Ducktales Reader insert oneshot

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Scrooge walks into a ball with his nephews close behind.

"Why are we here, Uncle Scrooge?" Dewey asks, not liking his suit.

"As upstanding citizens of note, it's our responsibility to support Duckburg's cultural institutions. I told ye this last time." Scrooge frowns.

Suddenly, Scrooge stops in shock.

"What is it Uncle Scrooge? Goldie? Glomgold?" Louie asks.

Scrooge doesn't answer, but just stares at a woman who's hijacked the music. She has (H/C), (E/C), is (Height), and 4 people behind her. She starts singing.

"North South East and West! 

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West!

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!

North South East and West!

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West! 

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!

I could climb a steep volcano! (Ooh ah, Ooh ah.)

Or journey to the sun! (Whoo)

Discover hidden treasures! (Ooh).

Our adventure has begun! (Yipee)

Come with us and take a trip!

Come with us adventuring!

Follow your dreams! Follow your heart!

Follow the journey, make a start!

North South East and West!

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West!

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!

North South East and West!

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West!

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!

I could be a jackaroo! "G'day".

Kick my heels up high (yee-hah!)

Take off in a big balloon (woah)!

And float across the sky (wow)

Come with us and take a trip!

Come with us adventuring!

Follow your dreams! Follow your heart!

Follow the journey, make a start!

North South East and West!

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West!

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!

North South East and West!

Let's get this party groovin'

North South East and West!

Let's get our bodies movin'

North South East and West!

Let's get ready and go! Whoa!"

The boys all stare as the girl and her friends bow.

"Thank you, Duckburg! You're too kind!" the (E/C) duck smiled.

Scrooge glares as the girl finishes talking with her friends and walks over.

"(Y/N)(L/N)." Scrooge growls.

"Scrooge McDuck. Lovely to see you again. How long has it been?" She smiles.

"How long have you two known each other?" Huey asks.

(Y/N) looks over to the boys.

"Oh, when did you get hitched, Scrooge?" (Y/N) smirks.

Louie, who has been drinking Pep, suddenly spits out the Pep in shock.

"We're not his-"


"How could you think-"

(Y/N) laughs at the Triplets responses, interrupting them.

"I was teasing. I doubt it's possible for him to have kids nowadays." (Y/N) giggles.

Scrooge grumbles.(Y/N) sighs, "I thought you would've been happier to see me after I saved you in Pandemonium. But you always think I'm like Goldie."

Suddenly, Goldie shows up.

"Speak of the literal devil." Louie growls.

(Y/N) gives him a questioning glance.

"Don't ask."

"Hello, Scroogie. (Y/N)." Goldie smirks.

(Y/N) smirks, "Did you hear that, kids? That's the sound of the rare, 2 faced, fox-tailed, Gold Digger."

That got a laugh out of Scrooge. Goldie tapped (Y/N).

"What do you want, Goldie? Oh, and give me back my earrings, rings, bracelets, necklace, comb, watch, and anything else you have stolen." (Y/N) glares.

Dewey whispers, "She's just as good as Uncle Scrooge."

"How do you know I stole those pieces of jewelry? I didn't even notice you bring that bee comb." Goldie frowns.

(Y/N) smirks, "How did you know it was the bee comb and not one of my other combs?"

Goldie glares.

"An old slip of the tongue. I love it when the universe hates my enemies." (Y/N) smirks as she takes her stuff back. "So, Scrooge, my friend, care to dance?"

Scrooge smiles, "With pleasure, lass."

(Y/N) grabs Scrooge's hand and leads him to the dance floor for a waltz.

"So, tell us more about (Y/N), Goldie." Dewey smirks.

Goldie ignores him and walks off.

*Your POV*

You smile at Scrooge. Last time you danced with him was so long ago you can't remember.

"This is nice. Remember last time we did this?" you ask.

"Last time we did this, ye were a wee bit shorter." Scrooge points out.

You roll your eyes. Same old Scrooge.

"You always thought I was a backstabber like Goldie. Didn't you notice all the packages sent to your office after our adventures? They had valuable things in them. One of them was a gold nugget that weighed at least two of me. That was me. I always left you all my gold I found."

"Why, lass? Ye could've been rich like me." Scrooge asks, confusion all over his face.

You laugh, "Rich? That hasn't been my need. I only buy what I need, only get as much money as I need. I adventure without spending a penny. The only money I spend is on clothes and food. Especially my shoes. Those rocks have already torn through 27 different shoes in 1 week. Give me an adventure with you and your family. I'm sure Donald would be surprised to see me."

Scrooge sighs, "Alright. Tomorrow, come to the mansion. I'll get Beakley to let you in."


You were on an adventure with the whole Duck family. You smiled at the pilot, Launchpad. He was funny. Suddenly, the sand collapsed underneath all of you. You hold your breath as someone grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the sand.

"Anyone else getting Deja Vu?" Huey asks.

You spit the sand out of your mouth and rub it out of your eyes to see gold trinkets everywhere. You pick some up to examine it. The kids gasp in awe.

"Don't get your hopes up kids. This isn't real stuff." you sigh.

Scrooge asks, "How do-"

Louie frowns, "She's right. It's Fools gold."

Dewey smirks, "That means there's more deeper down."

"Careful honey!" Della exclaims.

You sit down, watching as they examine every piece of treasure to see if it is all fools gold. You pick some up and shove them in your pocket. Just because it's fools gold doesn't mean that it won't be worth some money to some people. Maybe you could give some to that Doofus Drake kid. He won't care.

"Why aren't ye helping the kids?" Scrooge asks.

"Because I'm not a giant booby trapped gold temple hunter. I have only done small treasure hunts since my last adventure with you." You smile.

Suddenly, you hear a creaking. You push Scrooge away just as a giant hammer comes out, throwing you into a wall.

"Gah!" You scream in pain as you fall to the floor.

Donald is the first face you see. You sit up.

"Well, now I have a story to tell. Almost squashed by a giant hammer. That's not bad way to lose a lung." You joke, then inhale in pain.

"What's the big idea!?" Donald's grinding voice orders.

You sigh, "I pushed your uncle out of the way, Donald."

"I think that's enough for ye, today." Scrooge frowns.

You laugh, "Come on. I'm fine. Just don't let me dance for a few hours."

You have always been a stubborn girl. Suddenly, another creaking is heard, only this time, it's near Webby.

"Look out!" you yell as a giant axe flies towards the young duck.

You gasp as she dodges the axe. You then black out.


You wake up to see you're back on the plane.

"Oh, (N/N), how do you get yourself into situations like this?" You ask yourself.

You groan in pain and lift your shirt a little to see a giant bruise on your chest.

"Good thing I learned first aid last month." You wince.

"How are you feeling miss (L/N)?" You hear Launchpad ask.

"Just fine. I guess Ourobourous was an ambitious first adventure." You smile with mischief in your eyes.

"Aye, Lass. But that won't stop ye, will it?" Scrooge asks.

You turn and tease in an awful Scottish accent, "Ye cannae stop me."

The kids laugh.

"Will we be getting an Aunt, Uncle Scrooge?" Dewey asks.

You blush, thinking, not about Scrooge, because he is more like a dad to you, but more about Launchpad and Donald.

"You'd have to wait and see, kids. But not to Scrooge, here."

I had written this quite a few months ago. You can find it on Home Base by the Scholastic Website. Please leave a comment, or something to let me know you are reading and enjoying my stories!

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