Soulmates... What a disaster. (Drarry)

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Harry Potter.

A thorn in Fudge's side since the unfortunate instance with Sirius Black. It was obvious the boy had been hit with a confundus charm, but of course Dumbledore refused to sent the boy to St Mungo's to have him checked out by the professionals there. Why that man insisted against having the boy checked over was beyond him.

Now, however, the boy was nothing but trouble.

Trouble he needed to nip in the bud before it got worse than it was already. I mean, really, claiming You Know Who was back. Why? Probably just to get attention or cover up what had actually happened that caused the death of poor Diggory.

It could be possible that he had been hit with another confundus and genuinely believed the nonsense he was sprouting. I mean it was possible that one of the other contestants went over the top to try to win, realising that Harry was much more of a thorn in the side than he looks and made him believe that it was You Know Who who had dealt the blow.

All that said, the boy needed to be controlled before there was widespread panic, the only question was how? After all, Delores Umbridge had proven herself no use in that sense


Harry was sitting with Ron and Hermione in the Great Hall, waiting for Ron to finish eating before they went to the library to do their homework, and see if they could find any spells that could help him fighting Voldemort. It also meant that he didn't have to deal with people insulting him because of the rubbish in the Daily Prophet.

What nobody was expecting was the Minister of Magic walking in as if he owned the place, and walking right up to Harry.

"Mr Potter, please follow me, I would like a word." Fudge said, looking down at the boy, although not with the hatred that had been in his eyes during the boy's trial earlier, in a manor that he hoped came across as caring, but actually setting the hairs on the back of Harry's neck stand up.

"Anything you have to say to Harry you can say in front of us too." Hermione said, sensing Harry's discomfort at the idea of being alone with the man who send Umbridge to Hogwarts.

Fudge pursed his lips, not liking the accusatory tone this muggle born schoolgirl was talking to him with, as though he was going to do something unsavoury to the boy in question... It could be argued he was, but still! No this was for the boy's own good, he would get himself into more trouble than this if he continued with those nasty lies he was determined to spread.

"I assure you, Miss Granger, that Mr Potter will be fine,but these are matters that really need to be discussed in private." Fudge said, it took all of his self control to not snarl at the girl. When Harry made no signs of moving to follow him, Fudge decided to push the matter, reminding them that those who disrespect him weren't on the right side of the law. "I'm the Minister of Magic, after all."

"What is it you want to talk about?" Harry asked, the disgust he felt towards the man barely hidden, causing a shiver to run down Fudge's spine.

"It is a private, but urgent matter, Mr Potter, please follow me or I will be forced to use methods that would not reflect well on either you or this... establishment." Fudge said, his tone and eyes significantly colder than they were when he had first addressed the boy in front of him.

He received a cold stare in response, but the boy in question stood up, looking at him in a way that sent shivers down his spine. That matter would soon be dealt with though, so Fudge ignored it, leading the child to an empty classroom across the hall, locking the door after they both entered. 

Of course that wouldn't hold for long but he just needed enough time to use the blasted item he had obtained. Then they would deal with whatever it was that had affected the boy so much after the spell had taken effect.

"What exactly did you want to talk about in private?" Harry asked, his wand hidden behind a fold in his robes as he grasped it, not sure if he was going to have to fight his way out or not. Would Dumbledore protect him if he did? He had been ignoring Harry so far this year.

"No need for that tone. I am your superior." Fudge said, looking down at the scrawny boy. It probably wasn't the boy's fault, a confundus strong enough to convince him a man trying to kill him was his friend and possibly one to convince him the darkest wizard of all times was back could do more damage than he knew, but that didn't excuse the disrespect in the boy's tone. 

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, what did you want to talk to me about?" Harry asked, his scorn and anger towards the man in front of him not hidden in the least, it was unsettling for the minister.

Fudge looked at the boy with a sigh, gesturing for him to take a seat, something the hot headed and stubborn Harry refused to do. "Take a seat Mr Potter, there's no need to be hostile towards me."

