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A request from
A golden brown lioness stalked in the tall reeds. The rustling got closer and she paused, ready to pounce. What was in the grass? Whatever it was, it smelled delicious. You had been trying to get this strange creature for a straight week, but failed every time. Now, with it within reach.....

"Y/N!" You heard a voice call. The creature heard it too and sped away. Mentally facepalming, you got up from your crouched position and turned to face your friend behind you.

"Fearless!" You scolded.

"Do you remember that creature I told you about? The one I kept trying to catch?" Fearless nodded and was about to open his muzzle to speak when you cut in.

"You scared it away!" The lion's eyes gazed at the spot where you were hunting.

"I... sorry. There's just, I wanted to show you something." He said apologetically. You tilted your head to the side.

"Oh? What kind of thing?" You asked. Fearless gave you a grin that made your heart flip.

"You'll just have to see!" He said as he turned around, gesturing for you to follow. You did so without hesitation.

Fearless had been your friend for a few months. The two of you met in the strangest way. He had been setting up a plan to kill the lion Titan, and you had overheard. You also hated Titan and decided to introduce yourself. You grinned as you remembered the first words you had uttered to Fearless.

"Mind if I help you kill Titan?" You didn't like to think yourself a murderer, but Titan made your blood boil. Walking into Fearless, who had stopped, jolted you back to reality.

"Alright, we're here!" He said excitedly.

"Where exactly is here?" You asked.

You appeared to be on a dirt path surrounded by bushes and trees on either side. It didn't look like there was anything here. Fearless grinned again and pulled back a large leaf with his paw. You gasped as you set your eyes on a beautiful clear water lake, filled with colorful fish and surrounded by lush ferns.

"How did you find this?" You asked in awe.

"Well technically I didn't find it. Thorn showed it to me a week ago and I've been dying to show you ever since." Fearless watched your child like amazement with a smile. You put a paw into the lake, quickly finding out that it was actually a hot spring. It felt so good on your sore muscles.

"I figured you might like it today especially, since... you know... yesterday's workout." Fearless said.

Looking back on the events of yesterday, you remembered how Fearless took you adventuring, but you accidentally stepped into a different pride's territory. They chased you out mighty quick, and boy were they fast. Sliding your whole body into the hot spring, you let your muscles relax as the fish swam in circles around you. Fearless hesitated for a moment, then joined you in the water. You weren't exactly sure what you felt, but you sure felt something when you were with him. Like a strange sort of happiness... what was this feeling? Fearless sighed as he sat in the hot water.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"I just... sometimes I just really miss Swift and Loyal..." he said sorrowfully.

"Your parents?" You guessed. He nodded. You scooted a bit closer to the lion.

"I'm sorry about them. I'm sure they were great parents." You said.

"They were..." Fearless looked up at the small patch of sunlight streaming through the treetops. You decided to scoot even closer.

"At least... at least you still have me." You said boldly. His round ears shot up in surprise and you thought you caught a hint of blush under his fur.

It seemed as if you were being controlled by some other worldly being as you took this next action. You leaned your head into his thick mane, causing him to actually purr a bit. He turned to look at you, his golden amber eyes gazing into your E/C ones.

"Y/N?" He mumbled. You tilted your head. Fearless leaned forward and licked your cheek, causing that happy feeling to skyrocket. Howls of laughter came from up in the trees.

"Thorn!" Fearless scolded.

"How long have you been there?" The baboon flipped upside down and hung from the branch by his tail.

"Long enough, Swiftcub!" He said.

"I told you not to call me that." Fearless sighed. You didn't care about the baboon being near. You leaned into Fearless, realizing what the happy feeling was. Thorn giggled again and swung back up into a normal position.

"Hey... sorry about the whole 'scaring away the elusive creature' thing this morning." Fearless said. You just shrugged, smiling as if you didn't have a care in the world.

"If you want I can help you catch it next time." An even wider smile lit your face.

"That would be nice."

Slowly but surely, I'm getting these oneshots updated! And yes, in this oneshot, you. Are. A. Lion!! *jazz hands*

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