Corrupted Dimensions

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Hello my friendly friends I'm here to discuss my new book I'll be posting pretty soon!

Maybe on Saturday or Thursday. ( Possibly early )

I'm going to take a small break of Watch for the Siren's and the World of OC plus AU, I'll still be writing them but sometimes it's great to do something new than just work on the same thing over and over again.

Hope you guys understand. Uwu

So let me tell you some things about it.

There are 15 dimensions










Natural Disaster





And Fear

Backstories/ things about them:

Despair: It used to be called Determination but someone lost hope on their big dream and began spreading. This made the dimension a post apocalyptic world, only a few people didn't lose hope yet. The ruler of this Dimension is unknown for now.

Dark: It's always been dark, but ever since Wholesome and Dark had a war over a thousand years ago, they began partnering up with the Fear Dimension, and currently made a corruption to Wholesome only, but it spread to all of dimensions. The leader is unknown for now.

Chaos: it's always been destructive and chaotic even when it was made a few million years ago. The Leader is named Ruler Crak. Although Cyber tries to declare war on them but Crak refused and had to kill the leader to make them stop bugging him. So he has a little bit of a bad reputation.

Wholesome: Wholesome has been around to spread positive vibes to all dimensions no matter if they are enemies, but apparently Dark didn't appreciate it so they had a war that went on for centuries, it finally ended when Dark's old dictating leader died by the Wholesome leader ( who passed away also due to sickness and passed it on to their son ). The current leader is unknown for now.

Aesthetic: The chill vapor wave dimension of all time was the first dimension ever made, but it was called something else: the Cloud Dimension since it was all cloudy and puffy. Over the years, it became more pastel, vapor wavy and chill. The colors are toned down and everything is soft. The ruler is Queen Leslie.

Space: It wasnt make with just rocks and lava like other dimensions, instead it was made by planets, low gravity, and a longer bedtime! The current leader or LEADERS are Sun Sun and Moon Moon who has a son named Soon Soon who's a prince. Moon Moon has a brother Anti Moon Moon causing trouble which turned to cause a war against Natural Disaster, it ended a few hundred years ago.

Cyber: It's an internet hacking dimension to learn skills and copy other dimensions and paste their strategies for wars. Ever since the war against Chaos, they hate that dimension and claim vengeance but the new leader refused. The new leader is unknown for now.

Normal: Well... It's Earth, but less political arguments and viruses spreading around. It hasn't had wars yet, they almost declared war against Fear and Duck but it never happened. The leader is unknown for now.

Duck: A beautiful garden full of duck guardians and friends! Don't worry half the population are humans or humanoids- the other half are ducks. They don't really have a lot of problems with other dimensions but had an argument with Despair and Normal. The leader is King Duck.

Natural Disaster: There are 3 separate islands for these disasters, the earthquakes and tornados are in a dry and earthy land, the hurricanes and tsunamis just randomly hit islands. Drought and sandstorm is just a desert but good thing the people there can live without water. The blizzard and hail are in an iceberg and snowy like island where tsunamis hit the most. The leader is unknown for now.

Elemental: Four borders of the 4 common elements, fire, water, earth, and air. They were gonna have a war with Normal but it didn't really happen but they are prepared. The leader is unknown.

Swap: This dimension is a little interesting. If you were born in there, your born with the opposite emotion your real self has. The same thing happens if you enter in, and its uncontrollable unless your really powerful and the swap effect doesn't work on you. The leader is unknown.

Zombie: it used to be a normal dimension made out of donuts and fun but a virus spread around and it became an apocalyptic dimension. Like normal they don't really have wars. The leader is unknown.

Candyland: Don't be fooled by the name, once you enter in... You thought of candy and gumdrops falling from skies? WRONG! Everything is actually full of fetishes and kinks. They are the most hated and least populated dimension in all of the Dimensions, maybe perhaps the Celestial Stars hate them too-

Fear: Partnered up by Dark Dimension, they are made by fears of other people living there, half of the population aren't scared of their fears or they are rather more scary while the other half have severe anxiety and possibly depression. They were part of the corruption spread thanks to the leader, the leader is unknown for now.

The unknown leaders will be made shortly and introduced by my art book

If your too lazy to read I'm very sorry T-T

I'm excited about this lmao??????

Now the characters:

Buns ( main villain and also part of the corruption and tries to keep it going )

Stuffy and frosty ( his stuffed animal )

Dexter and Lexi ( Sienna's characters )

So uh enjoy broskis-

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