Three Words (VenturianTale)

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{I'm so sorry it took so long

My notifications wasn't working and I never saw your comment


I have been a MAJOR douche

I've been uploading a whole bunch of one-shots that no one has even asked for when I could've been making the ones that you guys wanted me to.

I am so

So so so sorry that I did this

You can stop reading and stuff I just want you guys to know that I'm confessing to my mistakes and that I am sorry for them.

Once again I am sorry and I hope that you enjoy this One-Shot which is dedicated to:


You knocked on the door of the Frye house, readjusting your shoulder bag. You were specifically coming along to visit your boyfriend, Jordan. But to your dismay, Cierra had answered the door. It's not like didn't like Cierra, it's just that you were looking forward to seeing Jordan.

"I JUST MADE WAFFLES!" She said pulling you in.

Oh great, she's using her Sally personality.

"You want some?!" Cierra, or 'Sally' asked.

"Nah, I ate before I got here." You said.

"Ah, well, it's not I was going to give you some anyway!" You chuckled.

"Alright, so where's Jordan?"

"He's in his room I think."

"Thanks, Cier-uh, Sally."

"No problem!" You left the kitchen and went up the stairs to Jordan's room.

You knocked on the door. You could hear scrambling in the room and the door opened revealing Jordan with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey." You said.

"Hey." He said.

"Can I~?"

"Oh yeah," Jordan stepped out of the way to let you into the room. You sat on Jordan's bed and he sat at his desk. You pulled out your laptop, it's charger, headphones that included a mic, and a plug in mouse with its own pad, from your shoulder bag.

"Shall we begin?" You asked, smirking , as you turned in your computer.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

* * *

"WHY'D YOU KILL ME?!" Your boyfriend screeched.

"Babe, I killed you because you were annoying me and I've told you to stop." You simply replied. "Plus you had diamonds."

"I didn't know you were being serious!"

"When I'm coming towards you with a sword, that may be a hint that I'm serious."

"I thought you liked me!"

"I don't just like you, I love you! That's why I killed you."

From where you were sitting you could see Jordan's ears go pink.

"Jordan, you okay?" You asked, concerned.

"Y-you said that you loved me." You could feel your face gradually heat up. You said it, you let it slip. The three words that could move a relationship like a paper in the wind.

"I. . . I guess I-I did, didn't I?" You stared at your computer screen.

Your laptop shut and you looked up to see Jordan hovering over you.

"Guess what." Jordan said.


Jordan pressed his forehead against yours, a smile plastered into his still red face.

"I love you too."

{I hope you liked it! It may have sucked since I don't watch Venturian that much, but after writing this I think I will.


Hope you enjoyed!}

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