But got them taken off before high school.

-This man can sing

-Huge crush on Mina. Shawty like a melody in his head 🎶

-His elbows are sensitive

-Will never be seen crying, he cries alone. And only when he's alone

-Embarrassed to cry in front of others

-Religious (not super religious, but he prays and such)

Bakugou 💥

-Terrible at flirting

-Sensitive hands and palms, he constantly flexes his fingers due to them always being stimulated

-Smells good. Man has a hundred different hair care, skin care, lotion, all kinds of products. Does his own makeup

-Bares his teeth a lot. Something he does out of anger/to show aggression.

-An amazing cook. However this is canon in the My Hero series. I simply wished to remind you all

-Reads Romcoms, the cheesier the better

-He'll replay situations and decisions he made over and over again in his head and stress about why he did what he did and what would've been a better way to handle things.

-Very protective of his Squad. They're idiots but they're his idiots. Disrespecting them is like disrespecting him.

-He's very good friends with the girls. And one of the only boys allowed to attend girls night. Sato being the only other boy.

-Skin Care routine is essential

-Gets scared easily, especially at haunted houses or scary video games/movies, will never admit to getting scared

-Never tells people how much they mean to him, though sometimes he feels he should, desperately hopes they know.

-Fears being abandoned/unneeded. Without being needed, what purpose does he serve? He'd just be another kid with anger issues.

-Cooks for the squad, complains about it, will never stop doing it because he's knows he's usually the only decent meal they've had. Lazy bastards.

-Has several crushes. Biggest one is on Kirishima

-Back pain from carrying around his massive man tiddies.

-Loves hearing gossip, acts like he thinks it's dumb, he wants every little detail

-Cries especially out of frustration/anger

Kirishima 🦈

-Like, super gay

-Do not let this man near a stove. Do not. He will start a fire. He can't cook for shit.

-He tries, but he can't.

-Random body aches and pains. Especially in his hands and neck. They can be mild to severe.

-Two parent household. Mom and Mama

-Drinks respect women juice religiously

-He likes head pats. Kinda like a dog

-Cries a lot, not ashamed of it

-He's a sympathy crier

-Bit his tongue a lot as a kid

-In high school he thought he had a crush on Mina. Turns out he just admired her.

-Got his ears pierced at a young age. Doesn't wear them out of fear of them getting damaged

-Also bares his teeth when angry. Or when he feels especially threatened. However, he also smiles with his teeth a lot.

-Kisses his homies (and homegirl) goodnight

-Hopeless romantic at heart. Doesn't know how to show that. Bad at flirting

-Calls romantic interests bro

-Calls women bro

-Calls everyone bro

-Huge crush on Bakugou

-Constantly has to replace his toothbrushes

Mina 💖

-Gives out compliments like they're candy

-Two parent household. Mom and Dad


-Has a dog

-Kisses her closest friends platonically. She's very physically affectionate

-Hopeless romantic, but blind to her own feelings 24/7

-Too focused on playing matchmaker to think about her huge crush on Sero

-Dancing Queen


-Has a long tongue

-Randomly gets full body pins and needles feelings, like her body is made of tv static

-Her friends and their well-being stress her out a lot

-Cries a lot, usually alone, stress crier

-Not afraid to cry in front of others tho

-Swears she'll get as many couples together as she can

-Great at flirting

-She loves giving makeovers

Jirou 🎸
-Bi Bi Bi~

-Preference for women

-Can't pick between Momo or Kaminari

-Likes being relied on, as she struggles in the leadership role, she likes knowing she can also be seen as reliable

-Bad at flirting. Terrible at flirting. The worst.

-Was team Edward

-Read Twilight religiously in middle school

-Used to hiss at people, embarrassed about it now

-Cuts her own hair. And it shows

-Insecure about her body, constantly compares herself to other women

-Cries silently, just tears, no actual sobbing.

-Usually angry at herself when she cries

-Wears a lot of eyeliner

-Likes to dress up and feel pretty

-Writes her own songs, wont sing them for anyone except Momo

-Chills a lot with Tokoyami, they're besties

-Has a diary

-Terrible at feelings

-Gets random headaches when she uses her quirk too much, migraines can last hours and be extremely painful to where any noise is deafening

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