TodoDeku, Neko Quirk

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(A/N: I literally found this picture, I love it, and I thought I could make some TodoDeku with it. Not my artwork, I found it somewhere else on Wattpad, but all rights to the original owner.)

Shōto was having a normal day, his life had improved exponentially since he started UA, even before the sports festival his day had brightened at the thought of the baby of the class, Izuku Midoriya.

Shōto had admired his determination, puzzled at his connection with All Might, been warmed by his concern, and overjoyed at their time together. There was something about Midoriya that caused something in Shōto that he couldn't quite put his finger on. And this feeling had only grown since the sports festival

Shōto pulled his sleeves down as he neared UA. It was a nervous habit he had gotten into, afraid that people would discover the abuse he went through at home and belittle him for it.

"Todoroki-kun!!!" A familiar voice called out to him as he approached the school building.

Speak of the devil (or rather, in this case, angel) and he shall appear. A small boy, whose hair resembles broccoli, was running towards Shōto from the school grounds.

Izuku engulfed Shōto in a hug, something Shōto would only allow Izuku to do (Momo found this out the hard way when she was trying to cheer up a sad looking Shōto the day Izuku was off for surgery).

"Good morning Midoriya." Shōto replied, fighting the urge to ruffle the small boy's hair.

"Have you heard the news? Apparently there's a villain on the lose who can change people into nekos if they get touched by them. I wonder how that works! Is it a pressure point or..." Izuku said, starting to mutter towards the end, contemplating the new villain's quirk.

Shōto let out a rare smile at the sight of his clos-, no, only friend getting lost in quirk analysis again. True, Shōto had known about this new villain (having the no.2 hero for a father did allow him to find out about new villains quickly), but he always preferred to get his news from the fluffy angel in front of him.

"Come on Midoriya, we should go to class soon, or we shall be late." Shōto said, stretching his hand out for Izuku.

Izuku blushed slightly as he took Shōto's hand, this went unbeknownst to Shōto, who was facing towards the classroom.

Izuku is gay, he had known this for a long time. His first crush was a young boy in his class. He would always try (unsuccessfully) to protect him when Kacchan was bullying him. The young boy hadn't reciprocated his feelings, however, and join Kacchan in bullying him. Izuku knew that his feelings towards Shōto were of the same kind, Izuku loves Shōto.

When they got to the classroom Ochako bounced up to them, noticing their hands immediately, and making a mental note to talk to Izuku about it later.

"Hi you two! Have you heard about the new villain!? His quirk sounds really cute though!" Ochako said, her excitement apparent for everyone around.

Izuku, becoming distracted by a possible quirk conversation, let go of Shōto's hand as he began to discuss the new villain's quirk with Ochako.

As soon as Izuku let go of Shōto's hand, Shōto's heart sunk. He walked over to his desk and sat down, facing the front as he looked over at the smiling Izuku.

"Todoroki, your gay is showing." Mono said, taking a brief look at Shōto, before looking back at her book.

"My what?" Shōto replied, not having heard Momo's words as he was focusing on Izuku.

"I said, you're making it too obvious you like Midoriya." Momo said, putting down her book as she looked at Shōto.

"Unlike you with Jiro, you mean?" Shōto replied, not taking his eyes off the smaller boy.

"I guess that's fair." Momo said, looking towards the front as class started.

*Time Skip brought to you by Minetta being off sick*

Most days Izuku and Shōto would walk home together, but this time Izuku had promised to walk with Ochako. As a result, Shōto was walking home alone.

When he was almost at his house, he stopped for a moment. He was looking at the cats on the poster in the shop window. Shōto loved cats, not to the extent of Aizawa, but more than most people expect from him.

There were shouts as Shōto looked up, he felt pressure on his forehead as a man ran past him. Shōto thought little of this as he continued to his house.

*Time Skip to the next morning brought to you by

Thank you*

Shōto woke up the next morning to a slight pain in his head, and his head feeling heavier than usual. Thinking nothing of it, Shōto got dressed and went to get breakfast.

"What is that on your head!?" Enji's voice boomed across the room to Shōto.

"I don't know what you mean." Shōto said, taking a piece of toast from the table.

"Those ridiculous cat ears, why do you have them!?" Enji repeated.

"Those what?" Shōto asked, reaching up to his head, to feel... Two warm, soft cat ears on his hair. "Where did these... Oh."

"Why do you have ridiculous cat ears on?" Enji said, waiting for his son's response.

"I think I must have run into that new villain yesterday." Shōto said, carefully not meeting Enji's eyes.

"You useless child! Why do I even bother raising you!?" Enji bellowed, causing Shōto to flinch away. "You are no longer welcome in this house! Get out!" And with that, Enji threw Shōto out of the door, and slammed it in his face.

Shōto made his way to school, doing his best to hide the new cat parts of his body and the new bruises Endeavour gave him.

When he reached UA he went directly to Recovery Girl's office and knocked on the door. Barely a second later, the old woman's welcoming voice called out for the person to enter.

Unknowingly swallowing a lump in his throat, Shōto walked in, allowing, now, for his ears and tail to be easily seen.

"Yesterday, while walking home, the new villain used his quirk on me without my knowledge. Do you think there's anything you can do about it?" Shōto said, barely keeping his usual monotone.

Recovery Girl shook her head sadly as she said, "I'm sorry Todoroki, but there's nothing I can do with my quirk to help you. The effects of this villain's quirk only lasts for a few weeks, if that helps."

"OK, I'm sorry I bothered you." Shōto said, walking out of the room.

