Mars Mission

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Amber smiles at the video, very happy. She waves at the video, even though she's sure she's pre-recorded. Suddenly, she stops. Something in the video sets her on edge. She looks closely next to her friend Kray-Cee.

"That's my face." Amber whispers.

The video-Amber has a smile plastered on her face, but it's obviously fake. A fake smile. Amber practiced when she was very young how to fake emotions. She's still working on crying on command, but every other emotion she has down pat. She knows when her own face is faking something.

"What's going on? Am I a clone of her? Does she know? Or is she a clone of me & she knows who I am? I'm pretty sure I need to know if I'm a clone or have a clone."

She looks again. She's definitely seeing herself. She closes the video to find-


Amber falls on the floor in shock.

"Give me a little warning, me!" Amber yells at the doppelganger who has taken up her computer's screen.

The doppelganger frowns, "Listen to me. Call me BC. You aren't in the danger they warned you of. This danger can actually kill you with a knife. You need to recall every rule of self defense & fighting if you want to survive."

Amber glares at BC, "How do I know I can trust you? I can't even trust myself to hang up decorations without setting things aflame!"

BC nods, "True. That was a weird day. I'm a carbon-copy of you. Someone took some of your DNA, made a weapon with it & some crazy science with information of domination or something, which is me, but since I'm part you, I have your memories, abilities, & morals. Plus a few crazy things they shoved into me, like how to hack into anything."

Amber asks, "Who are "They"?"

BC sighs, "Long story. For some reason, you sparked the interest, so they made a few of us- ... you. One more... deadly than the others. She doesn't exactly keep your morals, but she's kind of on our side. We call her CK. No one knows. Not Lynx, not Cray-Cee, no one. You know your headphones you brought?"

Amber nods, "Yeah... Are there sirens on Mars on something?"

BC frowns, "No. The walls have ears and the roof has eyes. Take the headphones, plug them into the phone under your pillow, then hide under the blankets on your bed."

Amber asks, "Wait... Is the bathroom compromised?"

BC hesitantly nods.

"IS NOTHING SACRED?!?!" Amber yells.

BC shrugs, "Apparently they need lessons in manners. I'm running out of time before they can hear & see you again. Remember!"

Suddenly, there's a knocking on the door.


BC has already turned off the computer, disappearing from Amber's screen.

Amber puts a rebreather in her mouth & opens the door to find a girl passing out, collapsing into her arms. Amber drags the girl away from the door and closes it. Those blue clothes & blue hair make Amber sigh in annoyance. She pulls the rebreather out of her mouth.

"Moonwatcher. My former roommate. What are you doing here? Better question, how did you get here?" Amber frowns.

She drags her to the bed, only for Moonwatcher to shudder out of Amber's arms. Amber drops the shuddering girl. Moonwatcher opens her eyes, only for them to be glowing red.

"Now that is creepy. What happened to you? Please don't tell me you've been taken over by a Goa'uld from that show Stargate." Amber begs.

Moonwatcher laughs in a creepy deep voice.

"You aren't easing my nerves! Goa'uld have that voice thing too!" Amber screams.

Suddenly, she hears a voice in her earpiece.

"She's not really your friend! She's a fake!"

Amber gasps as she recognises her own voice coming from her earpiece.

"Throw something at her, then pretend she broke a curse by breaking it! It works wonders!"

Amber sighs & picks up the hand mirror from her bed it at Moonwatcher. Moonwatcher smashes the mirror with ease.

"Oh no! You broke the mirror of Taiki!" Amber panics.

Moonwatcher asks, "What?"

"You know, ancient artifact I took with me from earth, terrible curse if you break it? I told you this before, Luna."

Moonwatcher frowns, "I know many magic. There is no such thing."

Amber jumps onto the roof, thanks to the low gravity.

"Good luck with the curse, then!"

Moonwatcher panics, "What kind of curse?"

Amber smirks, "Grave misfortune, increased gullibility, a swift kick to the ribs!"

"I got that reference!"

