treating wounds(canon)

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TW this includes treatment of a wound, mentions of scars and abuse and swearing and a bit of fluff

Lucifers pov:

I sat on my bed silently waiting to hear back from euclase. I start to get worried as normally hes here within minutes but it's been nearly an hour. By the time I got up to go look for him he comes through the door covered in blood. Luckily it was mostly someone else's blood but there was a bit of his own on his arm. I quickly ran over guideing him to a seat before looking for bandages or just aneything to try and help. As I bring some stuff over I notice him roll his eyes. I'm aware he hates getting help but in the end he respects it. I carefully take his arm realizing there no damage on it but rather in his side realizing why he may hate this.

"I can deal with it myself." He says stareing down at me once seeing my reaction. However I quickly speak back. "At least let me clean the wound. For all you know the bullet is probably still there and you would never know it." I spoke slightly annoyed seeing him roll his eyes once more. " your eye rolls won't do aneything to help ya bud" he huffs and speaks. " I'm very aware of that luci." I sigh. "Either way what happened this time." He glares and quickly responds. "Same as always. Walk by that one group of gaurds and they a go shootin at me. This time got pissed and killed the one tho." I could hear his accent kick in slightly just before a hint of guilt comes into his voice. "...get the jacket off and let me help you."

He rolls his eyes once more getting of the jacket peice and lifting the shirt enough to show the wound. I quickly get a wet cloth and carefully clean the wound. He hisses and snaps a bit whenever I get to close to the wound but overwise remains calm. He quickly jumps out of the seat with a Yelp and growls as soon as I touch it to see if there's a bullet left in the wound tho. I carefully sit him back down and attempt to hold him in place to look again but he carefully pushes me away.

"Do you what help or not poison pot." he quickly speaks back "No. And don't call me that." He growls softly clearly not liking the nickname. "OK eyeballs. JUST LET ME LOOK AT YOUR DAM WOUND FUCKHEAD-" He yelps again as I try and get a look at the would to see there is indeed a bullet left in the wound. "Was it really that hard bud." He rolls his eyes turning away knowing what I'm trying to get at. "...just hold still for a minute ok. This won't be fun." He quickly snaps back. " ya like It would definitely be the most fun thin I do in my life." I smile warmly at his humor before looking for some tweezers.

I come back with some I found in a drawer and carefully hold the wound open a bit. He flinches and nearly hits me with his tail but quickly forced himself to calm down. I take a deep breath for myself grabbing his hand for comfort however he quickly pulls it away as I sigh. I use and ability to make a small light orb and carefully get the bullet out of the wound which he flips out due to the pain. I give him a moment to calm down before grabbing his hand and putting the bullet in it as a way of telling him it's done and get up to get stuff to disinfect the wound. As I go over he just stares at the bullet sitting in his seat and had finally calmed.

"Your sensitive to pain arnt you because of your built in armor known as scales arnt you..." He nods softly "your now realizing that." I shrug. "Idk just...I don't get to see you flip out like this often you know?" He stares down at me as I move the shirt out of the way." Aneyway this may sting a bit-" He quickly responds almost trying to sound tough "I'm very much aware luci. It doesn't take much brain power to guess." I let out a breath of laughter because I reply back " love your humor eyeballs..." He rolls his eyes and hisses and tenses up in pain as I apply the cloth and leave it there and get the Bandages ready. I take off the cloth and start to apply the Bandages on the wound and carefully take in some of the scars he has on his body. Mainly this spot where his obsidian scales had melted and in the right light has a rainbow shine but snaps out of it when he flicks my nose. "Sorry" I mumbled.

I get surprised tho as he just takes off his shirt. I'm not sure if he did it because it has blood or if for another reason. I blush slightly at his fin and slender shape that simular to an endermans. I try and ignore it tho as I know he's extremely self conscious of his scars in particular as meny of them relate to his truama. I finish the wrapping and look up at him backing away before cleaning up the materials on the floor.

Euclase's pov:

I stood up after he was done catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the desk. I can't help but notice the bite scar on my shoulder from a old friend and quickly cover it with my hand and walk to another side of the room to avoid feeling aney worse. I just take a deep breath looking to my side to see lucifer approach me looking worried. I sigh before asking. "What is it now luci." To which he replys. "Sit." I sigh again siting on the bed even removing my hand from the scar knowing that's why he wants me to. He stands next to me and asks. "...this was from Indicolite wasn't it..." I nod softly knowing I can't deny it due to what I've told him about Indicolite.

He sits next to me carefully hugging me and I just let it be. He's really the only person I trust enough to be even remotely close to me. I put a arm and wing around him and remain quiet. I look down as him looking at over scars from Indicolite rather they are bites or from clawing into my sides due to anger. The memories all still feel fresh apon remembering them even if it was thousands of years ago. He immediately stops tho as he notices me watching which I quickly reply. "It's fine you were only curious..." I can practically hear his relief but he pushes himself away aneyway.

I roll my eyes for the millionth time and start to tickle his sides makeing him burst out into laughter like a little kid. He kicks and rolls trying to get me to stop but I don't give up and grab him and roll over haveing the small king ontop of me to give him more of an advantage. He scratches behind one of my horns as he likes to do to catch me off guard and kick my leg a bit as he chuckles at the reaction. "not so all and powerful now are ya!" I grab his face carefully pushing him off me and i say jokingly. "oh fuck off luci" I sit up and take his hat putting it on a high shelf. He rolls his eyes flapping his wings to get it. " your a pain in the ass sometimes you know that euc?" I let out a small pf and respond. "Isn't that the whole reason we are friends?" He shrugs. " maybe baby not. Eitherway id raver deal with your bullshit then nothing at all..." I lay down beside him. " guess that explains why you still keep me around even after something happens" He nods. "You know nothing but death it's self can separate us." I nod back softly but stare to the side. " ya...ya...nothing..but that...

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