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Legend stared at the mirror over the sink in his kitchen. Why did he He didn't feel comfortable, always filled with anxiety whenever he looked at himself.

That's not me, he kept thinking. And yet, it was. Always had been. And he knew that, so why did he always feel like he wasn't in his own body? Was this how Sam felt?

No, Sam had described what he felt to Legend when he asked yesterday. This was something different. Did it have to do with Doctor? That weird vortex of light?

Legend sighed in frustration before walking out, heading for his door. Maybe Lime or Caretaker would know what was wrong. Lime because they read a lot and most likely felt something similar when they were younger or something. Caretaker because...well, it's Caretaker.

He knocked on Caretaker's door, tapping his foot as he waited idly. He waited for about five minutes without an answer before deciding that Caretaker wasn't coming to the door and going to Lime.

After knocking on the door, Legend noticed Lime was back in their normal outfit, but they still had their odd face paint from Halloween. "What's with the face paint?"

Lime rolled their eyes. "It's not face paint, it's a series of protective symbols that protect me from anything piercing my skin."

"...Drawn in face paint?"

Lime hung their head. "Yeah, they're written in face paint..." Then Lime looked back at Legend. "Why are you here?"

Legend crossed his arms. "I...need your help."

Lime couldn't believe their ears. "You, Legend D. Ary, need my help?" They put their hands on their hips. "Whatever could you need from little old me?" Lime was clearly enjoying this.

Legend looked away. "I would appreciate you not making fun of me about this."

Lime's expression changed to worried. "Did someone die? Did you get hurt? Do I have to hide a body?"

Now Legend was confused. "What? No, of course not! I'm just...confused I guess."

Lime nodded. "Confusion is something I experience daily in this household. Call me an expert, I guess." They pulled Legend into their room and closed the door.

Legend looked around and took note of the massive amount of books that were everywhere. Some of them looked really old. Next thing he noticed was the large amount of glowing green symbols everywhere. "What's with the light show?"

Lime waved their hand dismissively. "Merely a precaution. Protects from fire, theft, and a myriad of other such dangers."

Legend whistled, impressed. "Narrators can do all that?"

Lime looked away. "Nope. Not at all." Their voice sounded hesitant, as if they didn't enjoy talking about stuff like this. They cleared their throat and regained their composure pretty quickly and sat down in a chair, taking some books off of it first. "Go ahead and take a seat wherever, you'll just have to move some stuff first."

Legend just made an armchair appear and sat in it. Lime was about to say something but closed their mouth. "That works too I suppose. Now, what seems to be the issue?"

Legend explained everything he'd been feeling the past few weeks. He didn't explain the context, which was a bit too personal to reveal to Lime, but he told them enough.

At the end of it all, Lime nodded. "Sounds like you're suffering from Michael Jackson syndrome."

"What? The hell does that mean?"

Like just waved their hand. "Sorry, stupid joke. What I mean is, you're unhappy with the way you look. You need a color change." They pulled out a small book. "This book is filled with all sorts of colors. Pick the one that feels the"

Legend opened the book and skimmed through it. eventually he found a color and pointed at it, showing it to Lime. Lime looked at it in surprise. "Really? I'm quite surprised you chose that color. You sure Green is the best choice for you?"

Legend nodded. "Apparently in Model culture, Green is a color that represents intelligence. I want to be smarter, because smart decisions mean less people get hurt." Legend looked down. "And I always seem to get those I care about hurt..."

Lime pat their legs in the awkward silence, before standing up. "Well, I think I have the perfect thing for you." They walked to their closet and pulled out a box. "I got a shipment not too long ago of some clothes that were supposed to be lime green like the rest of my clothes." They scowled. "However, seems the idiot got the wrong shade. Not my style, but I think they'll fit you just fine."

Legend took the box and nodded. "Thanks."

Lime just waved him off. "Yeah, whatever. They're just spares so no biggie." They snapped their fingers and the door opened. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have stuff to do."

Legend walked out and brought the box to his room, taking stock of what was inside. He seemed satisfied and changed into the new clothes, looking into the mirror in his wall. Something still didn't feel right.

Legend grabbed some scissors and began cutting his hair until it looked better to him. When he was satisfied he looked at himself and smiled.

"Why the fuck am I green?!" Legend turned to look at Sam, who looked exactly the same except how he was green instead of blue. He turned to look at Legend and raised an eyebrow. "What the hell happened to you?"

Legend crossed his arms. "Made myself comfortable with how I look. You got a problem with that?"

Sam shook his head. "No, but I have a problem with you changing how I look!"

Legend threw his hands in the air. "How was I supposed to know your change too?!"

Sam rolled his eyes. "I don't know, but whatever. I've got stuff to do today and you're coming with."

"We visiting Charlotte?"

"Yup. Let's go."

Legend climbed out the window and left to visit Alex's Campsite, smiling for the first time in a while.

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