"You mean other than the insults you have printed in the Daily Prophet at every opportunity?" Harry said, glaring at the Minister, his wand still firmly held and hidden in his robes.

"My boy, those had nothing to do with me and they have noting to do with why I brought you in here." Fudge said, ignoring his blatant lies, the bristle or the hiss that came from the boy he wished to talk to.

"So what is this mysterious topic?" Harry said, staying on guard, not trusting that the Minister's intentions in the slightest, why would he need him alone if his intentions were good.

"Less of a talk per say, I have something I need to give you." Fudge said, trying to give a benevolent smile, but he was worse at it than Dumbledore, even though most people were convinced by that man, Harry was severely disillusioned now.

Harry immediately backed away further than he already was, trying to get to be the closest to the door, but Fudge had managed to position himself between the door and Harry, basically trapping the boy unless he did something he would surely regret doing later.

"And what exactly is it you want to give me?" Harry asked, giving the man a searching glare.

"Potter, in order to find out you will need to come closer." Fudge said. It would be any second now that his plan would be put into action. This had to work better than whatever it was that Delores was doing in an attempt to reign him in.

"Why would I do that before I know what it is?" Harry asked, still keeping his distance and seeming to be looking for a way out.

"I understand your worry, Harry, but I assure you that I have no intention of hurting you." Fudge said, irritated with the boy. If he refused to do as he was told one more time, Fudge was just going to force his hand.

"I would rather know what I'm getting into before I get into it. You understand, of course, seeing as there's a madman out for my head." Harry said, with a slight sneer.

With hardly a flick of the wrist, Fudge had stunned Harry, the boy now strewn on the floor in a rather unceremonious way, but so be it. Fudge grabbed the unconscious boy's wrist and put the bracelet he had managed to get his hands on from the department of mysteries.

After Harry's arm dropped, Fudge not seeing the need to hold the boy's hand as the magic did its purpose, a feint glow seemed to cover Harry. Good, the spell was working.

Feeling the boy should probably be awake for this, Fudge brought the boy to, the eyes that opened no longer being the bright green that always seemed to have a fire burning behind them, but were instead dull, as though someone had dowsed the flames of determination that normally dwelled there. The sight was chilling.

Thankfully, it didn't take long for his eyes to return to normal, Harry sitting up with a gasp. Unfortunately, the golden glow that was supposed to surround him, leading him to his newly bonded soulmate... Was not acting the way it was supposed to.

Instead of the golden glow that was supposed to be there, Harry had three colours of a glow surrounding him. It started with a whitish blue, then it was a darker yellow, still not gold, and finally there was a purple so dark it was almost black. Why did nothing go right when Harry Potter is involved?

"What did you do?" Harry growled, taking in the glow immediately and rounding on Fudge.

"Now now, this is a good thing Mr Potter, you are now tied to someone who will help you control what you say and can balance out your... issues." Fudge said, making Harry's face go pale.

"You what?" Harry asked, ominously quiet, his face still pale, worrying the Minister.

"I used a spell that will find the person that will fill the missing part of your life, in other words; a soulmate." Fudge said, feeling proud of himself.

"You idiot!" Harry yelled, getting to his feet and storming towards the door. "You have just put an innocent life at risk, assuming it's not Voldemort I'm tied to, not that I would be surprised if that was the case."

"Now, Harry, that's one of the reason I did this, you're obsessed with the idea that You Know Who is back, but he died when you were a baby. You need this person to get you to stop this nonsense, they won't be in danger, nor will they be You Know Who." Fudge reprimanded Harry, but the black haired boy wasn't listening, already stomping back to the Great Hall where Ron and Hermione sat, waiting for him.

"What was tha- Mate, why are you glowing?" Ron said, looking up at Harry as he marched up to them, glowering darkly.

"Apparently our dear minister decided to bond me to someone who will act as my 'soulmate'." Harry said, seething with anger, it was all he could do to not vent his anger by smashing the plates. That would only get him a rant from Hermione.

