Baby Talk (11 Doctor)

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"(Y/N), Doctor! Time to get up! Let's g-" Rory was cut off when he noticed the situation. "Oh my God I am so sorry." Rory covered his eyes.

"Rory, what wro-Oh God." Amy covered her eyes too. You couldn't stop blushing.

Rory had come in to get you up and running for the day, but, you and the Doctor were doing. . .things.

"Is this how you feel whenever you catch us?" Rory asked.

"Basically, yes." The Doctor said, smiling. "And you forgot the bedroom rule, always knock first." You duck ed your head under the covers, your face as red as the Doctor's bow tie, which was lying on the floor.

"So yeah, we're going to leave you two to finish up, what you were doing. Come on Rory!" Amy grabbed Rory's arm and pulled him out of the room, slamming the door closed. You peeked out from under the blankets.

"Well, that was awkward." The Doctor said.

"No kidding." You murmured.

"I told you to lock the door!"

"Well I'm sorry, I can't really focus when your mouth is sucking on my neck like a vampire!"

"You really can't focus?"

"Nope, all I could think about was what lied ahead." The Doctor smiled at you. He pulled into a hug, and you hugged back. "So, what're we doing today?"

"I don't know, apparently Amy and Rory have a plan, maybe to go to a hotel and leave us here." You giggled.

"Yeah. . .Doctor?"


"This may sound like a psycho obsessive girlfriend question but, what do you think about having kids?"

"Well, um. . .if we have kids, I'd have to marry you, wouldn't I?"

"Well, you don't have to marry me, but it'd be a nice detail."

"Okay, well, I guess I'd be fine with it, doesn't matter to me. I'd finally be able to teach the galaxy, and things to him, since he'd be part Time-Lord, it'd be easier to teach him all the things, since Time-Lords have a bigger brain capacity."


"I'd be fine with a girl, but I'd rather a boy."

"Well I want a girl." He chuckled at you.

"So, you want to have kids?"

"It'd be nice. I could stay here on the T.A.R.D.I.S. while I'm pregnant and I could take care of the baby. And she's protect me right?"

"Oh yes, she'd protect you."

"Are we planning on having a kid together?"

"I think we are." You said giggling. The Doctor chuckled and hugged you tight. You could tell that this kid is going to be brought up in the best way any kid could.

(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my friend awsomekittyreader, we made a deal saying if she updated I would make an 11 Doctor one-shot for her. Hope you enjoyed!

Remember if you have a request please follow the format in the first entry of the story, thank you so much, and have a lovely day my dearies)

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