Definitely not

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No, I'm not making a SU Dawn Wings AU. I did not recently discover gemcyt and got inspired. So, here's the list of things I haven't done:

- Xilor is not an emerald

- Vei is not a rose quartz

- Mattias is not a smoky quartz

- Odette is not an amethyst

- Hulious is not a peridot

- Carol is not a pearl

- Rose and Ali are not lapis lazuli's

- Drew is not a paparadscha sapphire

- Sam is not a star sapphire

- Jordan and the Necromancers (James, Matthew, Lucas) are not rubies

- And I will not decide more later

And I am not making art. Or fusions. And Hulious is definitely tall, no limb enhancers needed.


(Also, prepare to meet ilmenite)

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