"I've read about spells that do that, Harry, but they never have three colours for the glow." Hermione said, looking at her rightfully angry friend with concern.

"Great, just great. He must have messed it up. I have no idea what he did, he must have stunned me." Harry said, this situation not helping him calm down in the slightest.


Severus was in his potions lab when he suddenly felt an overwhelming pull to the Great Hall. He tried to ignore it and continue to supervise the detention that was going on (clearly some of the third years thought that it would be a brilliant idea to brew polyjuice potion for a prank ) but he found himself getting closer to the door,

Sighing in irritation, Severus rounded on the third years. "I have to be somewhere. If this room isn't spotless and the ingredients aren't up to my standards when I come back then you will each loose your houses 50 points and be in detention for a further week." He announced, ignoring the groans from the students, but they immediately set to work faster, not knowing how long he would be gone.

When Severus was almost at the Great Hall, he looked down, realising that he had a dark purple, almost black glow around him.

"Dumbledore, just what is going on in here?" Severus asked, his robes sweeping and his tone commanding an answer.

"Oh come on!" Potter yelled from his seat at the Gryffindor table. Of course this had something to do with the Potter boy, he was forever getting into trouble.

"Severus, are you alright?" Dumbledore asked, his usual twinkle in his eyes

"Answer my question and I'll know." Severus said, giving the headmaster a dark look.

"I apologise, Severus, but I simply have no idea what you mean." Dumbledore said, looking between the two glowing people in the room, when the doors burst open, 2 hooded figures standing there.

"Dumbledore, what have you done?" One of them asked, clearly trying to mask anger and frustration behind a commanding tone, a whitish blue glow just visible from under the long hood.

"I have done nothing, you, on the other hand, have charged into my school while you have no right to be here." Dumbledore said, looking at the intruders with slight apprehension.

"If we have no right, why were we pulled here?" The other figure asked, this one having a dark yellow glow.

Fudge chose this moment to walk back into the room, seeing the two glowing newcomers, he guessed that they must be those the spell had chosen to complete Harry's needs, and that Harry could complete their needs.

"I see the spell has taken effect. Unusual that it's more than one person though." He commented, walking further into the room, causing the 4 glowing people to round on him.

"What did you do, fool?" Severus asked, exasperated with the man's antics. Of course it was him who had caused this, who else would it have been?

"Snape, that is no way to address the Minister of Magic. I might expect that from Mr Potter, but you are older and should have learnt to respect your betters." Fudge said, pulling himself up to his tallest height, which was still too short to be intimidating.

"Answer us, Fudge, what did you do?" An ominous voice came from the first hooded figure. It sent a shiver down everyone's spine, and Harry received sympathetic glances from Hermione and Ron.

"I did what was best for both the boy and the wizarding world." Fudge said, still holding his head high.

"But what was that?" Dumbledore asked, hoping it wasn't what it looked like.

"Oh some spell from the department of mysteries. It bonds him to the person who is his soulmate." Fudge said with a wave of his hand.

"You idiot." Dumbledore said with a sigh, annoyed sounds coming from the three glowing people

"Can I at least know who you two are?" Harry asked, looking at the two hooded figures, hoping it wasn't Voldemort and that he wouldn't be as unlucky as he was with Snape.

Lucius removed his hood, receiving a gasp from around the hall and a cold glare from his son. Then the other removed his hood, there stood Voldemort, making many people scream, Fudge was repulsed by how close he was to the man and moved as far away as he could.

Harry groaned, slamming his face into the table with a loud thump, causing a clash of sounds as the plates and goblets bounced. "Why me" He mumbled, Hermione patting his back sympathetically.

"Come along, Potter, Malfoy... Voldemort. I believe we have things to discuss." Severus said, after looking up as though asking for strength to deal with this crazy situation.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked, looking wary, which was fair enough, being faced with the idea of being almost alone with Voldemort, the man who has tried to kill him many times.

"Somewhere we can discuss these... recent events." Severus said coldly, already walking out of the room and down the corridor.

