Exploring The "Basement" Of The SBF (Space Between Fandoms)

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Hey, uh, this actually contains Lore for my Fanfic OC Universe. I'd love if you could respect this.

Will, Steven, and Order were all sitting on the couch, bored. They spent a few minutes sitting like this before Liam floated into the room.

Liam: Hey, uh, anyone know what's in the basement? It's the only place I can't phase into with my ghost powers and shit.

Will: No, I don't think any of us have ever been in the basement.

Order: I saw Legend go in there the other day...but I doubt he's gonna tell us.

Steven: Yeah...he's probably hiding something down there.

Will: ...fuck it, I'm bored.

Will got up from the couch and walked over to the basement door, with Liam following. Steven got up, grabbed Order, and walked over to the door.

Suddenly, footsteps can be heard coming up the basement stairs. The four Bois duck behind various pieces of furniture, with Liam turning invisible. Legend comes out of the basement, holding a piece of blue metal.

Will: (What the fuck is that...?)

Legend leaves, and just before the door can shut, the other four Bois slipped in. They walked down the stairs, or floated in Liam's case. At the bottom of the stairs was a long, dimly-lit hallway that seemed to go on forever, with lots of doors. On each door was a nameplate. Liam floated over to the closest door and read the name.

Liam: Will Fox? *Turns to Will* Aren't you a fox animatronic named Will?

Will, confused, walked up to the door. Surely Liam was playing a prank, right? But the name on the door really was Will Fox. Will opened the door and saw a sixteen-something year old kid that looked like Steven, but more FNAF-ish. He had blue-dyed hair, a blue eye, and normal clothes. Where Steven's ink limbs were, this kid had animatronic limbs. His left arm was metal with a coating of blue plastic, and he had a hook on the end of it. His leg was the same, except ending like a normal leg would. The area around his eye was covered in the same plastic with a metal plate underneath, and his eye was replaced with a color-changing animatronic eye. But his most prominent features were the fox ears on top of his head, and the fox tail swishing behind him. Will noticed more words behind the kid and gasped.

The words behind the teen said "Here Remains Will Fox, the First OC".

Liam: So...Legend isn't the first? I thought Legend came before everyone else! That's what dad said, right?

Steven: *Nods head* Looks like dad's been lying about a lot of things...

They all looked at the doors, and moved on, closing Will Fox's door behind them. The next door said "Caretaker". Steven opened the door and inside sat a version of Legend, except where Legend had blue, this version was red. And instead of a knife, this version carried an old sword that was slung over his shoulder.

Order: Uh...a version of Legend?

Liam/Will: No shit!

The next door said nothing but "???". Inside was a skeleton that looked like it had been through hell. Parts of them had completely fallen off, and it's skull was cracked. Behind them was words on the wall. "Zombietale Sans. Abandoned because Zombietale was already a taken AU."

Order: Damn...that could've been me.

The next door had no words, just a scratched-out nameplate. Inside was nothing but a shadow of a person. More words on the back of the wall. "Another one of The Faded. Faded 3 hours ago."

Steven: Who the hell was this guy...?

Before they could open another door, Legend opened the door to the basement. They all hid in the room holding The Faded person. They didn't notice the person getting off the ground and shuffling towards them.

Will: We are so fucked...

Liam: What's Legend gonna do if he finds us down here?

Order: I don't know, but it can't be good!

The Faded person grabbed onto Will, who was in the back of the group.

Will: Agh! Guys, help!

The Faded: *Slight echo* Hey, guys, I'm gonna go now.

Liam: What the fuck is he saying?!?

The Faded: *Slight echo* Thanks for the great time! Can't wait to get home, though!

Order: It's like it's speaking from it's memories instead of making sentences to speak to us.

Suddenly, the door was flung open, and Legend tackled The Faded onto the ground. They fought for a bit, but Legend came out on top, throwing them onto the bed. Legend shoved everyone else out, but didn't leave until he tucked The Faded into bed, in an almost respectful manner. When he closed the door, he turned to everyone else.

Legend: You dumbasses almost got killed! What the hell were you thinking, going into the room of a Faded?

Liam: What the hell is a Faded?

Legend cringed, looking in pain.

Legend: Let’s get out of the basement, first. I don't like discussing this near all these forgotten OCs...

The group went up the stairs, and Legend locked the basement door.

Legend: *Sits down on the couch* The Faded are OCs that have been down there so long that their names, identities, and even how they look has been forgotten by almost everyone. *Looks at Will* You remember dad's Multiverse idea, right?

Will: Yeah, I was the first one in a series of connected stories, right?

Legend sighed. How was he gonna tell them...?

Legend: *Shakes head* No, Will Fox was created way before you were. Steven was originally going to be a version of Will Fox, hence the similar altered body structure.

Will: So...my entire life has been a lie?

Legend: I mean...you were the story that wound up getting posted, so you can say that you came first!

Liam: Well then...this has been a day.

Will: That still doesn't explain why it attacked me!

Legend: The Faded...no longer have any morals. They will do anything to feel something again. Even steal somebody else's life.

Will: But why are there so many?

Legend: The SBF existed long before dad took ownership of it. It's more than likely that the OCs of long-dead writers have faded by now. Dad even uses them like an army, since they've been effectively lobotomized, and won't disobey anything he says.

I walk into the room, and they all shut up.

So...whatcha talking about?

Everyone: Nothing, goodnight!

They rush off to their rooms and lock the doors.

Okay then...I just wanted to give them some cookies Helena made...oh well, guess that means more for me!

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