Hypnotic Taking Over Me

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Urmila could not understand what's happening to her. His cold gaze was too much intense for her to think clearly. She was baffeled. She was irritated at best. There, others' gossip about the two Ayoddhya princes were not helping either. She needed a quite place to be at comfort with herself.

Her favourite hiding place was perhaps the small clearing sorrounded by huge trees in the forest, nearby their palace. She was not expressive enough with her inner most emotions, especially those emotions that might tense her sisters for her. So whenever she was angry or confused, she came to be at peace there. Today was no different than that. The day was cloudy. Grey clouds, perfectly cold breeze and a calm silence of the nature helped Urmila to revisit things that were going around....


"Didi.... didi.... Sita didi!!!" Urmila nudged her sister.

"Wh... what? What happened?" Sita stumbled over her words, jolting back to the reality.

Urmila scrunched her face, always calm and composed Sita seemed lost for last couple of day. Even when Rajrishi Janak announced Sita's swayambar, she accepted her father's wish quite calmly and happily. But knowing her sister, Urmila could understand something is bothering Sita.
"Shouldn't I ask you the question? What happened?" Asked Urmila.

Sita stared at Urmila for a few moments. She knew if anyone could bring any hope, any peace, it was her younger sister. Urmila had always a way with her words. She looked at her surroundings, grabbed her sister's hand, taking her in their room. She shut the door. Then went to the balcony. Urmila followed her there and hugged her sister from back.

"Didi, won't you tell what happened? Is it anything related to swayambar?"

Sita's face flushed for a moment. Looking down, she nodded her head. Then a restlest, almost sad expression settled on her face. Urmila guessed right.

"I met him." Sita whispered.

"Him?" Urmila asked, surprised.

Sita nodded, "The day before yesterday, while coming back from Gauri Mandir, I was crossing the garden. The Prince from Ayoddhya, who killed Tadka; he was there, picking up flowers. Urmila, how can I tell you how I felt when our eyes met? It was as if my whole existence found it's meaning. Everything felt beautiful, my soul was singing the most happy song it ever knew."

Sita looked at her sister. She was quite.

"Urmila, tell something. Am I wrong to feel this way? Pitaji already announced my swayambar. What should I do now? What can I do now? Will he even participate? Why am I feeling this way? Why now?" Sita pleaded, sound defeated.

Urmila whispered, "You are in love, didi."


"Didi, you are in love" Urmila's smile broaden, while Sita looked baffled. Seeing this Urmila assured her, "As per our father's wish only the person who can pick up the Pinaka, could ger your hands on wedding. None but Prince Ram killed Tadka. He is powerful yet humble, knowledgable, gentle. What are the odds, he is here at the time when swayambar is happening? What are the odds, right before that happens you met him, and felt the connection? It's all mata Gauri's wish didi. I believe your feelings will be reciprocated."

"You are saying so?" Asked Sita, looking for hope. And hope it was that Urmila gave to her sister with her confidence.

◇•°•◇ Next day ◇•°•◇

Sisters were coming back from the mandir finishing their prayers. By now, Mandavi and Shrutkeerti were also aware of the fact; sisters never hid anything from one another for a long time. Both of them also agreed with Urmila that it's destiny, which assured Sita.

Urmila was leading the way while suddenly a dark, cold gaze made her halt on her steps. It was so sudden that Mandavi almost tripped on her. She glared at Urmila. At that very moment they heard a deep and composed voice coming from back,

"Pranam (greetings) Devi. Forgive me, though we met earlier, I did not introduce myself. I am Ram, eldest son of King Dasharath." said Ram.

Sisters turned around. Sita went numb, while Mandavi and Shrutakeerti could not think any quick response. By that time Urmila collected herself from the unknown emotion. She greeted back and introduced themselves to the Prince.

Sita gained some courage to talk to Ram. She thanked Ram for saving the yagna and ashram from Tadka. They were chatting about Mithila, while the three were silently observing their sister and prince Ram. Their hope was turning into confidence that this meeting was indeed destiny. Urmila felt restless suddenly and tilted her head slightly to look back. Her brown eyes connected with the black intense eyes, a shiver run down her spine. She was arrested with that dark gaze.

They have heard about the princes of Ayoddhya. The bond of the four brothers were alike the sisters. While Ram and Lakshman arrived Mithila, not only the stories of their couragious acts but also gossip of the bond between the brothers and, of course, of their handsomeness spreaded like wildfire. Both brothers were tall, well-built. They carried out their power like an armor but with enough humility. Ram was dark, his eyes were kind, his smile could lighten the darkest place of the earth. His presence calms people, assures people with love.

But Urmila was not ready when she saw Lakshman. Nothing about that man was soft. He was rough through and through. His perfectly sculptured face had a slightly crooked nose. His eyes were alert. From his strong neck, broad shoulder to the V-shaped waist- everything was screaming one word, 'Warrior'. Urmila heard that while prince Lakshman was the most loyal to his brother, Ram, like a shadow; he was the angriest among brothers. She could understand why it was said about him just by looking at him for few moments. She was intimidated surely, but she was surprisingly intrigued to that man as well. Her throat dried, but not in fear but something else that she could not name. Never in her life she felt like this. And then his deep manly voice broke her hypnosis.

"Pranam Devi" Lakshman greeted all the princess, looking towards Sita's feet. He was a man of few words. His next words were to Ram, reminding him that muni Viswamitra was waiting for them. Urmila noticed a small smirk on Lakshman's face towards Ram, indicating the playful bonding between the two. Such a small nice display of affection between the brothers but it was not ignored by the other sisters as well. It warmed their heart. Ram bade goodbye to the princesses and went on their way. But the two princes of Ayoddhya took the peace of two princesses of Mithila with them, though one pair was unknown to the fact.

~Flashback ends~

Suddenly thunder rumbled and shook the earth. Urmila snapped back to the present. Rain started pouring. It was beautiful. Though she wanted to enjoy it, but the dusk was near and she did not want her parents or sisters to get worried. She stood up and took few steps while she stopped on her tracks. Again.

Again, those black eyes, dark intense gaze which was masking her restless, arrested her, taking away all her senses.

Lakshman was standing there with all his glory, taking in the beautiful maiden with his eyes, who had the ability to destroy his resolve.

To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed the writing. I am sorry for the delay of updating. Honestly, I do not find it in me to write properly. But I promise to finish this part within this week.
I took the title of the story from the song "Hypnotic" by Zella Day.

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