Moonwatcher goes to say something when Amber kicks her in the ribs then tries to rip out her hair. Suddenly, Moonwatcher convulses & disappears.

"That is creepy. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight." Amber frowns.

"Probably best. Don't respond to me. Everyone saw what happened.

"Amber picks up the mirror pieces & puts them on her desk.

"Where's the 4th wall? I'm not sure which one to stare at when making a point & speaking to myself." Amber jokes.

There is a lot of laughing coming from her earpiece.

"For a girl who thinks she was sent to Mars on a mission of exploration instead of to a Hunger Games-like tournament, you have a good sense of humour."

Amber pales, then takes off the earpiece & puts her headphones on, pulls out her phone, plugs it in, hides under her blankets on her bed, then switches her phone full of music for the phone under the pillow.

"U better have a good explanation for this, BC. Was it U talking into my earpiece when Moony was attacking?"

BC texts back, "Nope. That's CK. The dangerous one. I'm afraid she's right. Earth sent U on a suicide mission. U want to survive? Listen to everything I tell U. Find a way off this planet! & don't die!"

Amber gulps.


"Do you think she'll be up to it?" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asks.

BC answers, "She has to be. She's the only one that can survive being attacked at random moments. You know what her siblings are like. It takes a lot to just duck an arm coming towards the back of your head on the lounge or just by walking. & that's just from the Tourrettes. You've barely survived your place, Butterfly."

"Butterfly" groans, "It's Bracha. They toughened me up. Did you tell her about me?"

BC shakes her head, "I told her no one knows, & not to trust anyone."

Bracha nods, "Good. If she knows I know, she'll trust the shapeshifters that look like me."

CK smirks, "She'll survive. She knows how to keep sane. When you're alone, you need to learn to laugh at everything, or you lose your mind or get depressed. Neither option is wanted."

BC nods, "She's got a point. I'm glad Amber watched that episode of DS9. Let's hope she'll survive. The Earth needs her... & her friends."

The clones & normal girl frown in anger.


"She fought 37 quite well. & defeated her." A deep voice smirks.

The Moonwatcher duplicate begs, "Please forgive me. She was quite skilled. I had no chance against her!"

"Am I hearing excuses? Hunter! Take 37 to the exercise room." The voice smirks.

37 gasps, "NO! I'll do anything! Just don't take me to the exercise room!"

Hunter grabs 37 and drags her away. The voice laughs at the clone's screams. He turns to the real Moonwatcher hanging by cuffs on her arms.

"You'll never get away with this, Damian!" Moonwatcher glares with her sharp blue eyes.

She may not like the clones, but they didn't deserve this treatment.

Damian laughs, "& who is going to stop me? Amber? You? Earth? You are all pathetic & would never stand a chance against me."

Moonwatcher growls as Damian strokes her hair. She goes to bite him & gets a smack right across her face.

"Know your place. You are nothing!" Damian glares.

Moonwatcher continues hanging by her chains, a frown permanently on her face.

"Please Amber, help us." She whispers.

She starts singing softly.

"Feel the sting of the whip on my shoulder

With the salt of my sweat on my brow

Elohim, Adonai, can you hear your people cry?

Help us now

This dark hour, deliver us

Hear our call, deliver us

Lord of all remember us, here in this burning sand

Deliver us, there's a land you promised us

Deliver us to the promised land

Eldihato vera

Ahatira vertiva

My son, I have nothing I can give

But this chance that you may live

I pray we'll meet again if he will deliver us

Deliver us

Hear our prayer, deliver us

From despair, 

These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand

Deliver us, there's a land you promised us

Deliver us out of bondage and

Deliver us to the promised land

Hush now, my baby, be still now, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked by the stream

Sleep and remember my last lullaby

So I'll be with you when you dream

River, oh river, flow gently for me

Such precious cargo you bear

Do you know somewhere he can be free?

River, deliver him there

Deliver us!"

She feels tears running down her face.

She prays, "Anyone who can hear, deliver us out of here."

These characters are just based off people on Home Base except for Damien and Hunter. I literally googled scary names for those two.

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