If Jareth Met... Damon Salavtore

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There was a magical portal that was opened, which took Damon Salvatore out of Mystic Falls and dropped him to a very weird place. A really big maze...

Damon's POV

Well, that was weird, I was taken to a desolate wasteland. It had tall walls of brick, many dead vines climbing the walls, and many weird little quirks. Why am I here?

Jareth's POV

I was gazing in my crystal, nothing out of the ordinary. I was sitting on my throne, none of goblins were awake. It was peaceful... but the crystal suddenly showed someone in the Labyrinth. Who was this person? Why is he here?

Damon's POV

I was walking down a broken brick road... this place is boring as hell... who can be here? I would rather be in that prison world. At least it was a lot more interesting. Then a strange guy with blond hair magically appeared. Who was this guy?

"Who might you be there, stranger?" The blond guy said. "Well, I will introduce myself when you introduce yourself first." I said. This guy was weird, he had a mullet, makeup around his eyes, a long cape with a puffy sleeved shirt and tight pants, gloves, and had calf high boots. He was really weird, he must have been a 80's reject... " Well you are the stranger in my Labyrinth, plus I asked you first. So state your name." The blond guy said. " Well, my name is Damon Salvatore. And yours?" I said with a smirk on my face. "I am Jareth the Goblin King and ruler of the Labyrinth." The blond guy said and he kept playing with a crystal.

3rd person

Jareth then looked Damon over. Damon was in a leather jacket, black t-shirt, dark jeans, and black sneakers. He was really strange to Jareth, but not really, he was like a human. "So you must be a human?" Jareth asked as he looked at Damon closely. "Do I look like a human to you?" Damon smirked then Jareth interjected, "Why are you here?"

" I don't know how I got here, buddy, but I need to get back to my home." Damon said. "A little childish, aren't you?" Jareth said which made Damon mad. "You won't think I am childish when I rip your head off." He said as his fangs became exposed. Jareth looked at Damon, he was no human, but what. Damon then charged at Jareth, which made him throw a crystal to the ground, which shattered leaving a cloud of dust behind. He then appeared behind Damon. "What are you?" They both asked. " Well calm down my fanged friend and I will tell you what I am." Jareth bargained. " I am not your friend, but I will tell you what I am. Question: do you have maybe some bourbon?" Damon asked as he looked at Jareth a little closer. "I can see what I have." Jareth said as he smiled a little. He juggled a crystal which then transported them both to the castle.

Damon was looking all around, no one in there. "I thought you were the king of goblins there, blondie?" Damon said with a little smile. "Well first off, my name is Jareth, don't call me blondie again, and my goblins are still asleep." Jareth said as he brought out two glasses, and a bottle of bourbon . Both of them both sat down, picked up a glass, and took a swig of their drink.

Jareth and Damon started talking about their pasts and what they were. "So you are a vampire? A blood sucking creature of the night?" Jareth asked as he started drinking a third glass. "Yep, I am but with this ring, alcohol and not getting mad too often, I am just like a human." Damon said as he smirked as he started drinking his third glass as well. " And you are a Fairy?" Damon said, then Jareth shook his head. "No, I am not a fairy. I am a Fea, more of wingless fairy. I do manipulate magic but I use that in the form of crystals." Jareth explained as he played with a crystal in one hand and held his drink in the other. "Well, I have never had such an interesting guest in awhile. Thank you for coming, I guess." Jareth said as Damon got another bottle from his pocket. "Its a pleasure..."

I would like to say where I was inspired to write this. @Geekpower1 short story of Loki the god of Mischief vs. Jareth the Goblin king of Labyrinth, so I was inspired to write this and many of more of these "If Jareth met..." situations. So Thank You for inspiration.


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