Valentine's Day

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We all love Valentine's day! So I decided to make a huge Valentine's day chapter for all the wonderful couples we all know and love. Also some non couples. Warning! I have some spoilers so you are now warned. My original characters are Akari (Katarina), Roselea and Deliliah, so I made them up and they are my characters. So on with the stories!

First up Daisy and Luigi! (From Mario Bros)
Daisy's POV

It's Valentine's day! I can't wait! I woke up this morning to make my famous Valentine's day cake. It's a red velvet cake with sweet buttercream. I make it every year, and it is a big hit with everyone.

Then Peach came in, not a surprise there, and looked at me as I was making the cake. "Hey Daisy, making your Valentine's day cake I see. What are you going to do with Luigi tonight. You are engaged after all." Peach pestered me as I was making the cake. "Its something I know, and not you to find out. You don't need to know my romance life. Romantic life is private, not something that should go into the national news." I said as I poured the batter in heartshaped pop out molds.

"Alright, I see your point. I still don't know what to get Mario. It's hard to get something for him..." Peach complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Valentine's day is what comes from the heart, for sweet hearts. Even for bestest of friends, and it seems hard at first but once you follow your heart you find something." I said and Peach had a dreamy look on her face. "Of course! I can do so much! Thanks Daisy, your are like a sister to me." And she ran off, leaving me to making Buttercream.

After the cake was done and all frosted beautifully, I presented the beautiful cake to Luigi, Peach, and Mario. "Its beautiful Daisy!" Luigi said as he hugged me.  "Well, happy Valentine's day everyone!" I said and Peach surprised me with a big box, a big box for everyone. There was a Victorian styled dress with hearts everywhere. Mine was red, and Peach's was pink. Mario had a pink tie and a red suit in his box and Luigi had a red tie and red suit. "Here is my surprise! Come with me!" And she took us to a ballroom filled with toad couples dressed in masks. "You might need these." And she gave us each a red, white, and pink masks. We all got dressed and the room looked different. We somehow couldn't find each other it was like hide and go seek. But we all danced the night away. Happy Valentine's day!

Next is Goku and Chi-Chi! (From DBZ)
Goku's POV

I can't believe it, Valentine's day. Chi-Chi is going to kill me! I didn't get her anything... stupid memory...
How is this day going to be?!

I was in the kitchen as Chi-Chi was cooking breakfast. "Good morning Goku! Happy Valentine's day!" Chi-Chi said as she gave me a hug. "Hey, Chi-Chi," I was getting nervous, " Happy Valentine's day!" I needed to get her something. Then my sister came into the room. "Hey Goku, Chi-Chi! Happy Valentine's day!" Akari said as she got herself a tea cup for some tea. "Anything planned?" She asked and I got even more nervous. "Um, it's a surprise, yep a total surprise..." I said, really nervous. "Ok, bro, I understand. I'll see ya guys later, I am going to see see Trunks." Akari said and Goten ran out of his bedroom all dressed and ready to go. "Can I go Aunt Akari?! I want to see Trunks!" And Akari couldn't say no and they went. "Before I go, should I watch Goten for you? I was planning to watch Trunks for Bulma and Vegeta."
"Yeah, why don't you watch them tonight. Maybe you can take them somewhere, I am going to do something with Chi-Chi tonight." I said to Akari. "Well, have fun, Love birds!" And she left with Goten.

Then I went to set up something for Chi-Chi for Valentine's day.

A few hours before the sun set, I had Chi-Chi in my arms. She was smiling and we both were flying to the special spot I set up. There was a tent, a picnic set up, and a fire ring that needed to be lit. The sun was about to set, a beautiful sight that Chi-Chi will love. "Here Chi-Chi, happy Valentine's day." And the sun set as if it were in queue and we kissed. Happy Valentine's day!

Next is Stefan and Caroline (from Vampire Diaries!)
Stefan's POV

It is Valentine's day, the day of love, sometimes friendship. For others its a heart ache, like for my brother, Damon. For me it is going to be sorta strange. My girlfriend, Caroline, a vampire is pregnant with Jo and Ric's babies. It's complicated... spells and magic have everything to do with that.

Enough about that, let's get to what I was going to have this whole thing about.  I wanted to make this a special night, like any couple would make Valentine's day. I had so many things planned, a nice candle light dinner, a beautiful cake for dessert, and some rom com movies in the living room to watch as long as we can.

I had it all planned and sad sack Damon comes walking in to the room. "Well if it isn't Romeo, how are you spending the day of love and romance?" Damon asked and he smiled at me and a bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Well, I am having a fun and romantic evening with Caroline and it will be wonderful. Where is Delilah? She has no one tonight. You can have brother and sister time." I said and he smiled. "What a great idea, we can go paint the town red." He said as he walked away, probably trying to find Delilah. "Don't literally paint the town red! And don't be stupid! " I yelled and I found Deliliah standing behind me. "Hey bro! Hope you have a good night, and don't worry, Damon will be fine. I got some Verivien shots in my purse just in case." And she left to find Damon.

Then Caroline came, she was beautiful. We had dinner, which was lovely. Then we started to watch Rom Coms, and we kissed. Happy Valentine's day.

Now some non couples!

Jareth and Roselea ( From Labyrinth)
Jareth's POV

Valentine's day, a holiday done in the Human World. In the Labyrinth, we have a Valentine's day of our own. Instead, I get to spend it with my daughter. Roselea woke up and was dressed very beautifully. "Morning Father! Happy Valentine's day!" And she gave me a big hug. "Happy Valentine's day! Are you ready for a day of fun?" I asked and she couldn't resist to be like a child again.

We then went to the Garden of the Labyrinth and we picked fruits and vegetables. "These look beautiful today. I hope my Valentine flowers are bloomed. They only bloom for that one day and if you don't pick them, they wilt at the end of the day." Roselea rambled and saw her beautiful Valentine flowers. She picked the heart shaped flowers and I got the basket of food. Once we got back into the castle she made vases full of flowers and she gave me a little gift. "I hope you like them!" She said as she gave me the gift. They were silver gloves, beautiful silver gloves. "I love you, Roselea!"
Happy Valentine's day!

Now it's the last non couple!
Damon and Deliliah (from Vampire Diaries)
Deliliah's POV

It was Valentine's day, a day of heartache for my brother,Damon, and a lucky night for my other brother,Stefan. I got to go with Damon, my twin, a wonderful guy to be with. Most people know I can stand to be with Damon, I was his twin so I was sorta like him. My nickname was the Female Damon. So original..

So I went with my brother, out on the town. I haven't really seen my brother much because he was in that Phoenix Stone. He has had a horrible time. He burned the love of his life and now he can't stop thinking about it. He has so much pain that he wants to feel.

"Damon, it's Valentine's day, let's have a little fun. But no blood, ok? I promised that I would bring you back not covered in blood." I said and Damon had his bottle of bottle of Bourbon in his hand. I had a bottle in my purse but it was just for when we drink. "Lets have some fun, wanna dance in the street." He said and I accepted and got my Bluetooth speaker out of my purse and turned on one of my favorite David Bowie songs, Dancing in The Streets.
Which that's what we did, that Valentine's day. Happy Valentine's day.

If you read all of them, please vote in comments on your favorite one. Maybe I will do something special...

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