Basically the lore of Dawn Wings

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Some dude named Atticus thought up a weird but inclusive school for the children of heroes and villains alike. I have no idea how he thought that was a good idea, but here we are.
The children get along surprisingly well considering their backgrounds, but that might just be because none of them ever had good friends and no one talked to them. It's a very common trait for some reason.

While people are studying and Hulious makes 'soup', a future villain kills five kids because they're 75% demon and have little control when it comes to that sort of thing.

Atticus somehow didn't see it coming and is very sad, whilst the rest of the staff give Kanati 50 bucks for their bet that people would get murdered. He knew this was gonna happen at some point.
Meanwhile, we have numerous characters being simps. Andrew (or just Drew) is crushing on a guy named Ali who secretly has a dead sister who takes over his body at night. Vei, the 25% demon girl, is horns over heels (get it?) for a certain villain-to-be named Rose; all while cat-girl Carol watches in despair. Xilor did the murder in the first place, but he is also completely in love with a very nice human named Sam.
Everyone is gay*. We do not know why.

ANYWAY, Xilor is under heavy suspicion because he's so obvious. Literally everything about him points to 'murder' one way or another. From his mum condoning and rewarding violence to the fact he eats forks. Poor Sam. Poor cutlery.

Some random guy under the alias of 'Voodoo Host' meets up with Xilor and is all like: "You're gonna get caught you dumb piece of shit. Blame the necromancy boy-band that was in the forest with you!" Xilors like: "Okay but what do you want in return for your help? You don't seem like a 'Imma help him because of the kindness in my heart' kinda guy" and Voodoo Host is like: "Never mind that, lets talk about you", which is really suspicious but Xilor don't care for some reason.

Xilor gets all itchy again, kills three more people, and then proceeds to have a mental breakdown about what will happen if Sam finds out that he's a killer. Meanwhile, Atticus also has a mental breakdown because 8 kids have died at his school in less than a month (I think?)
It's mental breakdowns all round!

Kanati finds a phone with a false recording of the first murder. This recording frames 'Jordan and the Necromancers**' but they shut it down immediately since they actually know who the killer is. OOoOOoOooOoo!

Before they can do much else, the vengeful spirit Lavender Brawson attempts to deafen them (James especially) for no real reason besides she hates people. Miss Hall takes them inside her room after they all faint in synchronization (lined up, fainting in order), as any boy-band should. 

The end. For now.

*Not everyone in this rp is gay, but a LOT of relationships are same-sex ones

**Jordan and the Necromancers is now their official boy-band name and there is nothing you can do about it

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