The characters of my* future Deitne AU

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(*I say 'my' because I didn't exactly consult anyone about it, so it may/may not be canon, it depends ig)

Six Thompson

17 years old, and is easily known as the strongest fighter in her year, taking after both her mother and father. She inherited her fathers divine blood, and his shadow magic. From being called 'little owl' as a nickname in her younger years, she has a tendency to make her shadow magic appear in the form of an owl.

She's either in a confident and slightly protective mood, or she's annoyed at everyone for being total idiots (which they are). Definitely the most emotionally and mentally mature.

Felix ???

Also 17. I made his character a long time ago, as a bullied primary school kid that sought out protection from Six. Naturally, they became best friends. Felix has Atlantis divine blood, and has a few water tricks here and there, but nothing too powerful. He much rathers usual weapons when it comes to fighting. He made the matching bows that he, Six, and Katie wear.

Katie ???

17. She is a precious little Undergrove girl. Generally the voice of care in her friend group, but hanging out with Felix can result in her becoming a little ball of energy and bouncing off the walls like a chaos gremlin. She is able to manipulate plant life, but usually only uses it to make the best tea ever.

Phoebe Shea/Stinson idk which last name (or if it's both)

16. She is high in confidence, yet a little low on empathy. She can be really nice and fun to be around, but has a little trouble containing how she actually feels, meaning lots of resting bish face. She and her twin are known specifically for talkin shit. She has ice magic that is surprisingly strong for her age. Has Rivendell divine blood.

Marcus Shea/Stinson

16. The definition of a drama queen. He is the gatherer of gossip for his and his sisters chats, while she judges everyone they're talkin about. Again, not necessarily bad people. They're teenagers. Not every teen can have perfect empathy and behaviour. He has many friends around the school, and nobody knows how. Has shape-shifting powers, but is still perfecting them. Also has Rivendell divine blood.

Claus Shea/Stinson

14. He is like me: does not care about random people. While his older siblings love a good gossip session, he does not see the point. A lot of kids in Deitne only recognise him thanks to his brightly colourful wings, except for a select few, plus this random Swampeth guy in his tech class that Claus hates. He just gets his work done, talks to who he needs to, and adores his alone time. He has Grimland divine blood, and has a gift for machinery.

Elijah ???

14. Literally a psychopath. He's gotten so good at pretending to feel emotion that he can put on different personas in the blink of an eye. He has Mythland divine blood, but only gained healing magic. He ignores it, and instead focuses on his little theory: that there is a 13th deity. And as it turns out, he shares a history class with someone who can prove it. A blood sample should do just fine.

Damon Thompson

14. Never received a special talent. He was proven to have divine blood, they just couldn't identify it. And so he just had to live with that. Of course, going to school where one of the subjects is literally 'special talents' did not help. He never dealt with it well, and ends up a tad depressed. 

Though, he inherited a special type of blood from his mother: Xornoth's divine blood. When the deity himself offers him the power that Damon's blood held, Damon said yes before he could think it through. As it turns out, corruption magic is highly addictive. And it poisons your blood, slowly taking over your whole body. Fun little fact.

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