When they reached the Room of Requirement, working so no offensive magic could be used, they were all sat facing each other. It was an awkward silence, none of the 4 really understanding the events that had lead to this strange turn of events.

"So... Is there any way to get this off?" Harry eventually asked, raising the wrist that still had the bracelet on. He wasn't fond of the thing, but not just because it had tied him to a teacher who hated his guts, the madman trying to kill him, and the father of a student who hated him, it was also starting to make his wrist itch.

Severus took a look at it, before sighing and turning away from the bane of his existence. "Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it. Not unless you want to live in agony the rest of your life."

"Great." Harry said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "This is exactly what I wanted. Christmas come early."

The room soon descended into silence again, silence until a young looking girl suddenly sat beside Harry, wearing long robes that would resemble the Hogwarts uniform if it wasn't for the distinctly Beauxbaton colour scheme and Durmstrang fur around her shoulders. She looked to be around 11, a first year.

"Hello everyone!" She said cheerfully, smiling brightly at the lot of them, causing Harry to jump, nobody had come through the door so where had she come from? "It's nice to finally meet you all..." His eyes trailed over Voldemort, "well... most of you.

"I'm sure you're wondering who I am. I am Magic, and I'm here because in this room there are two powerful instances of when my gifts have been grievously misused. Can anyone guess what they are?" He asked, looking at the four people in the room, the coloured glow from the binding almost invisible now.

"This?" Harry asked, raising his wrist to show the bracelet that still sat there.

"Correct, that is one! Have a cookie." She said, handing him a plate with warm chocolate chip cookies on. "Any guesses about the other?" She glared at Voldemort.

There was silence. They knew that she was talking about the no longer human man, but he was still a powerful wizard and they didn't want to go against him so obviously. Even if this child was who they claimed to be, they were definitely strange enough to be.

"Alright. I suppose I can deal with that spell first." They said with a sigh, grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling it close to them, pulling the bracelet off with ease. "Unfortunately even I cannot undo the awful spell, I can however make sure that nobody suffers it again." They said, the bracelet disappearing in their grasp.

"I'm sure you want to know how the spell works and why you were all chosen for it." Magic said, adjusting the way he was sat to make himself more comfortable. "Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with love. In fact, this spell was all but wiped out due to the number of loveless relationships that sprung from it. The relationships are also not always romantic, like in this case.

"Because of this you are all free to seek romance wherever you wish. The only thing you can't do is find someone to replace the position of your bonded." He explained, taking a sip of whine from a glass he did not have earlier. "Now, onto why you each were chosen! Tom, you are obvious, part of your soul is in this boy. I will come back to you later.

"Lucius, you know of certain feelings from another and as such wanted to know Harry better so you would know if he was worthy of being a Malfoy, Fate has decided he is.

"Severus, you wanted to prove you were better than your past mistakes and live up to the title Lily gave you 2 days before she died. You also wanted to have evidence that she was still with you.

"And Harry, you were bonded with these 2," Magic pointed at Lucius and Severus, "because you are in desperate need of a family, more specifically good parental figures who will look after you, unlike those despicable muggles. Honestly if they weren't muggles already and actually under my control, they would be punished most severely. Alas, I am only Magic, it is up to the others how they are forced to repent." Magic sighed, grabbing Harry and pulling him in for a hug. 

"I told you to eat those cookies. You're one of my favourite mortals, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you if that's what you're worried about." Magic said, looking at the still full plate of cooling cookies.

"Um, I'm not hungry." Harry said, not sure how to respond to this crazy... was he a deity or a person? He didn't know. 

"Nonsense, look at how skinny you are." She said, reminding him of Mrs Weasley when he first came to the Burrow, she must have assumed that he had just gone through a growth spurt.

"I'm not hungry." Harry insisted, but from the look on Magic's face she was not impressed with him. He was sure that she was going to make him eat at some point.

"Why would any of my soul be in that... boy?!" Voldemort asked, sounding offended by the idea.

