(LORE) Talent Show!

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Everyone gathered in the main room, confused.

Will: ...Why the hell is there a stage in here?

Legend: Hmm...wait, no-

Because we're gonna have a Talent Show!

I dropped down from the ceiling, holding a microphone.

Today, we're gonna-

Punne jumped out of Legend's hair, grabbed the microphone, and retreated back to Legend's hair. I waited a few seconds, then brought out another microphone.

As I was saying...we're having a Talent Show! Winner gets to ask me one question about anything!

Nobody did anything.

*Sigh* And a coupon for one free creation.

Everyone launched for the sign-up sheet, and I saw a couple people get in pairs.

Legend's Act

On the stage was Legend, a giant spinning wheel, and Lime. Lime was strapped to the spinning wheel, and Legend summoned some knives.

Lime: Legend, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this-

Before he could finish, Legend launched his five knives. The first landed just above Lime's head, the second and third ones barely missing their wrists, and the fourth and fifth barely missing their kneecaps.

Legend: Come on, buddy. Would I hurt you- hurt you- you?

Lime: Uh...maybe?

Legend: *Summoning four more knives* Oh ye of little faith. Now it's time to start the act!

Lime: Wait, what-

Legend threw his knives, and they all wound up cutting Lime's bindings.

Lime: ...

Legend: ...

Lime: You're an asshole.

Legend: I know.

Everyone clapped, impressed with Legend's skill. Oh, and Lime's participation, I guess.

Will's Act

Will stood on the stage, switching between forms.

Legend: Just pick one already!

Will: Shut up! This is a careful process! Gotta pick the one that fits-

Legend: Whatever.

Eventually, he decided on his Scrap Animatronic form, his wires waving behind him.

He raised the microphone to his mouth and started singing.


Will spread out his arms and drank in the applause.

Such a treat to hear Will sing, isn't it folks?

Hellfire: You sound like Alastor.

Nope. *Makes voice go static* Now I do! Hey! I kinda like this!

Steven's Act

Steven walked onstage, thinking of what he could do. He signed up, sure, but not before thinking this through. What could he do...?

Now he stood before everyone.

Steven: ...

Everyone: ...

Steven: ...

Alright, get off the stage.

The Skelefamily's Act

Onstage were Order, Disorder, Disagreement, and their Orderswap counterparts. Order passed Disagreement a small cookie, enough for her Sugar High abilities, but not enough to actually get a Sugar High. They set their Blasters to non-lethal, and started their act.

Disagreement and Rogue summoned their energy knives, while the rest lit up their Blasters. The Skelechildren made their knives swirl around fast enough to produce a light trail, and the others fired their Blasters, creating a spectacular light show.

Bravo! Never thought of using them that way, but bravo!

Telum's Act

Telum stood onstage, pulling out his cleaver. Then another. And another. He held three cleavers, and created a pillar out of shadows. He stood on one foot, and started juggling the cleavers. There were several close calls, but in the end, one of the cleavers fell and hit the shadow pillar, causing it to explode. Telum fell into the audience, and thankfully landed on something soft.

Adam: Ow...

Adam's Act

Adam pulled out his paintbrush and made willed it into its Whip Form. He started slashing it against the wall, and when he was done, there was a masterpiece left behind!

It's...*Sniff* beautiful!

Legend: Wow, you're gonna pull that card, huh?

Several Acts Later That I'm Too Lazy To Describe

Okay! I have chosen a winner!

Everyone leaned closer to the stage and watched me open the envelope. Inside, the paper said one name.

Legend! Oh, and Limeade by default-

Legend and Limeade high-fived, and Punne poked his head out of Legend's hair. Legend gave him some batteries and pet him a few times.

Alright, you each get a question, so choose wisely!

Lime: My question is easy. When are you gonna invite the neighbors over? Kinda wanna meet a few...

Ha! Ah, you're funny. You think I want this place destroyed? Or worse, all the Faded in the basement released? You're too funny. No, we'd have to go on a picnic or some shit. Maybe have a barbecue...

Lime: That's fair, I guess...

Legend, what's your question?

Legend: ...When is Caretaker gonna be okay?

I- Uh...how about a different question?

Legend: *Slightly annoyed* Fine. When were you gonna tell me about Caretaker's TV being in your room?


Legend: Why the fuck do you keep avoiding this subject?!

Everyone watched, with only a couple people knowing who and what they were talking about.

Will: (Oh shit...)

Lime: (Welp, he's fucked.)

Telum: (When's Selene gonna visit?)

Hellfire sat there. He'd seen it before, and he was bound to see it again. Lately, Legend and I had been getting into secret arguments about this very subject. Nobody heard them but him, who's room was near my lab.

*Annoyed* Legend, must you do this now?

Legend: *Slightly staticy* I'll do this whenever I want! I'm tired of you not caring! You don't care about anything, about anyone but yourself and your petty goals! If everything you do, you do for a reason, then what's your reason for this?! Why don't you just tell everyone the truth?!

Legend was crying. Where did this come from? He wasn't planning on having an outburst like that, but it happened. He wiped his tears and ran for his room.

With Legend

Legend couldn't believe this. Why didn't his dad care? Doesn't he know what Caretaker was going through? What they were both going through? Of course he didn't. He only cared about himself. Legend pulled a picture out of his back pocket.

Legend smiled. He remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

Several Years Ago

Legend sat in the living room, experimenting with his abilities. So far, he'd managed to make two knives, and kept them there for several minutes! Caretaker walked into the room, seeming excited.

Caretaker: Guess what I just learned how to do?

Legend: *Excited* What?

Caretaker brought out his essence sphere and brought out a separate piece of light. It shone a bright red, as it always had, and it began to take a shape. Soon enough, Caretaker was holding a red guitar. Then Anubis walked into the room.

Ooh, is my little boy having a concert?

Caretaker: Yeah! Wanna listen?


Caretaker experimentally played a few chords, then started playing for real.


Legend and Anubis cheered!

Legend: Whoop! Go brother!

That's my boy!

Will Fox walked in, and took a picture with his camera.

Will! So nice of you to join us!

Will Fox: Don't expect it to last long...just wanted to see what all the noise was.

Aww, okay. *Pouts*

Will Fox: What are you doing?

I dunno. Kids usually do this in movies and have it work.

Will Fox: Well you're not a fucking kid.

Will went back to his room, printed the picture, and gave Legend, Caretaker, and Anubis each a copy.

Will Fox: There's my good deed for the day. Now if you'll excuse me, Vincent won't shut up...

Will's robotic eye went purple.

Will Fox (Vincent): I'm sorry, but keeping us cooped up gets soooo boring!

Will's eye went back to normal. He went back to his room and slammed the door.



Legend wiped away his tears.

Legend: Things will bet better...even if I have to do it myself.

Punne crawled out of Legend's hair, and started cuddling with him. Legend laughed and started petting him.

Legend: Thanks, buddy. I needed that.

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