Disagreement and Telum's Adventures: Episode 1

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Helena, this event takes place before Telum properly met Selene, okay?

Disagreement woke up and asked herself the same question she asked everyday: What am I gonna do today?

Disagreement: How about skydiving?!

So Disagreement jumped out of bed and ran to the Main Room.

I got too lazy to finish this scene XD

Disagreement: *Puts hands on her hips* I make no promises!

Disagreement ran down the hall and Telum followed, hoping this wasn't gonna end up like it usually did.

A Few Hallways Later

Disagreement and Telum stood in front of a door labeled "Sky High". Why was it labeled this? Because it led to thousands of feet above the SBF. Perfect for skydiving. As Telum pulled on his parachute, he went to hand Disagreement hers. But as she turned around, she jumped.

Telum: Dammit! Not again!

Disagreement: *In the distance* Whooop!!!

Telum jumped and started heading in Disagreement's direction. Unfortunately, there wasn't any shadows in the sky, so he couldn't make Disagreement a parachute.

Telum: (Guess I'll have to hold onto her then.)

When Telum caught up with her, she was giggling like a madman (madwoman?). He grabbed her under her arms and pulled his chute, and they started their slow descent.

Disagreement: Awww...I was having fun!

Telum: I was having a heart attack!

Disagreement: ...Fair enough.

A few minute pass, and they can see the top of the house. It was close enough that you could possibly jump and not suffer any major injuries. Which is exactly what Disagreement was thinking.

Disagreement wiggled free of Telum's grip and went into freefall.

Telum: Eh, she'll survive.

As Disagreement crashed through the ceiling, Telum slowly floated through not too long after.

Telum: And that's why I said to pull the parachute.

Disagreement: *Sits up unharmed* No way! I didn't feel a thing!

They turn and see a strange sight. I'm being hugged by twin children (My friend's OCs), while eating a bag of M&Ms and talking to Helena.

As Disagreement rushed to go hug Helena, he looked at one of the twins. They had they same style of hair and clothes, but their colors were different. They both looked good, sure, but Telum thought one looked better than the other.

Helena introduced the children as Celest and Selene. The one Telum had been looking at was Selene.

Telum: Hi, my name's Telum.

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