"You are most disappointing." Magic said, looking at him in disgust. "You have abused my gifts so much that you don't even realise when you do it further wrong. You truly are disgusting, thinking you can speak for me and kill my children?

"And not only my human children, how could you set a basilisk loose on this school not once but twice? Why would you drink unicorn blood!?" Magic was clearly angry, a strong wind forming around them, filled with power. Harry wanted to pull away, but their grip on him was too strong, he almost felt like he was being suffocated by their rage. "And the pain you have caused!

"No more! Leave my sight!" Magic yelled, waving their hand and the seat where Voldemort had sat was now empty. Not taking note of the others' faces, Magic merely sat back down and took another sip of wine.

Harry coughed, suddenly feeling as though he could breath again, causing Magic to turn their attention to him.

"Oh, my child, I'm sorry, I had forgotten I was hugging you or I would have been more careful to protect you." Magic said, a look of regret on her face as she saw the well masked confusion and fear in Harry's eyes. "This must all be a bit much for you mustn't it?" She asked, looking at him with concern.

"Rest well little one." She said, petting his head and sending him to sleep, the chairs the two were sitting on turning into a soft bed for him. Magic got up after tucking the now sleeping teen in and occupied the seat so recently vacated by Tom Riddle.

"What did you mean by me wanting to know if Potter was worthy of being a Malfoy?" Lucius asked, being careful with his wording, not wanting to suffer the same fate his previous master just had.

"Dearie, no need to worry, while you have also abused my gift, you did it out of fear, rather than the greed of that man. Your father suffered his fate for what he forced you to do and your crimes lie with him." Magic said, her wine glass turning to a mug of tea that she was sipping daintily. "And to answer your question, I am magic, I know everything that happens to my children. I know of your son's feelings towards the little one and I have discussed it with Fate who had previously tied the little one to the youngest Weasley.

"After a bit of discussion we agreed that your son would be a better match for the little one, the Weasley girl is good at love, finding it easy and shouldn't have a hard time getting over the little one. He and your son, on the other hand, have a harder time letting people in. Their love takes longer but is deeper, although neither kind is more true." Magic explained, ignoring the looks of confusion from the two men.

"What did you do to the Dark Lord?" Severus asked, more apprehensive, after all, he had joined the man of his own free will, unlike the man next to him.

"His magic has been distributed between babies who would otherwise have been squibs." Magic said without the bat of an eyelid as though this was something he did all the time, then again, it was possible that he did. "And you needn't worry either, you have already repented for your crimes, and those after were born from your grief. Although you should have handled yourself better, you now have the chance to redeem yourself, use it well."

"Unless you have any more questions, I suggest you leave. I'm sure you have other things to attend to and I need to sort out the little one's magic." They said, rising, the room changing from the almost comfortable scene it had been before to a more homely feeling hospital like room.

As the two men left, it looked as though Magic was brushing Harry's hair, only the long strands they were brushing was his magic. They could see what they meant when they said his magic needed sorting out, it was matted and tangled. Just what had happened to the boy?


Once Lucius left the room he was greeted by a rather angry looking Draco. Letting out a slight sigh as Severus left to the dungeons to see if the third years had done as he had told him, Lucius gestured for his son to follow him. If they were about to have the conversation he thought they were about to have, it would be better if they weren't in the middle of a public corridor.

Once the door had closed behind them and Lucius cast the spells to keep this discussion private, Draco started to talk. "How come you get to be Potter's soulmate? You know how I feel about him and you said you accepted it!"

"Dragon, I do accept your feelings towards Harry, and I had no choice in being bonded to him. Will you let me explain though?" Lucius asked, taking a seat after transfiguring the stool into a comfortable leather armchair that was black and green. Draco sat opposite him, not bothering to make his chair more comfortable.

"First of all, do not question my support of you." Lucius said, fixing his son with a harsh glare, although his eyes showed his love for his son. "Second, I don't think you understand this use of the term Soulmate.

