(LORE) The Dealmaker

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Legend sat in his room listening to music. Anubis recently introduced them to "The Anti-Virus Twins" and Legend didn't like the idea of them invading his electronic devices. The fuck was Anubis thinking? And why did he make them in the first place? Suddenly, Legend received a message from somebody named "Mirror". It was a file labeled "Click Me :)", which wasn't suspicious at all. Legend opened the file, and his phone went flying out of his hands.

Legend: What the fuck-

Suddenly, a teen shot out of Legend's phone.

Legend: Who the fuck are you?

The teen bowed, seemingly friendly.

??????: Hello there! My name is Mirror, and I suppose you could use my services!

Legend: Uh...what?

The teen's smile faltered, before quickly stretching back into a grin.

Mirror: Listen, buddy, you don't look so good! I could make you better with time! All I require...is your support.

Legend felt like something was off here.

Legend: Support? In what?

Mirror: Why, killing Anubis, of course!

There it is. Legend summoned his knives and pointed them all at Mirror, who didn't seem to care.

Mirror: Go ahead! *Leans forward* I dare you!

Legend sent the knives flying at Mirror, who just stood there.

Legend was pleased to see Mirror dead on the floor, knives sticking out of his body everywhere.

Simulation End

Mirror was once again standing in front of Legend, unharmed.

Legend: The fuck-

Mirror: Ooh, did I not mention that? This whole time, you've been in one of my simulations! Now, can I continue?

Legend didn't feel like he had any choice in the matter. He nodded for Mirror to continue.

Mirror: I also know about your dear brother, Caretaker. I could help him, you know! With time, of course.

Legend: ...

Mirror: All you have to do is help me kill Anubis, and your problems will be solved! Easy as that.

Legend: ...why though?

Mirror: Pardon?

Legend: Why kill Anubis? Why help me? Why do any of this?

Mirror stopped smiling, his playful tone becoming sinister.

Mirror: That bastard experimented on me for no damn reason. I was an "unexpected result" of one of his experiments, so he used me as a lab rat. That fucker is going to die, one way or another.

Maybe it was the voice in the back of his head that wouldn't leave him alone, or he maybe it was the years of hatred he harbored for Anubis, but he decided to go with it.

Legend: ...what do you need me to do?

Mirror lifted his hand up for a handshake.

Mirror: It's a deal, then?

Legend shook Mirror's hand, which quickly covered in glitches.

Mirror: This is the beginning of a beautiful partnership! I can tell...

Legend: Whatever...

Mirror went to leave, then turned back to Legend.

Mirror: Do me a favor, would ya?

Legend: Sure.

Mirror: Could you keep those twins off my trail? They're gonna try everything to try and end me.

Legend: I'll try, I guess.

Mirror: Great! Thanks!

Mirror was sucked into Legend's phone, which Legend picked up and went back to listening to music.

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