As he exited, he almost walked directly into Izuku. Izuku stopped, only centemeters away from Shōto's chest.

"I'm so sorry Todoroki-kun!" Izuku said, looking up at Shōto. "Todoroki-kun! What happened!?"

"That new villain used his quirk on me yesterday, while I was walking home." Shōto said, still bearly keeping his emotions in check.

"I'm so sorry! If only I had been walking with you yesterday it might not have happened." Izuku said, wrapping his arms around Shōto.

This was the straw that broke the donkey's back, and Shōto began to cry. Big, ugly tears rolled down his cheeks as he, in turn, hugged Izuku and burried his face into Izuku's hair.

Izuku was shocked by this, never once before this had he witnessed Shōto cry, and never again did he want Shōto to be this sad again. Lost for anything else to do, Izuku kept his arms around Shōto, stoking his back until his tears subsided.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya." Shōto said, hiding his face from Izuku in shame as he turned to walk away.

Izuku grabbed Shōto's hand, not allowing the taller boy to leave. "Todoroki-kun, please tell me what else is wrong. I'm here for you, you know that, right."

For Shōto, it felt as though Izuku had just freed his left side all over again. This small boy, not someone that would stand out much in a crowd, saved him so many times.

Izuku pulled Shōto to the windowsill and sat down, gesturing for Shōto to do the same. "This has something to do with Endeavour, doesn't it?"

Shōto just nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak at this moment. Not that Shōto wanted to let Izuku down, either.

"What did he do now?" Izuku asked, his eyes outlining Shōto's wrists, ensuring there was no blood visible through the sleeves.

"I'm... Not allowed back in the house, not now that I allowed this new villain to use his quirk on me." Shōto said, avoiding looking at anything in particular.

Izuku was shocked by this, he knew that Endeavour was a bad guy, but even this was worse than he expected. Izuku pulled Shōto into another hug.

"You can stay at mine, if you'd like. At least for the time being." Izuku suggested, murmuring into the taller boy's ear.

*Time Skip brought to you by Inko being best mum*

"Mum! I'm home!" Izuku called out, Shōto behind him as he took off his shoes.

"Izu! Welcome home. I see you brought a friend over. I'm Izuku's mother, please call me Inko." Inko said, excitably as she reached out her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Inko-san. My name is Todoroki Shōto." Shōto replied in his usual monotone, shaking Inko's hand.

"Mum, Todoroki-kun is Endeavour's son and Endeavour kicked him out. Can he stay here for a while?" Izuku asked, failing to hide the blush creeping onto his face for him asking about his crush spending the night.

"Of course! Shōto-kun, feel free to stay as long as you would like. I'll be making dinner. Izu, show your friend to your room then I need to talk to you for a moment." Inko said, not risking a wink, but noticing her son's blush as she left.

The two boys stood awkwardly in the doorway until Izuku grabbed Shōto's hand and pulled him to his room.

"So, um, Todoroki-kun, this is my room." Izuku said as he looked down and fiddled with his thumbs.

"It's... Very you, Midoriya." Shōto said, unsure of what Izuku was looking for.

Izuku was walking towards the door as Shōto suddenly said "and, Midoriya, call me Shōto. Your mother does and it would be perculiar for her to and you not to."

Izuku slowly turned around and smiled with the brightness of a thousand suns. "Sure, Sho. You can call me Izuku." Then he left the room.

As he was alone in Izu's room, Shōto inwardly blushed. Izuku was too cute, and already had a nickname for him.

In the kitchen, Inko was cooking as her son walked in.

"Hi mum, what did you need?" Izuku asked.

"That boy, Shōto-kun, he's the one you like, right?" Inko asked, not looking at her son as his face exploded into a multitude of reds that would put Shōto's flames to shame.

"W-wha h-h-h-how... How did you know?" Izuku stuttered, caught off guard by his mother's invasive question.

"Mother's intuition. Or... You're easy to read." Inko replied, smiling as she continued to cook for the three of them.

"Is it really that obvious?" Izuku asked, taking a seat watching his mother cook.

"Only to someone who knows what to look for." Inko replied, "now go back there! Don't leave your guest waiting!" And Inko shooed Izuku out of the kitchen.

*Time Skip brought to you by an author who can't write short stories*

That evening Inko had been 'too busy' to put clean sheets out on the guest bed, so Shōto and Izuku shared one.

"Can't sleep?" Shōto asked after the tenth time Izuku changed position.


"It's okay. I can't sleep well either."

"Sho... Can I ask you something?"

"What is it... Izu?"

At Shōto's words Izuku's face was aflame again, he was so glad it was too dark for Shōto to see him.

"Um... Well... I-... I like boys... Not girls... And... Well... TODOROKI SHŌTO PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!"

Shōto was taken aback by this. Midoriya Izuku, the boy who mad him feel the emotion known as 'love' liked him back? Wasn't this supposed to not happen?

Izuku, who had been waiting on Shōto's response for a few minutes now, took the latter's silence as refusal.

"I'm sorry, that was selfish of me. Just forget I said anything... I don't want to lose your friendship." Not that Shōto could see it, but a dark shadow was covering Izuku's eyes.

Izuku turned away from Shōto as he began to cry. And then, to his surprise, a warm, fluffy cat tail wrapped itself around his waist as Shōto burried his face in Izuku's hair.

"I would love to, Izu."

And, with that the two boys fell asleep in each other's arms.

(A/N:2115 words excluding author's notes. I would love to know what you all think of this chapter.

Shout out to Totodekuforlife they are amazing and I love them ❤️!

Bai my little dragons 🐲🐉)

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