"I am not, and never will be, romantically involved with, or attracted to Harry. In this case soulmate means what he needs in his life, not who he loves." Lucius explained. "Apparently he needed parental figures, which is why Severus and I were chosen. Neither of us wish to be closer to the boy than that, I assure you."

"Then what about the Dark Lord?" Draco asked, feeling somewhat relieved by what his father was telling him. At least Potter wasn't bonded to anyone yet.

"Apparently some of his soul was in Harry. Magic killed him though." Lucius said with a strained sigh. All those years of keeping his thoughts in check, only for the (less than) man to be destroyed in the flick of a hand by a child.

"So... That means no more war?" Draco asked, looking at his father hopefully. He knew how much his parents hated fighting for Voldemort and was glad the man was gone, hopefully reducing the stress his father was always feeling, why his Malfoy mask was so good.

"No more war." Lucius said in response, feeling warmed by the bright smile sent his way by Draco, the hug also most welcome.

"We have to tell mother!" Draco said happily, knowing that his mother would probably be worried sick about his father, if her constant nagging towards him was any clue.

"I will as soon as I get back to the manor tonight. There is still a lot that needs to be sorted out with this new arrangement, and your mother needs to be involved. Honestly I'm thankful the boy wasn't bonded with a mother because that would have made things difficult, you can't replace a bonded." Lucius explained to the questioning look his son sent him.

"You know mother, I promise you she will be mothering him by the end of the day she meets him." Draco said, knowing how Narcissa is whenever the family increases for whatever reason.

"I'm sure of it. I had best be off son. No doubt I'll see you soon." Lucius said, giving his son a final hug before leaving.

"Where are you going?" Magic asked as Lucius was about to leave the castle. It seems he was done dealing with Harry's magic.

"Home, I need to inform my wife of what has happened here. Unlike the other two, I have no place staying at Hogwarts." Lucius said.

"Well unfortunately, you have to stay here. The bond hasn't fully developed yet and the three of you need to be close by. You can tell your wife to join you if you so wish, I'll inform Dumbledore of the changes. Be sure to be back by the end of the day." Magic said, before disappearing, no doubt with Dumbledore right now.


They were an unusual family, none of them really seeming to quite match. It had taken Ron a while to accept the changes, but eventually he did, Hermione and Ginny supported them, although they spent a few nights with just the two girls helping Ginny get past her crush on Harry.

Gred and Forge took great joy in teasing Harry for the first week, all in good fun. They would never turn their back on their youngest brother, even if he wasn't a brother by blood.

Future students at Hogwarts didn't believe the older years' stories about professor Snape, or how harsh he could be. The man had finally let go of his past, letting his new family help heal his grief. He was much nicer to everyone, a fact which had convinced several classes they were going to die.

Harry and Draco did indeed end up together, as Fate and Magic had agreed upon. They ended up with 2 children, both adopted. One was adopted using a potion that made the child biologically theirs, the other was a young boy whose situation had been so like Harry's was that they simply had to take him in.

As for the Dursleys? Dudley was allowed a second chance, being sent to a strict boarding school and with a therapist's help he eventually apologised and reconnected with Harry, which helped when his daughter ended up being a witch. The girl's mother had abandoned him with the baby as soon as she was born, leaving him with nothing, so he lived with Harry and Draco for a while, being sure to do as many chores as he could while raising the baby.

Petunia and Vernon? They were left to Harry's new family. Harry was, once again, put into an enchanted sleep, the others knowing that he wouldn't want to see this and the magic involved insuring his safety. (Really, so many people thought they were entitled to a relationship with Harry because, due to the care he received {both from his family and a professional healer}, he had grown up to be a very handsome young man.) Then they went to the house.

Petunia was turned into the same kind of flower she was named after and sold, Vernon was turned into a pig.

((A/N: I hope you liked this story. It was based on one that I read on called Fudge's Fudge. I have changed it a lot from that {I don't support the idea of Harry being in a romantic relationship with Severus and Lucius} as the change in ship required a lot of changes. If you want to read that, it is probably better written than mine, don't expect it to be Drarry. The link is so enjoy!))

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